Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own any of the characters, no matter how much I WISH I did. They belong to the idiot Joss and the WB.. Any other characters, I created.

~ RATED NC-17!!!!!!!!!!! ~

Dealing With Death
By Jules

Chapter 3

b** The next day **
** 7:15 am **/b

Buffy had fallen asleep in a chair, Willow was asleep with her head on her arms at the table while searching the internet, Spike had gone to bed hours ago, as had Giles after the Watcher had covered Buffy and Willow with afghans.

Cordelia had been unresponsive when he tried to wake her up, so Angel had carried her back to the apartment an hour before the sun had started to rise.
Once he arrived at the apartment, he gently slipped off her pants, and laid her down on the bed. Then he removed his own pants, his shirt, and lay down next to her in his boxers, wanting to fend off her nightmare, at least for one night.

b** 8:30 am **
** Cordelia's apartment **/b

Cordelia slowly woke up, very aware of the muscular, un-breathing, pillow beneath her. Plus for the first time in two weeks, she felt rested. The strong-arms around her made her feel so safe. She opened her eyes and shifted just a bit to see Angel's face. She always felt safe with him, not that she'd actually disclose that detail out loud though.

Angel felt her move and he woke back up, opening his eyes to stare into her hazel ones, "Hey."

"Hey" She whispered, "Um, maybe I should get up." Cordelia said softly.

"You don't have to, how are you feeling?" He asked, liking the feeling of her in his arms.

"Same as last night . . . . Did you guys find anything?

"No, we were up until early this morning, but we didn't find a thing."

Cordelia looked at him carefully, "How are you? Are you ok, after spending all that time with Iher/I?"

"I'm perfectly, fine, I'm much more worried about you." Angel divulged, not caring about Buffy one way or another right now, when he was so close to Cordelia.

"I'm pretty sure I'm ok. Do I have a really noticeable bruise on my cheek?"

Angel winced, and gently caressed the black and blue mark with the cool pads of his fingers, "It's pretty apparent, but you still look beautiful, you always look beautiful to me."

Cordelia's breath caught in her throat, the closeness of Angel's body suddenly was very noticeable. And the touch of his fingers on her cheek was making Cordelia's entire person feel safe, comfortable, and for the first time since Xander, she didn't feel the need to pull away. Angel's 'comforting' made her mind spin, as did his nearness of his tempting, powerfully built body.

Angel had never realized before just how beautiful his, now former, assistant was. Or how if you actually took the time to really, really look into her gorgeous hazel eyes, they would bare her soul and emotions. She was so soft, warm . . . alive. She made Ihim/I feel alive, and needed. No one had ever depended upon his as much as she did, or trusted him either. Cordelia knew more about his past then practically anyone. She was there during his time as Angelus, but yet she still trusted him completely, accepting him for who he was, understanding his moods, for the most part. He didn't want to lose her, she was one of the only people who actually cared about his feelings, and wouldn't put up with it if he tied to blame himself for things, rolling her eyes and complaining when he brooded. Most of all, he'd miss her smile, and so much more. Before Cordelia, he'd rarely smile, and now he found himself doing it more and more, sometimes just the mere thought of her did it. And she made him laugh too, he'd hardly ever laughed. Cordelia brought out a side of him Angel thought had died over 200 years ago.

Something was becoming very apparent to Cordelia, the reality that if Angel left, she wouldn't just miss him, she couldn't survive without him. Angel was the only one she trusted; the only one who really cared about her. She hadn't realized until this moment how much she truly depended upon him. And how much she relished looking after him, just as he looked after her. Worrying about Ihim/I kept her sane, with Doyle gone, she was swiftly realizing just how important not missing opportunities were. Somehow, Angel had slipped in, unseen, behind the walls she'd so carefully constructed back around her heart after Xander had broken them down, then he'd proceeded to break her heart too. Angel's soulful eyes had somehow breached her defenses, and he could now read her like a book.
But Cordelia wasn't really reflecting upon right now. Her mind was completely focused upon the feelings in her heart and soul that Angel's touches and stare were stirring up. Unconsciously, she nervously licked her lips.

Angel had never been so envious of a tongue before, the small pink tongue, which had anxiously darted out from her attractive mouth and licked her luscious lips. Inwardly, Angel groaned. She was so close to him, mere inches away. He didn't want to scare her, but he knew that he had finally reached his breaking point on his restraints that kept the way he acted around Cordelia Chase in a purely just-friends manor.
He closed the small gap between their bodies on the bed, and tentatively kissed her soft, tender lips.

Cordelia was shocked, she'd actually dreamed of this happening many times since she'd met Angel, it couldn't really be happening.

Angel felt that Cordelia's lips were unresponsive, but ran his tongue along her lower lip, in a final attempt. That was what made her come to life, her mouth opened, and she began kissing back; loving how wonderful his cool lips felt against hers. Their tongues explored each other, longing to know every little space in each other's mouths. Cordelia's hands moved up from his chest to wrap themselves around his neck, her fingers unconsciously playing with the short hair. Angel pulled Cordelia tight against him, and rolled on top of her, then his lips left her mouth, traveling along her delicate jaw, and down her swan like neck. She moaned when he kissed a certain spot on her neck, where the back of her jaw and neck met.

Angel and Cordelia's minds no longer registered anything but the feel of each other's bodies and the rush of new emotions neither had ever felt before. The emotion that was surprising them the most, was the depth of passion and the heart consuming, soul shaking, mind blowing love, desire, trust, friendship . . . there were too many emotions to identify.

Angel's fingers quickly unbuttoned the oversized shirt on Cordelia's body, kissing the newly exposed skin. Cordelia helped him by pulling her arms out, groaning his name as he nipped at the skin at the base of her neck. Cordelia couldn't take his lips away from her mouth anymore, so she pulled him back up to her, and passionately kissed him again.

Cordelia thought she was about to go insane, "Please, Angel, do it now! I need you now!"

Angel grinned, then slowly slid his pulsing member inside of her. Cordelia gasped, shocked by how much bigger he was than the last guy she'd been with, of course that had been a few years ago.

Angel groaned, she was so tight, so warm, so perfect.

Cordelia lay in Angel's arms. Warm in first-time-making-love bliss, basking in the glow of this newfound love . . . but instead of being relaxed and content, her mind was racing. Finally, she gathered the courage to ask, looking up into his soulful eyes, fearful "Angel, what about your soul?"

"I don't know. I know I've never been so happy Delia, because I do love you, more then I ever thought possible. I know I felt complete happiness, but yet my soul is still here." Angel divulged, confusion in his eyes as well.

"So, you do love me as much as I love you?"

Angel gave her a sweet kiss that erased any doubts from her mind, along with every other thought that had ever existed.

"Hmm, I'm still not clear on that, do you think you could show me that one more time?" She requested smiling.

Angel laughed, and then kissed her one more time. Cordelia responded passionately.


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