Author's Note: I love Leon and Sherry. Just wanted to remind them of that.
Disclaimer: I do not own, in any
part, Tim's Cascade Potato Chips. I just love them a lot.
Genre: Drabble/Humor
Characters: Leon and Sherry
Rating: K
Summary: Sometimes, Sherry gets
sick. Even though Leon's worried, he's not worried enough to get
close to her.
Twenty-four Hour Flu
Mazzie May
"Oh, my God." Leon stares from the safety of the hallway. "Sherry, what is wrong with your face?"
"Oh, screw you, Leon," comes the hoarse, coughing reply.
He winces, sort of leaning forward, making sure not to actually go into the room. "What happened?"
Sherry wipes at some stray tears from red, red eyes and flushed cheeks. "I don't know, I just woke up like this." She attempts to clear her throat while using a paper towel to blow her nose into.
He rests his arms on the outside of the doorframe. "You want a doctor's appointment?"
"I'm not going in public like this!"
"I know I wouldn't…" He smiles a little. "But we need to find out why this happens sometimes."
"Eff. You."
"Right, right." He shakes his head.
"You're, like, the worst comforter. Ever."
"You're face is leaking. How do you comfort a leaking face?"
"Get out."
"Like I was ever in that HAZMAT zone."
A bare paper towel roll sails across the room and hits his chest. "Shut up and get my more."
He picks it up, and leaves. Once she hears him on the phone with her school, explaining that she won't be attending Saturday School today, Sherry pulls out the bag of Tim's Cascade Style Potato Chips (Jalapeño flavored) that she'd hidden underneath her pillow and stuffs another handful into her mouth.
"Phew…!" She coughs and chokes on the intense, burning flavor as her eyes fill with shocked tears and her raw nose begins to dribble a little bit more.
"Works every time," Sherry wheezes. She tucks the bag away when the stairs creek, coughing loudly, hard enough to gag as he tosses a fresh roll at her.
"Leon, gimme a hug."
"Eff. You.
Author's Note: I did this once. Eating afore mentioned chips reminded me of it and I just wanted to write something. That besides, I haven't written anything for these two in a while. Shame on me. But here you go. And the line, "red, red, squinty eyes" is meant to be that way.
R&R please. Assuming these are still fun and popular.