This is my second POTC: DMC fic in both my opinion and my dearest friend Captain Davy Jones we both agree it is the better of the two...this is more of a fic concerning Clanker and its set after DMC not sure were its goin yet but I am open to some good twists and ideas...Well enjoy

Chapter One Welcome Aboard!


The name of the horrid beast rang out as the unfortunate crewman ran from the rail of the LS Legacy the flagship of the only pirate fleet in the Carribean, as a large tentacle appeared over the edge.

Panic filled the air as the pirates rushed about getting some form, any form of weaponry to defend this ship and their lives. And right in the middle giving the orders was the brave Commodore. The long russet hair flipped about, green eyes sparked, and the voice rang out of the female Commodore. Commodore Kate Gibson, the only female Commodore ever to live, let alone command a pirate fleet of 4 ships. Three of which abandoned them when the Kraken struck.

She drew her sword and held a Spanish Pistol in her hand as she started hacking and shooting at the sea slime covered tentacles of the Kraken. Her men followed suite but it seemed more of them were snatched up after one hack. She dodged and fought trying to make her way to were her first mate stood taking aim and shooting with a rifle. But before she could reach him he was snatched like the rest as the beast wailed in anger.

She spun around hearing an agonized scream as her first mate was thrown about and then she saw two very large tentacles raise themselves in the air and start to come down to wrap themselves around her ship as a roar from the Kraken once agian filled her ears. Her eyes widened with horror as she ran up to the helm and brace herself behind the wheel so that when this half of the ship tipped she wouldn't slide to her death as a snack.

The air filled with the sound of splintering wood, panicked screams, and the hungry roar of the beast. A foul smell of rotting flesh and fish filled the air with force less bearable than when first it was smelt. She tried her best not to hurl, she clutched to the wheel as and squeezed her eyes shut praying for a salvation as she listened to the screams her men and the ship made. Something collided with the back of her head and all went black.

Is this what my end should be?

Kate blinked her eyes open squinting as she did so as a headache split her senses, fortunately her sight was not hindered. The air was silent not a sound could be heard but the lapping of waves. The part of the deck she was on was at a slight incline and was littered with debris and bodies. She stood up a little tipsily then brushed a fleck of grime from her old navy coat. She picked up her tricorn hat that had fell off her head when she stood up, her sword was at her waist and her pistol lost to the depths she figured. Her shirt was covered in blood and her hair was caked with it as well. All in all she could have looked like a living corpse.

She made her way to each body checking for signs of life, if not finding she said a silent prayer and covered them with the bits of torn sails. As night fell the clouds gathered and split into a raging storm, she cursed silently. Then she jumped right into the broken crows nest and back when a large ship that looked like it was covered in sea life jumped up right next to her shipwreck. She stared gaping at it then rushed off to hide.

She hide in the closet of her cabin her sword at ready in her hand her breathing was rushed and she was sure if anyone was near could hear the drumming of her heart. Her breathe caught as she heard harsh greaty voices out on the deck. She heard something about survivors and search the ship.

She heard the voices fade away and her breathing was less labored, she sighed in relief. After a few minutes she heard footsteps and, wait a minute chains? Yes it was indeed chains and they were inside the cabin! Her heart jumped inside her when they stopped right in front of her hiding place.

Kate peeked through the hole in the door to be looking into a dark grey eye! Her eyes widened as she took a step backward to put distance between the door and herself. Unfortunately the door was swung open and a barnacle covered hand grabbed her and yanked her forward. She was face to face with some sort of sea monster she figured. He for it appeared to be a he had grey skin, seaweed for hair, and a crescent pastry looking nose.

"What 'ave we here?" he asked his visible eye gleaming. "A young'un it seems-" a string of curses ensued as she broke free by digging her heel into his boot. He swung at her with his ball and chain as she ducked around him just missing her arm.

"Get back 'ere boy!" he yelled.

"I aint a boy!" she retorted from behind a chair.

He came at her swinging. She ducked just as it made impact with the back of the seat snapping it in half and just missing her hat covered head.

"If yer a man yer still a boy!" he hollered seeming to not be able to think of a better reply.

She jumped up looking at the broken chair and then at him.

"I aint either cause Im a girl!" she said giving a mock curtsy before dashing for the door.

He stood there blinking a couple of times and then rushed after her swinging his weapon at her legs. Kate fell to the floor hard her legs entangled in the ball and chain. She felt herself being flung up and once again she was face to face with the 'sea monster'.

"A girl eh? Well then lets see what the Captain says with ya," he said walking out the door.

She realized then and there even if she hadn't gotten hindered by the ball and chain, her escape attempt would have been futile. There were at least a dozen more 'sea monsters' milling about. Four other of her crewmen were in a line on their knees quivering like a bunch of wet nosed babies. To think men like that had crewed in her fleet, the thought was sickening. The other 'sea monsters' turned in her and her captors direction.

"Looks like Clanker found another whelp!" a hammerhead shark looking 'monster' said with what sounded like a cheerful mocking tone.

"Aye I did and this ones a girl!" her captor replied, she couldn't tell what his tone was, it was well masked.

She struggled trying to break free but one he was too strong and her legs were still bound tight.

"Save it girl if ye live yer gonna be needen yer strength for workin," he said putting her next to a sniveling crewman and standing behind her like four other 'monsters' did.

"She's a flamin one aint she?" one with a shell on his head more or less stated his voice laced with cruelty.

She knelt there unwavering, unflinching, unafraid, with a look of calm control and defiance, her eyes sparked like green flame as her sticky russet hair whipped in the wind. She didn't even turn her head or make a sound when she heard a steady gait of someone with a peg leg make their way to the little parade of survivors.

She sensed the other 'monsters' fall silent and look upon this thing with respect as he stopped in front of the sniveling whelp beside her.

"Do you fear death?" he asked, her blood turned cold at his voice but her facade never faltered.

"Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare, your sins punished?"

She couldn't stand his sleek, oily words, they were like poison in clean water. "Oh shut it!" she said her tone exasperated.

Her captor behind her smacked the back of her head, and she looked at him agitated. The one beside her snapped his attention along with everyone else to her.

"Who be you unfortunate fool?" he said standing up.

"Me? Your asking me who I am?" she said her tone indignant.

"It sure seems like it Missy!" he slightly hollered his beard of tentacles quivering with fury.

"Well if you must now I am the one and only Commodore Flamin Kate Gibson! The only female Commodore of the only pirate fleet in these waters!" she said her eyes sparking yet again.

"Are ye now former Commodore? I don't see your fleet Miss."

"That's because when yer terrible beastie attacked my flagship the other three took off and what's left of me crew are these snivelers!" she yelled the last of her sentence her eyes shutting for emphasis at her anger.

"Aw Im terrible sorry for you loss...Which is now my gain!!!!" he said laughing.

"Captain!!! A terrible storm be a brewin we should submerge before it hits!!!" the sharkhead spoke up. "Let us deal with these whelps quickly before its to late!!!"

In Kate's opinion she thought this particular 'monster' was rather lacking in brain cells.

"Mister Maccus it appears ye be right! Gents only 1 survivor comes aboard the Dutchman, decide who it be amongst yerselves!!!" he said stepping back to observe.

Kate braced herself her eyes never leaving the Captain as she prepared for the 'dark abyss'. She sensed four arms raise ax, or sword in hand and then come down. She squinted hearing the sickening sound of slicing flesh. She thought she was dead.

"Im dead, Im dead, I died, Im dead!" she said rather fast. She peeked opening one eye to still see the octo Captain.

"Oh your still here!" she muttered. "Whoa wait a minute IM NOT DEAD!!!!!" she said as this dawned on her. "What's the catch?" she asked raising a critical russet eyebrow.

"A hundred years before the mast!...Welcome to the crew lass!" he said before walking off and disappearing.

She looked at the deck her lips pursed together her eyes wide, she would have rather died. She felt the chains around her legs being unbound and then she was lifted to her feet. She looked to her captor knowing that he had held her life in his hands and had spared her. His deep grey eye locked with her two green ones for a brief moment, an unreadable expression in both captor and captives eyes.

He grabbed her wrist and started walking, a weird sensation overcame her as she suddenly was aboard the sea creature encrusted ship. He continued to drag her along until he came to a hold and shoved her in. He then locked it and left.

Kate watched him go very perplexed indeed. Why had she been spared of an early death? Why was she cursed to serve on this ship for 100 years!!!!! What had she done to even get here? These rang through her head as she slumped to the floor. She was tired and this seemed like a good time to rest, she would conjure an escape plan later when her brain would function.

Soooo... how was it? Please review and gentle constructive suggestions please