The One Called Jupiter-Book 1
Author's Note: Please do not murder me! This is one of those stories that you can't help, but want to post. That's what happened to me. I love this story. I wanted to do something like this and make it a NON crossover. I tend to always make something happen to Kino Makoto. The reason being is Tsukino is the star of Bishoujo Senshi Sera Munn. We all know that! Duh! Mizuno Ami seems to be the favorite in Japan. I believe Serena (Usagi) is the favorite here in America. I see a whole bunch of other stories with the other senshi as the stars. My favorite just happens to be Makoto-Chan. I adore her because I admire her for her independence. It's cool! I'm a faithful Kino Makoto-Sailor Jupiter Fan! Where are all the other Jupiter Fans?! They vanished!! Anywho, thanks!
Summary: Sailor Jupiter gives up her soul to save Sailor Moon, but not quite the way she expected. Please Read & Review! Thanks!
Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. I only own made-up characters. Give me pity on the little I seem to own, which is close to nothing! Hahaha!
Sailor Jupiter watched in horror, as the youma named Nisseki thorugh Sailor Moon into a metal building.
"Ah," Sailor Moon screamed in pain and the tears fell from her bright blue eyes. 'Makoto-Chan, please save us,' Sailor Moon thought, as she looked at Sailor Jupiter, before fainting on the pavement.
'Where the hell are the others? Sailor Jupiter had enough! 'I have to save Usagi-Chan, no matter what!' "Hey you, why don't you pick on somebody you're own size?" She yelled at Nisseki. Her entire body was trembling with anger and she had unshed tears in her emerald green eyes. She hated to see Sailor Moon getting hurt or any of her other friends. She would do anything for them. She had to save Sailor Moon. Nisseki turned to Sailor Jupiter and griined.
"You think you can handle me?" Nisseki was not very pretty with crystal blue eyes and a rather plain face. Her eyes were to close together and her nose was long. Her hair was the color of the night sky and she was tall. The only thing she liked was her crystal blue eyes. That seemed to be the only thing appealing to her. She was a powerful youma and she loathed Sailor Jupiter. Sailor Jupiter possessed beauty that Nisseki could only dream of. Sailor Jupiter had emerald green eyes and very beautiful long brown hair. She was tall and very slim. Nisseki was going to use her intelligence and make Sailor Jupiter play right into her hands. Nisseki gave Sailor Jupiter a grin that made the hair on her neck stand straight up. "I'll make you a deal, Jupiter. You give me your soul and I'll let Sailor Moon live. If you deny me, I'll make sure Sailor Moon dies, slowly and painfully." Sailor Jupiter's eyes widen in horror.
"What?!" Sailor Jupiter could barely choke out. Sailor Jupiter looked at Nisseki like she was crazy.
"You heard me correctly, Jupiter. I will kill her if you deny me. It's your choice. Your friend could either live or die," Nisseki gave Jupiter an evil smile.
Sailor Jupiter looked over at Sailor Moon, who was unconscious and lying on the pavement. She looked at Nisseki. "Fine, have it your way. I will not allow you to kill Sailor Moon, even if it means killing me." She gave Nisseki a nasty glare.
Nisseki laughed and Sailor Jupiter was slightly confused. "Oh no, Jupiter, I don't want to kill you. I want to be you!"
"What?!" Sailor Jupiter took a step back, but before Jupiter knew it, Nisseki grabbed Sailor Jupiter by her shoulders. Sailor Jupiter's eyes widen in horror. "No," Sailor Jupiter cried out. Nisseki then began forcing herself into Sailor Jupiter's body, making it one. Sailor Jupiter fell to the ground, holding her burning chest. She felt the evil forging itself within her. Sailor Jupiter gasped for air. It was difficult for her to breathe. Then Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus appeared. Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus ran over to Sailor Moon. Sailor Uranus ran over to Sailor Jupiter , with Sailor Neptune right behind her. Sailor Jupiter couldn't talk and she felt darkness begin to engulf her.
"Makoto-Chan, hang on," was the last thing Sailor Jupiter heard before the darkness took over. She fainted in Sailor Uranus' arms. Sailor Uranus held Sailor Jupiter to her. She de-transformed her into Kino Makoto. Sailor Mars de-transformed Sailor back to Tsukino Usagi. Unknown to the others, a little black mark appeared on Makoto's neck.
Author's Note: Okay, revamped and edited. I wanted to write more than last time. I noticed I was writing little things here and there during the story. One person e-mailed me, informing me that they were a little confused. I was writing things and I noticed I didn't include them in previous chapters. So I am sorry and this is the newest version of the prologue. Thanks again!
Dancing Spirit of Jupiter