Note: There probably will be sex in this story, but it will not be posted here. If you wish to read any missing parts of the story, visit my live journal (link on my profile.)
Warning: this story contains genderwitch - Edward is a girl.
It was late Friday afternoon and the pile of paper work just seemed to be getting bigger as the day went by. With an exaggerated sigh, the young general allowed his head to plop down upon his desk with a loud thump, and -for the first time ever- cursed his most recent promotion.
For the life of him, he couldn't understand how he, General Roy Mustang -someone who now had more than a hundred men under his command, in this building alone,- could have so much work to do while his personal staff sat right outside his door with plenty of time to waste.
When he last left his office, Breda and Havoc were flicking pencils to see who could get the most stuck in the new drop down roof within a minute.
Feeling suddenly spiteful, he made a mental note to dock their pay for the damages (not at all caring that half the holes up there were from when he joined in during lunch).
He laid there a while longer, watching his breath slowly blow his bangs about and occasionally checking the 'in box' to make sure he just wasn't accidentally putting the signed papers in the wrong tray (no such luck) before finally sitting up and continuing to ... not work.
Brushing his now messy hair from his face, he glanced about the office and debated making a paper-clip chain to pass the time, but his thoughts were rudely interrupted by a light knock on his office door.
By the time the door swung open, he was seated straight and looking every bit respectable as a man of his position should.
Riza Hawkeye nodded a greeting, frowning at the small amount of finished work.
"You do understand, Sir, that if you would ever finish your work the day that it was given to you, it wouldn't be waiting here to be done tomorrow, along with all the new forms."
General Mustang raised his eyebrow, and gave her a look that clearly said, ' I have no idea what you're talking about'.
Hawkeye just shook her head in response, straighted the few finished files, and headed toward the door.
The General made it a point not to stare too intently at her ass as she went.
"Edward is here to see you." she said, pausing at the door and drawing his attention away from more important matters at hand (Oh, if only it were at hand. She had such a squeezable rear.), " I'll send her in since you don't seem to be too busy."
Shutting the door behind her, she frowned. He had some nerve to look offended about her comment. His lazy-ass hadn't even glanced at half of what needed to be signed by closing. She had half a mind to go back in there and tell him what she thought about his worsening work habit,
but the professional in her held it back.
Settling back down behind he desk, she smiled up at Edward and motioned for her to head in. Riza's smile faded once she was through the door. The look Roy had given could have just as easily been from the news of Edward's arrival. She hoped a fight didn't start again –
she would never be able to get Roy to finish his work then.
The offended look he had given the lieutenant was, in fact, because of her comment (he worked like a dog, he had no idea what she was talking about,) but the grimace that followed once the door closed was due to Fullmet... correction, Miss Elric – she hadn't been Fullmetal for nearly two years now.
Edward NEVER just stopped by simply for a social visit. She only came when she wanted something – more than likely- something that would cause him a headache in the near future.
The door creaked open softly and General Mustang bit back another sigh as he watched her enter. She wanted something. The only time she would ever do anything as polite as 'not kicking the door in' was if she wanted something.
"Good day, Miss Elric." He greeted her politely as she stepped in more timidly than she normally would.
He wasn't permitted to call her by her first name. That was a privilege given to the rest of the staff, but not too him. He tried not to sound resentful about that.
"What do you need today?"
"Who said I needed anything?" she replied with a defensive frown,
pushing her blonde bangs away from her face roughly – a habit she tended to do repeatedly when uncomfortable about something. "Can't a girl just visit?"
"You never just visit, Ful - Miss Elric." he repeated his thoughts from earlier. Hopefully they didn't sound as bitter as they had in his head.
"Fine. I do want something."
"Of course." he sighed again, cheek now resting lazily against his palm in a bored manner. "What is it this time? Fine, ticket, fee.
please don't tell me you knocked down another building, it was hard enough to cover for you when you WERE in the military, let alone now... after all, a knocked down building really isn't as easy to over look for someone of your height..."
Stepping forward, she ignored his typical rant (she didn't nearly cause as much trouble as he said... and that building from last year was practically ready to fall down anyway... and she wasn't short or flat chested... wait, he didn't bring that up yet...), took a deep breath, looked directly into his eyes (Dark blue. Very nice. One of the reasons she was here in fact.), and said in a clear even tone:
"I want to have your baby."