A/N: OKAY! If you've read SoNtS then the beginning of this will sound familiar. And if you've read my bio then you'll know that's because I changed my mind last minute to make this NOT about Arra.
Alright. So this is bound to be some kind of fun. Action definitely with possibly some romance tied it.
Disclaimer: I will write this once and once only for this entire story. FACTS BELONG TO TAMORA PIERCE. ANYTHING SIMILAR TO HER BOOKS...PROBALBY HERS. Some of it this is mine though so please be kind and ask.
The ragged brown-haired woman pushed the young girl out to the Shang. He looked her over, poking her ribs and tugging at her arms and even fingers. Finally he signaled someone over to see if she had the Gift. When the man said she didn't he nodded his acceptance.
The tired woman looked at the brown on white splotched mare. "Can she take the horse?" She asked the man. He, once again, nodded.
Narim hugged the four year old. "I'm sorry. I-I would take care of you if I could but..." Her voice trailed on knowing that the explanation would mean next to nothing to the girl. The apology was to make her feel better but her chest ached with the decision she had eventually made.
Kyrie nodded. Narim's eyes looked sad. Kyrie knew something big was about to happen. Something that would change the rest of her life, for better or for worse who knew. Narim knelt down and held Kyrie's slender shoulders. She pulled the small girl to her placing her mouth by the small girl's ears. "I'm sorry."
Kyrie lifted her hands to Narim's back returning the almost hug. "Thank you."
Narim slipped something into Kyrie's hand. "I know you loved this."
The older woman pushed her away, turned and left without turning back. Kyrie watched her for long moments one hand on the mare's flank. She peaked into her hand finding a small figurine.
At this point one of the Shang that was there thought he knew what would come next. He had spent time around the three and four year olds who came to them. With all the crying and screaming he had heard over the years he had learned there is very little one can do except console and help the child move on to the next part of their lives.
He went to stand in front of the very small child to block her view of the woman who had left her behind. She probably won't last long. She may quit later when this proves to be too hard. He put on a kind smile and held out his hand. "Hello, what's your name?"
The girl looked up and met his eyes steadily with her own obsidian ones. Her voice was soft but sure. "I go by Kyrie."
The Shang wanted to take a step back in...in...he couldn't name what. Her eyes were sharp and her voice was steady. There were some children who came like looking something like this. Dry-eyed and knowing no better. Those were some they usually picked up from raided cities where their families had died in horrible ways. The children were already broken. Their innocence lost. But there was something about the way Kyrie stared at him so bluntly that made him feel small, or maybe lesser.
She didn't look broken, unfixable in ways that mattered most. Sometimes its like that though. Realizing that his smile had faltered in his thoughts he brought it up again. "Well, Kyrie, come on then. I am Treya the Shang Crane."
"It is very nice to meet you." Kyrie said formally. Again he was struck by something in her voice or demeanor that seemed off. He threw it away in his mind as just another thing children did. Their innocence sometimes caused them to try and act like the adults they admired.
"Am I supposed to go anywhere?" She asked. "T' stand perhaps?"
The Shang Crane blinked dark eyes, once, twice then nodded. "Oh, yes. Over here please."
He watched as she walked in the direction he had pointed. Black secretive eyes, blue black hair and a round white face. She was the picture of childhood perfection. There was just...there is something I'm sure I'm missing about this I just can't grasp it. Kyrie turned and gave him a brief, reassuring smile.
Reassuring? Now his mind was playing tricks on him.
A/N: Short. I know. Be patient, the next one is longer. BUT! Alas... the next one probably won't be out for a little while. Toss some reviews my way and I might change my mind...