Disclaimer: I dont own Beyblade.
This is the sequel to Killer Camp. I hope ya enjoy.
A man walked through a set of two large doors, straight into a neat and expensive office. He walked through, feeling his boots sink into the dark blue carpet and stopping before a polished, mahogany desk. The walls around the large room were lined with bookshelves, filled with books with values that would rival a large car. Behind the desk was another man with his back to the intruder. He stared out the window, not bothering to turn.
"Has he been sent?" He asked.
"Yes sir." The intruder replied. "Though we have been having some problems. The boy has a real problem with authority and has sent a few of our finest to their graves."
"Do not bore me with your trivial drabble!" The man said shortly, turning and leaning his knuckles on the desk. "I do not care for the deaths of your soldiers! The boy is valuable to me. If he has problems, show him the tough end of a whip! Teach him that he is not a free-lance murderer any more! He belongs to me and will obey our orders without question or hesitation. Got that?"
"Yes sir. Sorry sir."
The intruder turned and started towards the door, stopping when his boss called him.
"Oh and Boris? Make sure he finishes the job. After that, kill him too. I don't want anyone breaking him into spilling his guts about us."
Boris didn't turn but smiled wickedly. He started back out the door.
"It would be my pleasure Lord Voltaire."
Hilary Tachibana walked towards her high school with her boyfriend Kai Hiwatari. It had been one month since their camp in the woods where they'd almost been killed and Kai was still recovering from some old wounds. His fight with Omen had given him scars, but not just him, Hilary also. With them, was a tall, slender and pretty girl called Trixie. She was dark skinned and had long black straight hair which was tied back into pony tail. She had three peircings in each ear and on her belly button. She was one of the prettiest and most coolest girls in school. Any boy would throw themselves at her with a simple flutter of her perfect eye lashes which framed her browny honey coloured eyes. Kai, however, thought Trixie was annoying. It was a well known fact they shared a mutual hatred for each other. Kai deciding she was a female version of Tyson.
"It's going to be different without Kenny this year." Hilary said quietly.
A somber silence descended on the trio as they remembered their friend who had been murdered last month, saving Hilary's life in the process. Trixie found the silence unbearable and immediatly changed the subject.
"Oh, guess what girl!" Trixie said loudly, the street in her voice fully pronounced, "There's a new student coming to our school! My inform says he's a hot piece of ass!"
Hilary was accustomed to hearing her friend talk like that. How she referred to good looking guys, was one of the main things that annoyed Kai about her. Hilary nudged her boyfriend and smiled.
"Do you think he'll be nice?" she asked.
"You're not feeling threatened are you Kai?" Trixie asked mischeiviously. "Hilary might fall for him instead of you! Let's all cross our fingers."
"Trixie!" Hilary set her a cold glare then smiled sweetly to Kai, "Kai is my man. No one else can take his spot."
Trixie muttered something under her breath which sounded a lot like "unfortunately" then continued happily.
"Kai! Hil!"
The small group looked back and saw Tyson, Daichi, Max, Ray and his girlfriend Mariah running towards them. They waited until the others caught up. Daichi had already started year seven and because the schools had merged year seven with the high school, they all went to the same building now. They walked together towards the school. Kai had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
'Something isn't right,'
Hilary, Kai, Trixie and Max sat together in home room.
"I wonder who this new kid is going to be?" said Max excitedly, almost bouncing in his seat.
Trixie sat beside him listening to her I-pod. It was so loud, they could all here the tune of Nelly Furtardo's song Man Eater.
"If he's hot he's so mine!" she said.
"How can she even hear us with her music up that loud?" Max asked in amusement.
Hilary shook her head and smiled.
The class room door opened and Mr Hatcher- a tall, male teacher with brown but greying- hair walked in, standing behind his desk. He waited patiently until the entire class was seated and silent. The only thing that could be heard was the faint buz of the loud music from Trixie's ear phones. He cleared his throat.
"Alright kids, we have a new student joining us today," he said in a light and cheery manner, "Please make him feel welcome. Come in!"
A tall, thin boy walked into the class room. His medium black hair was tinged red when hit with the direct sunlight from the window. He had pale skin and wore a black shirt with loose jeans and studded belts around his waist. Around his neck was a chain with a metal ID tag on it, which was usually used in the military or prison. He wore studded wrist bands around both wrists and his left ear was peirced. His londer black fringe of hair fell onto his face, stopping slightly above his nose and half covering his left eye. His eyes. The were completely unique and almost terrifying. They were a sinister looking red colour. Most of the girls in the class room felt their hearts race at the sight of him, pulling out compacts and checking their make-up. Trixie turned her Ipod off and her jaw dropped, the ear phones falling out of her ears.
"What a hunk! I'll maneater him! What do you think Hil?"
She looked over to her friend. Hilary's face was terror stricken. The colour had completely drained from her and her ruby eyes were fixated upon the boy. Hilary felt her heart racing in fear as she grabbed Kai's hand. He was also staring at the boy as was Max. They were frozen to the spot with their jaws ajar and escalating heart rates. Kai held Hilary's hand tightly and clenched his teeth in fury.
The new boy looked at them. There was a sparkle of distant and hidded recognision in his red eyes as they rested on Kai. A thin smirk graced his handsome features. Trixie waved a hand in front of Hilary's face.
"Hello?" she whispered. "Hil? Kai? Max? What's up with you three? You look like you've all seen a ghost."
"It.. it's him..." Hilary whispered in a choked voice.
"I... I thought he w-was dead!" whispered Max
Kai was on his feet in rage.
"I thought I killed him!" he whispered in rage.
"Trixie," Hilary stammered fearfully, "It's him! Th-the one I t-told you about... it's..."
"Class," said the teacher, ignoring Kai who was standing at the back of the class, "Please make welcome Omen Stevens."
The entire class aplauded exept the four friends at the back. Kai went to run at the boy at the front of the class room but Hilary's tight hand prevented him. He sat back down beside her and she clutched his whole arm. Tears rolled freely over her cheeks. Trixie looked form her friends, to Omen, then back to her friends.
"That's the guy?!" she whispered in shock, "He's the one that.. that murdered those park rangers and... and Kenny and tried to kill you?!"
The three nodded numbly.
"I thought he was dead!" said Kai through clenched teeth, "I should've made sure!"
"There was no way you could have." Max muttered. "He fell down a cliff into an underground river for Christ's sake! Anyone else would be a water-logged corpse."
Kai's knuckles were white and his teeth were grinding.
"I failed again!" He growled, "I didn't get revenge for Kenny."
"Don't worry about it." Hilary whispered to him.
She rubbed his hands until they relaxed then intwined her fingers in his.
"So, Omen." Mr Hatcher said, drawing their attention back to the front. "Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?"
"Not really." Was his curt reply.
"Fine..." Mr Hatcher's mouth twitched as it usually did when he was annoyed. "Tell us about yourself."
Omen sighed, clearly bored.
"What do you want to know?"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" A popular blonde girl called out eagerly.
Omen smirked. Hatcher threw her a disapproving glance then returned to Omen.
"Any thing." Hatcher said, "Where you came from, hobbies, goals, likes, dislikes, where you've been. Stuff like that."
"Alright." Omen said. "I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. I have hobbies, but saying them aloud will cause people to run in fear and result in my expulsion."
The class laughed. Only Kai, Hilary, Max and Trixie knew his hobbies included murdering innocent people.
"I'm not at liberty to say where I came from." Omen continued, his eyes fixed on Kai. "Goal... I don't feel like telling you that either. Places I've been? I'd say the two most memorable places would be Juvenile Hall and Prison."
The class went silent. Hatcher stared at the red-eyed boy for a moment then cleared his throat.
"You didn't really tell us anything except you are, I mean, were a criminal."
"Yeah, I suppose I did." Omen replied nonchalantly.
Hilary looked around. All the girls were gazing at him through big, admiring eyes. The guys all looked impressed, they had already accepted him. Hatcher rubbed his brow as Ome stared at him with a bored expression. The dinging on the school bell sounded, signalling the end of home room. The girls had shot up at once and crowded around Omen. A few of the boys joined them. Kai, Hilary, Trixie and Max stood up and watched.
"That bastard should be dead." Kai growled.
"I know babe," Hilary said, taking his hand and looking at their new timetables. "Come on. We have science. We'll figure out what to do then."
"Damn. Trixie and I have Graphics," Max said examining his timetable. "We'll be talking about it too. See you guys later."
Trixie and Max exited the room, leaving Hilary and Kai to watch Omen try and break away from his fans. Kai flexed his fist as he saw Omen finally escape all the girls and leave the room. Hilary took Kai's hand.
"Come on." She said. "We need to tell the others."
Hilary and Kai entered the science lab on the ground floor of the three storey building. The class room was almost barren. A maximum of ten students were present. Kai tapped Hilary's shoulder and pointed towards the back of the class room. At the very back of the room were two study tables. One of which seated an irritated Tala and a talkative Tyson. Tala spotted them and waved them over. Tyson grinned at them and waved. Hilary and Kai took seats between the two boys and immediately struck up a conversation.
"Thank God you two are in this class too." Tala whispered to Kai. "One more minute and Tyson would have had a bunsen burner shoved down his throat."
Kai smirked then became serious, addressing Tyson also.
"We have problems." He said in a low voice.
"You got that right..." Tyson said.
The other three looked at him. His voice shook fearfully and hs eyes were glued to the door. The others followed his gaze and almost fell off their seats.
"No fucking way." Tyson muttered. "It... It's impossible!"
Kai clenched his fists again. "Apparantly it is possible."
Omen walked through the door and headed straight to the back table, paying no one any attention. He sat at the other back table and shot a sideways glance at Tyson, Kai, Hilary and Tala.
"And who is he supposed to be?" Tala asked.
"Omen." Hilary whispered.
"You serious?" Tala asked, turning to Kai. "I thought you killed him."
"So did I." Kai replied stiffly.
"Alright class, quiet down!"
The four turned back to the front and gazed at the thin, balding teacher named Mr Jones. He was well known for his lame sarcastic replies to questions asked by students, for example, "does a moose need a hat rack?" or "does a snake needs socks?". He took out his class roll and looked around the class.
"I'll be putting you in pairs for our practical lessons which will be every day we have our double period. So every Tuesday. You will have these partners all semester, I will choose them and there is no changing. I will go by your surnames. Granger,"
Tyson paid full attention, praying he wouldn't get Omen. Kai also listened intently.
'Put me with Omen...' He thought, 'A lot of things can go wrong in chemestry labs, especially when dealing with chemicals.'
"You're with Hiwatari." Jones said.
Tyson breathed a sigh of relief but Kai cursed venomously under his breath and shot Jones a death glare. Hilary grasped Kai's hand as Jones read out the names randomly. After the other people were called out Jones reached Tala.
"Valkov, your partner is Williams."
"Oh no." Hilary whispered to herself.
"Nice." Tala said, winking at a beautiful blonde girl a few seats in front of them.
Anya Williams blushed brightly and smiled at him, turning away when she felt the heat in her cheeks. Tala smiled.
"Man whore." Kai muttered. "Hil? What's wrong?"
"And finally, Stevens." Jones continued.
Omen didn't bother looking up from the small ant he was de-legging on the table. He was obviously bored witless.
"You're with Tachibana." Jones said closing his book.
Kai stared at Hilary who was shaking.
"Alright all of you," Jones said. "Split into your pairs and get to know each other. I will hand out your first task."
Tala and Tyson both gave Hilary sypathetic looks.
"Don't worry Hil," Tala said, "We'll be watching. If he tries to do anything, we'll stop him dead in his tracks."
Hilary nodded but didn't move from her seat, nor did Kai or Tyson. Tala grasped her shoulder warmly before heading over to his beautiful partner.
"Tachibana!" Jones called. "I said move into your pairs!"
Hilary got up but didn't go over to Omen. She ran to the front of the lab and stood in front of Jones.
"Please sir," She said quietly, "Can I please change partners? I'll take anyone!"
"Anyone?" Jones asked. "Okay then. You can go with... Stevens. I told you, no changing. Now go or it'll be detention."
Hilary returned to Kai and Tyson's table in defeat, gathering up her bag.
"I'll be watching." Kai said. "I wont let anything happen to you. You got that?"
Hilary nodded numbly then walked slowly towards Omen's table. She sat opposite him, trying to slide further away but unable to because of the 1.5 metre length of the table. Omen watched her in amusement, she was clearly terrified. She looked over to Kai but he was helpless to do anything unless Omen made a move. Tala and Tyson were also watching. She looked back to her partner. Omen gazed at her and gave a evil smirk.
"Hello Hilary."
I just had to post this!!! I have had this first chapter ready and waiting to be finished for a while now! All I had to do was type it up, lol. Okay peoples!! The next story will DEFINITELY be the Vampyric Bloodlust/The Living Dead one, okay? I promise!! If I don't, flame me. Sorry I'm not as bubbly as usual. My life is rapidly starting a downward spiral. well, I wont bore you with trivial matters. I hope you liked the first chapter. It will probs end up being the crappiest like all my other first chapters but meh. laterz! xoxxoox
oh yeah, thank you to every who wished me a Happy Birthday. It was today! yay... my 'sweet' 16th. the very first text message I got was this "Is it true you and got drunk and hooked up at ur party? Josh told me. And then you tried it on him?" The name was sheilded for privacy because she is a friend. It was incredibly insulting and not true. Josh, the little dickhead, I didn't even invite him to my party. He thinks we're friends, pfft, loser. A crappy way to start a birthday.
But hey! I'm good! later.