A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I was working on some other stories and got a complete writers block for this story. C'est ne pas ma faut! I promise to update quicker from now on, I know how annoying it is having to wait ages for an update! Anyway on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own fma, if I did the publishing people would have murdered me by now!

"…so we'd better get started if we want to get there by the end of the week, ok?"

Envy didn't expect an answer from his brother, who had been silent ever since he'd brought him back. So he was a bit shocked when a quiet voice next to him asked;


At first he wasn't sure where the little whisper came from, then he turned on the small blonde.

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Bring me back."

Envy smiled, he'd been wondering when this would come up.

"So I could get rid of the hatred."

Ed looked up in surprise.

"It's true, I'd never be happy if I couldn't stop hating you and for that to happen I needed to stop envying you. So I made us equal, now never of us can envy each other."

"I thought that was your name."

"It was, now I'm not so sure."

"So what is it now, Murder?"

"Ha ha, I'd forgotten how amusing you were, but no, you don't have a sin for a name so neither will I."

The smaller one looked up in desperate confusion, grabbing the older ones clothes, asking in an almost pleading voice:

"What is my name?"

Envy stared at him then slowly his face broke into a smile."


Ed didn't know what had happened. He had woken up looking into the face of someone who he knew had brought him back.

Brought him back? Brought him back from where?

All he knew was what Envy (at least he'd thought that was his name, now he wasn't sure) had told him and that wasn't much.

He may not know anything about his past but maybe this place they were going would help him remember.

He didn't know it, but it would do a lot more than that."


They had been travelling for a while and Ed wasn't sure if they would ever get there, when the former Envy suddenly stopped.

"Here we are. Central."

A/N oooh cliffy. I'm evil. Please review! They give me incentive to write!