Ok, just to let everyone know, at the end of the year, I kind of had a sort of break down. Everything in my life just got to be too much and I just couldn't handle it all anymore . . . so I kind of took a few steps south of reality, right before I was supposed to be going to school too! LOL!
Boy were my parents pissed . . . . then when they realized I wasn't faking it, a little freaked out.

ANYWAY, I've kind of backed off of a lot of things, writing these fics being one of them. if you haven't noticed, there are a lot of them, and most of the programs I don't even watch anymore. I was just continuing them out of obligation . . . so I'm going to stop writing most of them.

I really don't know what I'm going to keep writing and what I'm not. At the moment, I'm just not doing anything. Sorry. I am so sorry. My doctors and I are working very hard to find me proper treatment and medications for my problems, because it turns out that after all these years, I'm actually bi-polar, and the meds are making me sick too. Plus it's my Senior year, I'm applying to colleges, I've got a mess of projects, my dad just lost his job, AND to top it all off my ex-boyfriend just got out of prision after a stint for blowing up some guys car . . . . . . needless to say, my life is a mess.

Can you all forgive me? Please?