Ask Team Possible
By Galaxy1001D
Kim Possible and other Disney characters are © Disney Co.
In a cheerfully lit Disney studio, Kim and Ron sat in director's chairs while Rufus sat in a tiny chair placed on a little table in between them. A large screen displaying Wade in his room was on the wall behind them.
"Hi there, gang!" Kim waved cheerfully. "It's time once again for another installment of 'Ask Team Possible', and the answers for the questions that you sent in last year! Are you ready to go, guys?"
"We're with ya, KP!" Ron gave the 'thumbs up' gesture.
"This time we are focusing on the 4th season," Kim addressed the camera. "We experienced a lot of changes and lots of character development, more than in the first three seasons combined."
"We'd like to thank all of our fans at this website for writing such great fan fiction," Ron pointed his finger at the camera. "It wouldn't have happened if not for fans like you! You can tell that the writers read your stuff from the strange directions that our episodes took. It was like being in fan fiction, only being paid a whole lot more!"
"Ron, shu-uh!" Kim warned.
"Sorry KP!" Ron blushed and leaned back in his chair.
Wade's image on the huge screen behind them spoke up. "Okay, this question is from Tenchi Masaki of Okayama, Japan. He wants to know about baby Hana. He writes, "How did Ron's stepsister Hana get mystical monkey power? The only ones with mystical monkey power are Monkey Fist, Ron, and Rufus."
Rufus made a high pitched noise that sounded vaguely like "sure 'nuff!"
"Wow, Tenchi, that's a good question," Kim's eyes widened as her mind raced for an answer.
"That's a good one," Ron agreed as his brow furrowed in concentration. "Got it! We need an outside expert to answer this question!"
Kim gestured to the large screen in back of them and spread her arms out wide. "And to answer your query, we present the world's foremost authority on mystical monkey power, Lord Montgomery Fiske, better known to our fans as Monkeyfist!"
"Take it away, MF!" Ron gestured to the screen behind him. Wade's image disappeared behind him to be replaced by the disturbing visage of the stone image of a bestial man contorted in agony.
"Oh, yeah," Kim's enthusiasm disappeared and she squirmed in her seat uncomfortably. "That's right. Monkeyfist was turned into a statue by the Yono, wasn't he?"
"He's still a statue?" Ron asked incredulously. "I thought he would have been changed back by now!"
"I guess he's um, dead for a while until something changes him back," Kim bit her lip and looked away.
Ron scratched the back of his neck and drew his eyes away from the screen in back of them.
Rufus twitched his whiskers and looked at the camera.
The horrifying image of Monkeyfist vanished to be replaced by Wade. "Sorry about that guys," said the twelve-year-old super genius, "I found another expert to handle the question, okay?"
"Bring him on, Wade," said Kim, attempting to recover her Disney Channel cheerfulness.
"Okay," Wade nodded, "without further ado, I bring you Master Sensei of Japan's secret Yamanuchi Ninja Academy. Take it away, Sensei!"
Wade's image vanished from the screen to be replaced by an elderly Japanese man who wore red robes. His snow with hair was in a topknot and his full beard and mustache gave him the appearance of an Asian Santa Clause.
"Thank, Master Wade-san," Sensei nodded formally. "It is indeed an honor to answer the question that has been set before me. Now that the threat of Monkeyfist and the Yono has been overcome, the mystery of Hana Stoppable can be revealed."
"Great to see you again, sir!" Ron greeted.
"Hi," Rufus squeaked.
"Master Sensei," Kim's voice became all business. "Tenchi Masaki asked a question that lots of us want to know. Where did Hana get mystical monkey power?"
"Yeah, I thought you could only get it from magic idols," Ron nodded. "Was she left in a mystic maternity ward or what?"
"Hana Stoppable received the mystical monkey power from her father," Sensei answered before lapsing into his inscrutable façade. "As the tiger has power and agility, so they are passed onto the humble kitten."
"Wow!" Ron exclaimed. "Just who was her father, Darth Vader?"
"Ron!" Kim scolded. "Show some concern for Hana, will you?"
"Everybody knows that mystical monkey power is sick and wrong Kim," Ron insisted.
Sensei ended the argument simply be speaking calmly. "Mystical monkey power, like so many things in life, is misunderstood. Mankind is but a clumsy ape, a foolish monkey. Only by discovering our true selves can we cast off our primitive impulses and call ourselves humans."
"I thought that monkey power was all about being a monkey," Ron blinked.
"No, Stoppable-san," Sensei shook his head. "It is about being a man. As one must walk before one can run, so must one crawl before one can walk. Only by mastering yourself can you master life. To master yourself you must start at the beginning. First you are as a lowly insect. A foolish 'grasshopper.'"
"So that's we that guy on Kung Fu, was called 'grasshopper'!" Kim exclaimed. "It's just like being called 'kid' or 'probey'!"
"Then you are as a frog or a mouse," Sensei continued. "Finally you become as an ape or a monkey. The final challenge between you and enlightenment. The final obstacle before you can call yourself human. Monkeyfist was blindsided by the cleverness of the monkey. He came so far, only to stumble at the end. He failed to learn the lessons the monkey could teach him, and focused on the brute power of the primate. He is not the first to fall just before reaching the peak of the mountain of fulfillment, and sadly, will not be the last."
"But I hate monkeys," Ron insisted. "How did I learn the lessons that monkeys could teach me if I can't stand them?"
Although Sensei barely moved in his chair, it was as if he had turned to speak to Ron alone. "You fear the monkey for it represents the animal within you, the savage impulse that all men must master and overcome. As with any weapon your inner monkey is a useful tool, but incredibly dangerous if misused. Monkeyfist allowed the monkey to overcome him, whereas you overcame the monkey. Your experience as a child started the conflict between you and the monkey at an early age. You mastered your fear and mastered yourself, and thus mastered the mystical monkey power. You could turn the mischievous monkey into your ally, when it was first an enemy."
"That's right," Kim nodded as she pointed a Ron. "Remember Chippy?"
"That's right," Ron held up a forefinger. "He was one of Monkeyfist's monkey ninjas before I thought he was you and made friends with him!"
"Just as you redeemed the monkey, so you redeemed yourself," Sensei nodded. "By conquering your demons, you have conquered yourself and have access to a power that Monkeyfist could never possess."
"Ah come on!" Ron's face turned red. "You're making me blush!"
"A lifetime of humility and courage could take you to the truth more effectively than I and my humble school ever could." Sensei continued despite Ron's protest. "Truly, you have stumbled upon the enlightenment that has evaded scholars and mystics for generations…"
"That's all well and good," said Kim getting back to business, "but who are Hana's biological parents? If she inherited mystical monkey power from them who are they? They must have been exposed to power the same as Ron and Monkeyfist."
Sensei's face remained an unpenetratable mask. "As I said earlier, Hana inherited the power from her father. Her innocence as a toddler left her mind clear of the distractions of the world and allowed her to focus her mystical monkey power without fear or disbelief. As she grows older and learns the lies of the world, she will have master herself all over again. And so the voyage of life goes on…"
"But who is this guy?" Ron interrupted. "Who else has the MMP? Is he a good guy or a bad guy? Where was he when Monkeyfist attacked the school or when the Lowardians invaded Earth? Is he dead or what? And what about Hana's mom?"
"Hana's mother gave up her daughter willingly so Hana could learn the lessons that you had to teach," Sensei answered serenely. "Although she knew that Hana and her father are destined to walk a different path than she is, it was still her honor to conceive the child that would save Yamanuchi and the world from the Yono."
"Wow," Kim blinked. "I don't think that I could ever do that. She must be an amazing woman."
"Yes," Sensei nodded. "I'm quite proud of her. Her sacrifice saved all our lives and was not in vain. And she knows that Hana is with Stoppable-san, where she belongs, for only with compassion and discipline will the child…"
"That's all well and good," Ron interrupted, "but who else is going to go mystical monkey power on us? Is Hana's father the next Monkeyfist or the next Luke Skywalker?"
"How could Hana's mother trust her baby to a stranger?" Kim asked. "If she was my baby, I could only give her up to someone that I trusted implicitly!"
"Stoppable-san's compassion and courage are well known to Hana's mother," Sensei assured the redhead, "for she had the honor of experiencing both first hand while we had the privilege of having him as our exchange student."
"Wow Ron," Kim elbowed the boy affectionately. "You must have made quite an impression."
"I am what I is!" Ron pointed to himself with both of his thumbs.
"But who is she?" Kim asked Sensei. "Can she at least visit Hana?"
"And what about Hana's father?" Ron asked. "Is he going to come looking for my little sister? Are we going to have to protect her from him?"
"No need to fear Hana's father," the old man assured them. "Hana's father desires only the best for her daughter, though he knows her not. And Hana's mother got to see her daughter blossom under Stoppable-san's care."
"Wait a minute," Kim furrowed her brow suspiciously. "When we took Hana to Japan the only girl at the Yamanuchi School was Yori. And you said that Hana's father knows her not." Kim's eyes became cold and her voice assumed a scolding tone. "Ron!"
"What?" the boy retorted somewhat defensibly. "What did I do?"
"What happened that week that you spent at the Yamanuchi School?" Kim crossed her arms. "Anything you want to tell me?"
"Well," Ron's eyes looked up at the ceiling as he leaned back in concentration. "I trained with the ninjas, rescued Yori and the lotus blade from Monkeyfist. We celebrated, and I went home. I had to walk all the way to the airport. It was my honor. You know, honor isn't all it's cracked up to be…"
"Exactly how did you celebrate?" Kim's voice became deadly, and the look on her face reminded Ron of the Shego at her angriest.
"Um, er," Ron shifted uncomfortably in his seat as courage left him. "Uh, Yori introduced me to something called 'socky.' It's spelled like 'sake', but it's pronounced 'socky'. That's the first time I ever got drunk. I woke up totally naked and I had all these scratch marks on my back. Yori was next to me, wearing my shirt. It took us two hours to find her pants. We found Rufus on the roof and we still don't know how he got up there…"
"You woke up naked?" A vein on Kim's head began to twitch, "and Yori was dressed only in your shirt? Did she have any underpants?"
"Sure, we found them in the hall," Ron shrugged. "Why are you looking at me that way? You act like Yori and I…uh oh!" The boy's eyes widened in recognition.
"Yow!" Rufus cried. The hairless rodent hopped out his little chair and ran across the floor towards the exit.
Before Ron knew it, Kim had pulled him out of his director's chair by his shirt and put her face only inches from his.
"Exactly who is Hana anyway, huh?" Kim shouted. "Huh? Is she your daughter or your sister?" She backhanded him across the face.
"She's my sister!" Ron cried.
Kim slapped him again.
"She's my daughter!" Ron protested.
"She's my sister!"
"She's my daughter!"
"She's my sister and my daughter!" Ron howled. He staggered back when Kim finally released him.
"Ron!" Kim growled with tears in her eyes. "I am so going to kill you!"
"Ahh!" Ron screamed as he dashed for the door. "Spare me Kim! I was drunk! I didn't know! I was drunk! Ahh!"
"Alas," Sensei's image remained as placid as a still photo. "Such is often the price in the quest for truth." Just as the mountain seeks the rain, so does the…"
The old man vanished from the screen to be replaced by Wade's worried face. "Um, that's all the time we have for now," stammered the juvenile genius. "See you next time on 'Ask Team Possible'."
Crashes could be heard in the background as well as Ron's cries: "Ow! Quit kicking me! High heels? Since when do you wear high heels? Ow! OW!"