Here's the last of them. Probably. Unless inspiration in this vein ever strikes again.

She's a bit drunk, which means she's acting like she's just downed a full cask of rum. Maybe she has, even; he's only met one person who can out-drink this woman, and he's on guard back at the ship, likely fast asleep. She's flirting outrageously, and when the men lean in to stare into her glazed eyes - and down her low cut shirt - deft fingers flick to their wallets without being noticed. There's some other men eyeing her from their table in the corner of the bar. They don't look like the kind that come to the bar to drink and pick up. He doubts they even have wallets with them, just weapons. One stands and makes his way towards Nami, but is stopped by a prudently extended leg.

"What do you think you're doing, punk?" The man's friend has arrived and picked Sanji up by his collar before the man can even get up off the floor from being tripped.

He'll have to apologize to Nami-san later for getting them kicked out of the bar and ruining her opportunity to grab those last few wallets, but he wouldn't be a gentleman if he allowed her to get involved in that brawl. Besides, he enjoyed the fight, and he thinks he might enjoy apologizing even more.


Very soon he'll accuse the bartender of watering down the rum, because he's gone through a barrel of the stuff and it hasn't done anything. He's tired and cut up and down to his last clean shirt, which doesn't fit him very well, and she knows that tomorrow's the anniversary of Kuina's death, so right now all he wants is to get drunk out of his mind. It's not working, and even though it's just after dusk, already the single women are circling him like vultures.

They tell him he looks strong.

"I am," he says, and they think he's showing off for them, even though all he can see is someone challenging his strength. Man or woman doesn't matter to Zoro: they're equally dangerous to him, and she thinks he might like them equally.

One tries to put a hand on his arm before Nami grabs the front of his shirt and kisses him, hard and territorially. She spreads around a death glare for everyone, with an extra helping of malice for the audacious one. They back off, and she gets him another pint of rum.


He says he's looking for the perfect wine to compliment a dinner he's planning for when Nami-san feels better, but more likely he's just worried sick about her and trying to keep his spirits up. He probably can't taste anything with so much wine in him already. Ever a man with perfect manners, he toasts the room before downing his latest glass, no longer even pretending to savor the taste. The toast has attracted attention: a few women are looking at him and giggling, and there's a man making his way towards them.

Zoro doesn't like being in this bar. He'd rather be training or hovering protectively around Nami's room or drinking himself senseless in some decently rundown tavern. Anything but brooding in this pretentious hole watching over Sanji in his self-destructive behavior.

"Hey cutie," says the man, and that's as far as he gets, because Zoro punches him in the jaw. Sanji meets his gaze unsteadily, and then his eyes roll back as the alcohol finally catches up with him. Zoro catches his friend before he can fall and slings him over his shoulder, leaving the club in search of some honest alleyway in which to drink himself as blind as Sanji just did.