Fans don't fret. The Love Note has not been forgotten. 17 out of the 20 chapters are written. I just had to get this story out of my head. I love it so far and hope you do to.

Miami. Glorious hot and steamy Miami. The place I now call home. My name is Troy Bolton. I live here in southern Florida where I work as a sports therapist for the Miami Heat. I love my life and I love my job. I recently married my high school sweetheart. We live a couple blocks from South Beach and visit there whenever we can. My husband is currently in New Mexico dealing with some family issues. And in case you missed it, I did say husband. The basketball season is over so I spend most of my time at home with the kids. We live in a cute little flat that looks out at the ocean. We have two dogs, a miniature pinscher named Roxie and a Pomeranian named Coco. We aren't your typical gay guys. We aren't all that flamboyant. We don't wear pink or purple and we don't walk around with something rainbow colored on us. We like to live normal lives. My husband Ryan is a teacher at Ponce de Leon High. Our kids hate the fact that their dad is their teacher, I find it funny.

RING RING RING- our home phone rang

"Hello Bolton residence."

"Troy do you have to answer like that? It sounds so weird, like a recording or something."

"Sorry babe. What's up?"

"Well I have a question for you and before you answer just remember that if I don't like the answer I am withholding sex until I get what I want. Got it?"

"Okay. Sharpay can stay with us."

"How did you know that's what I was gonna ask?"

"I call it a husband's intuition."

"Mmmm, husband. Still sounds brand new."

"Well we did only get married like a month ago."

"Hey are the kids around?"

"No Luke went out with some friends and Maddie is at Sophie's."

"Are those kids ever home?"

"Well were you ever home at 18 or 16?"

"Well no, but I was busy with drama and stuff and you had basketball. We at least did stuff. We don't know what they do. What if they're doing drugs or something? Maybe we need to be more involved. Our kids are distancing themselves from us." Ryan said clearly panicking.

"Would you calm down? When are you coming home?"

"We will be home tomorrow morning. Can you make up the guest room?"

"Sure. Listen I'll let you go. Sharpay probably needs to pack and that could take hours. I am going to find the kids and make dinner. Okay? I love you."

"I love you too Troy."


I hung the phone up and began searching the cupboards to try to find something to make for dinner. 'Was Ryan right? I didn't know Luke's friends or what he did for fun. What about Maddie? What did she do over at Sophie's? Did she have parental supervision? ' I wasn't going to allow my thoughts to affect me anymore. I pulled out my cell and decided to give Luke a call. See if he could pick up his sister on his way home.

I listened intently to the ringing as I walked to his room. I decided I would do laundry today too. Ryan shouldn't have to do everything. I opened the door and walked in when Luke came on the phone.


"Hey Luke, its dad. Umm…are you on your way home?"

"I wasn't plannin' on it. Why?"

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Come on home and pick up your sister on the way. See you soon."

"Fine. I should be home in about a half an hour. Is that okay?"

"Yes. I love you, bye."



At least he's not one of those teenagers with an attitude. Ryan and I really did a good job on him. I can't believe he is 18. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home.


The bright lights and ultra clean smell of hospitals always caused my stomach to turn. Ryan was so calm sitting in the waiting room. I on the otherhand was a nervous wreck. We had met Ellie two months ago. She was really nice and really smart. We don't know why she didn't want to have the baby but we were more than happy to raise her baby. But now I am here on the verge of becoming a father and I can't stop the fears from overcoming me.

"Mr. Bolton." The doctor said from the doorway.

"Yes" Ryan and I said at the same time.

"You can come see him."

"Him?" I asked.

"A baby boy."

Ryan gave my arm a comforting squeeze as we walked to meet our son.

We walked in the room and saw Ellie. It was completely against the rules for her to see the baby but she asked and we were more than happy to oblige.

"Do you want to name him Ellie?" Ryan asked.

"No, I want his fathers to name him. I just ask two things of you guys. Give him a good name and take care of him for me."

"Absolutely Ellie, Ryan and I will take great care of him."

We both took turns holding him. We looked in each others eyes and mouthed the same word. Some call it pure coincidence and others call it a lover's intuition. But we realized we both wanted to name him the same thing. LUCAS. Lucas Milan Bolton.

We stayed in the hospital for two days to make sure that Lucas was healthy. Once we got the clean bill of health we took him home. At that time we were living in Albuquerque. Our friends thought he was the cutest little thing ever. Gabriella and Sharpay spoiled him so much. It was really cute. I thought it was funny that Ryan and I had a kid before everyone else.

End Flashback

I grabbed some clothes from the floor and the bed. From the shelves, the closet door. He had clothes everywhere. I hope I wasn't this messy for my parents. He even had clothes on his computer. I snatched them quickly and threw them in the laundry basket. I must have hit a button when I grabbed the clothes because his computer turned on. There was an instant message. I glanced at it quickly. It really wasn't snooping, I was just being a concerned parent.

1BadJJ: meet me da fountains in 10

LukedeMilan18: on my way. c u there.

1BadJJ: don't 4get condoms!!

LukedeMilan18: k

1BadJJ has signed off

What the hell? Oh he is in soo much trouble.

Hope you like….I decided to try a different variation of the Tryan pair. Please RxR.