La Enfermedad Mortal

Chapter 11: Final Showdown… Breakdown


So… some people like the gore, eh? Well, well… I'm not alone. You know, I've only just realized how strange this fic is… it's not the plot, it's how I wrote it… observant people getting a little disorientated, eh? Sorry… it's all over soon… soon… #... And the radio says: This is a low but it won't hurt you. When you're alone, it will be there with you. Finding ways to stay solo…# Err… my army of blur fans will know what I mean. The rest can be gifted. Now everyone is happy! LAST CHAPTER!!! YEAH!! I'M FINISHED!!! WOOP! WOOP! XD –opens champagne- erm… I'm 18. Honest. –Sniggers- I would like to thank everyone who ever read my fiction story, even if you did manage to escape without reviewing. I LOVE YOU GUYS! CHOCOLATE FOR EVERYONE!!!


Yes, even the original creators of Gorillaz (it's not me) can have some treats! And that includes the wine 'cos they're legal… apparently… Well, they are 38 so I should think so.



"Noodle… Noods, it's me… it's 2D… Are you there? …Noodle?" 2D asked the door urgently while he knocked against it repeatedly. He sighed in frustration and looked around him at the spectacular landscapes and the morning sun's rays shinning down upon it all and the passing everyday people. The sea's swift waves and the gentle winds that rustles the trees of paradise. It was beautiful. Just like the photos. 2D smiled as he took the experience all in but soon focused upon his real mission as he turned back to the smooth white door. He knocked again with an anxious whine and waited impatiently… but nothing. Where was she? Perhaps she was out? 2D needed to see her now, he needed just to even glance at her lovely face for the last time… 2D gave it up and reached for the handle of her door. He rotated and pushed it open as a last resort but fell forward onto the door as it clicked open. He staggered onto the carpet in a heap as it swung wide open. He moaned in pain and confusion as he picked himself up and rubbed his sore head.

"Ow… so she is home?" he asked himself as he walked into her living room and studied the well cared for and slightly creative area. He frowned finding the room actually quite empty compared to what he was expecting. "… Noodle? … Noods, your door was open which means you must be here…" 2D made his way around a corner of the room and he neared the kitchen where she lay… "… I'd be really worried if you weren't," he mumbled as he turned into the cooking area. His hollow orbs scanned the clean metallic kitchen and he spotted from behind the bench on the lino something that pumped his heart loud and fast… a gentle pool of blood red liquid. 2D slowly walked towards the scene with reluctant feet but a determined sense. There was a perfectly reasonable explanation for that blood. It wasn't Noodle's and she is just peachy… but optimism couldn't save him from his own private tormenting hell now.

"N-Noodle… is that… you?" he stammered as he walked around the bench cautiously. He avoided the wet blood and forced his eyes to peer down onto the floor… and he saw her… lying on her stomach, her clothes and hair drenched in her own blood… her face deathly pale… eyes closed… and dried tears running down her cheeks. Noodle was dead. 2D stood rigid and gapped at the hideous sight of cold-blooded murder. The pain was like him suffering the same death as her… he looked around for a cause or some sort of weapon and he found the knife tossed away to the side. Dry blood covered the sharp blade in a thick layer… and then he knew… it was her own doing… it was suicide.

2D let out an ear-piercing shrill scream of horror and backed up against the wall keeping his distance away from her corpse. Tears leaked from his cringing face and he sobbed freely as he glared all around her and took in her expression like powerful blows to the mind. He mourned loudly and staggered over to her static body and dropped to his knees. He shook in anticipation, the hopes that this was just another practical joke and she really was alive… but something deep down was screaming at him the truth that it was too late. He took a trembling hand and reached out to touch her hair, her ends slightly damp with a bright red colour mixed in. His fingers stroked through her violet strands and immediately his optimism faded away. Her hair felt dull, dry, weak and like uncared for. It was lacking her usual coloured brilliance, the shine and soft textures it usually contained in her strong hair.

He groaned as his arms wrapped around her body and he flipped her over gently onto her back. He held her in his tight grip and looked down into her open wound and the eternal bleeding that had now stopped. His teardrops fell onto her pale face and he wiped them away. She was so cold… so young… how could this have happened? 2D couldn't give up, he needed to tell her the very thing they both have wanted to hear for a long time… her moved the hair out of her eyes and bent down over her face with insane determination although he could never deny the inevitable.

"Noodle… Noodle… you can't be dead… say something… anything, please… I need to… Noodle?" he whispered to her between sobs. But she didn't move just lay in her stationary form in his arms. He groaned again and lifted her skin and bone body onto his, her blood spilling down and staining his fresh clothes. He held the back of her head and dug his face into her neck as he screamed again, creating an uneasily feeling within the people outside from the bloodcurdling noises they were hearing from inside the house before them. His eyes were stinging and bleary and his voice ached and felt stretched with the pain of crying. Noodle was dead… there was nothing he could do… he was just too late. He lifted himself away not caring if he spread her innocent blood and looked deep into her eyes, picturing them glaring at her vacantly and bloodshot with agony.

"Noods… how could you do this me? I-I gave you everything… why didn't you tell me?" he burst into hysterical crying once again and tried to calm himself. "You left us 'cos you didn't want to hurt us but doing this… it's beyond torture… how couldn't you see that?" He bent down really close to her face and steadily kissed her lightly on her frosty lips. He reeled back a little and sighed painfully. "… I loved you… I never got to tell you… I loved you… I still do even now… but why did you leave? D-Didn't you love me…?" he asked tearfully and waited for an answer. He sobbed dryly and straightened his back away from her. He spotted the knife again and he grasped it in his hands not taking into account what that would mean. He yelled fiercely at the thought of its blade splitting Noodle's soft skin and threw it away. He turned his attention back to Noodle with a hurtful expression.

"I guess not… I'm so sorry… you shouldn't have done this…" 2D jumped and looked behind him at the sound of the door bursting open. That could only mean anything but good news… he found suicide… but whoever was out there would find homicide if he didn't get the hell out of there. He panicked as he heard footsteps coming towards him and Noodle… of 2 people. 2D kept quiet and put his mouth to Noodle's ear. "… What were you trying to prove?" he breathed and kissed her for the last time. He waited patiently with a disappointed face and he heard the boots motions move forward onto the kitchen floor. He waited for a scream or anything… but all he heard was 2 guns click ready for fire.

"Police! Come out with your hands up!" 2D sighed depressingly and clenched his eyes shut as he slowly put his little love's prison down on the ground and lifted his shaking hands up in the air. He surrendered. There was nothing else he could do.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, THE END. Bet cha didn't see that coming, yeah? WOOT! I'M FINISHED! YEAH YEAH YEAH YEA-YEAH!! CELEBRATION TIME! COME ON! –Has massive party with classic rock music- I AM THE CHAMPION, MY FRIENDS. AND I'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING TO THE END! –air guitar- I AM THE CHAMPION! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! –does circle chanting thing with lighters swaying in the air with my fellow writers- NO TIME FOR JAMES BLUNT! 'COS WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS –guitar- … OF THE WORLD!! YWO! Whoa, talk about mellow dramatic. That was a little exaggerating but then again, this IS my first fan fic that I have finished. WITHOUT WRITING EVERYTHING FIRST AND THEN PUTTING IT ON THE INTERNET. Ahh… happy days. So long everyone. I'll see you on the other side so au revoir!
