Disclaimer: If I owned Power Rangers, you would have seen this on TV.
A/N: This is just the prologue, I
don't plan to really put any work into this story until I'm done with
my current project. I just felt inclined to type this us to see if
there's any interest in it. Setting is sometime after PriS.
"You have twelve unheard messages."
With an aggravated grunt, he pushed a button on his cell phone, and they all began to play.
"Hey! It's Rocky, haven't heard from you in awhile, just making sure everything's alright. Give us a call sometime, later!"
Are you out of the loop or something?
"Hey, it's Kim! But you can tell that, right? We're all wondering where you are, still. I hope you're doing alright. Call us sometime."
We went over this.
"Hey, it's Adam. Hope everything's alright."
Always so quiet...
"Yo! It's the Zack-man! Hey, I did it, man, finally! Trini and I are getting married! Yo, where ARE you!? You gotta be back in town for the wedding, whenever we plan it! I hope everything's alright, we're all super worried about you. Call me sometime!"
Always talking...
"Kim again! Zack and Trini are getting married! You got to come back! Call sometime! Please!!!"
Always got to be the one that tells me everything...
"Hi, it's Kat! How long has it been since we last talked? A few years at least! I had to get your number from Kimberly. Did you even know I was back in the States? Call me and let's catch up sometime!"
Back in the States? Really? That's cool.
"Hey there, stranger! It's me, Trini! You DO remember me right? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't! It's been so long since anyone heard from you. Zack proposed, and we're getting married! You've just got to be there, it just wouldn't be right if you weren't. Please call us back!"
"Kim again...I'm so worried about you. We don't have to talk long, just a little bit. I want to know you're alright. My life just isn't complete without you here."
Does your husband know that?
"Hey, it's Tanya! What have you been up to!? It's been so many years, I STILL can't believe you missed Adam and I's wedding! Actually, did you even know we got engaged? Look, I know you think you aren't needed here anymore, but you are. Even if it's just a call every now and then. Kim talks about you every day. Please call sometime."
Whoa, Adam and Tanya got married?
"It's me, Kim, again. Why don't you talk to us anymore? Do you think we don't need you? You're a part of my life I can't live without, and I'm finding that out the hard way right now! Call me, talk to me! Please! I still need you!"
That's not the impression I got.
"Kimberly again. I keep expecting you to answer and everything's just going to be normal again, but it isn't, is it? We need you, still. I don't understand why you're avoiding us. We don't even know where you are. Please call me...please..."
I'm not avoiding you. I'm moving on. You should, too.
"Jason. It's Tommy. We have an emergency. We need you back here. Now."
"End of messages."
Jason frowned, closing his cell phone. That sounded urgent. Tommy was the one who respected his privacy, too. It couldn't be a trick to get him back into town...could it? Jason looked around. He was at the Kentucky welcome center. He had been planning to go to New York to see if he could find steady work there, but he doubted he would. Seattle, Denver, Dallas, Chicago, Orlando, Atlanta...it had all been the same. He stayed a few weeks, but then he packed up his stuff and moved on. As much as he hated to admit it, he was becoming a real vagabond. But now...something wasn't right, he could just feel it. A cold shiver went down his spine. Jason nodded to himself, maybe it was time to go home. He climbed back on his motorcycle, starting it up. He couldn't help but laugh. He was going back to the one place he never thought he'd return to...