DISCLAIMER: Me no own, you no sue. :-P

Locked Up


"W-what happened?" Fuu demanded, her honey-brown eyes wide and innocent as she slowly rose to her feet. "How did we get in here?"

"Somebody rammed into us and we fell in, you idiot!" Mugen groused, his irritation quite evident upon his sharp features as he began to jiggle the handle to the closet. "Shit, it's locked! Now I'll be forced to spend the entire day in here with you!"

"Hey, this isn't exactly great news for me either, you know!" Fuu spat, irritably placing her hands on her hips. "There's hardly any legroom in here and it's so freaking hot!"

"Quit your bitchin'" Mugen grumbled, swiping at the perspiration on his brow as he begrudgingly leaned against one of the four surrounding walls. Now redirecting his gaze up toward the ceiling he miserably observed, "Great…no other way out, either."

"Well let me try, then!" Fuu entreated, by this point more than desperate to escape the hell on earth that she was currently forced to reside in. Giving Mugen's lithe form a bruising nudge to the gut, the dark-haired girl then slipped in between him and the door and frantically began to jostle the handle.

"Why…do you mean to tell me that it's locked?" Mugen taunted, girlishly batting his lashes as he feigned a look of complete and utter astonishment. "Well I just can't believe this! I could've sworn that I had tried that exact same thing earlier, so surely it should open now!"

Fuu gave him a dirty look. "Shut up, Mugen! Instead of making fun of me, you could actually be helping with opening this stupid door!"

"Psh, you wanna be in here with me and you know it" the vagrant remarked, smugly folding his arms behind his head before sending her a nauseatingly cocky grin. "Face it babe, you hit the jackpot…it's just you, me, and one heck of a confined space."

"Ew, gross! In your dreams!" Fuu spat, grimacing as she plopped down onto her rump and scooted as far away from him as the closet would allow.

Immediately taking note of this, Mugen chuckled to himself before bringing his calloused hands up toward the rumpled folds of his haori, Fuu's eyes now wide with anxiety as she watched his sudden daring actions.

"W-what are you doing?" she demanded, her hands subconsciously drawing her knees up toward her chest.

"It's hot" Mugen explained as if it were obvious, the cruel smirk on his lips never fading as he lifted his haori and gi up over his head and dropped them carelessly down onto the floor by his feet. "Ain'tcha hot, too?"

"No" Fuu lied, her cheeks turning pink due to the close proximity of his half-naked body to her fully clothed one. To her utmost embarrassment she also noticed that Mugen was now so close that she could touch him, the perspiration on his nude chest trickling down the muscular planes of his torso in several ridiculously enhancing criss-crosses.

"Enjoying the view?"

Releasing a startled yelp, Fuu discovered that the vagrant was bestowing her with one of his trademark lascivious grins, a deep scowl gracing her features as she stubbornly lifted her nose up into the air and snorted. "The day I find a hairy baboon like you to be attractive is the day that all hell freezes over!" she snarled, her tone firm, yet lacking all confidence. "If you honestly think that I was looking at you, then you're wrong! I was daydreaming!"

Mugen grinned. "Yeah, I know…about me."

"What!? Grr, no! Quit being such a stupid prick and leave me alone!" Fuu whined, childishly sticking her tongue out at him before once more attempting to mold herself against the neighboring wall. Propping her chin on her knees, the girl suddenly sensed that Mugen was towering over her, her gaze slowly rising up to meet with the stormy irises that burned back at her with an indecipherable emotion. "Mugen?" she questioned, gradually swallowing the lump in her throat, "W-why are you staring at me like that?"

The Ryukyuan's spindly fingers suddenly wrapped about her arm in a vise-like grip, his said gaze almost seeming to be mocking her as he forcefully yanked her up and to her feet. With a cry, Fuu lost her balance and nearly toppled straight into him, her eyes wide with fright as the random observation of how much taller he was than her suddenly came to mind. It was at least by two and a half heads, she knew, yet even at her own average height she felt as if she could see directly into the mirrors of his soul.

Mugen was by no means a handsome man, yet his hard features retained a sort of rugged beauty that had always confused her. She had no idea how a man of his stature could ever be considered even remotely beautiful, but…he was.

Hitching in a baited breath, Fuu felt her cheeks grow hot the moment Mugen's fingers meditatively traced up and over her side, her eyes dreamily glazing over until he crudely remarked, "Tsk, nope…and here I was, thinkin' that they'd actually grown a size 'er two. The dim lighting musta made your tits look bigger, 's all."

"Wha? Hey! They are too bigger!" Fuu whined, giving his invading appendages a vicious slap. "How many times do I have to tell you that my yukata makes me look slenderer?"

Mugen smirked. "Well if by 'slenderer' you mean flat as a wooden plank, then I completely agree with ya, babe. 'Sides, we can't all be well-endowed, ya know? The way things're now we can barely fit you, me, and not-so-mini-me into this stupid closet as it is."

"Ugh, you are so disgusting, Mugen! The only thing that you're even remotely well-endowed with is your huge ego!" Fuu growled, resentfully folding her arms across her petite bosom with the hopes of ceasing the Ryukyuan's all but furtive staring. After a few more exasperating moments of this she spat, "Will you quit it? Since I'm apparently 'as flat as a board', you shouldn't be entitled to look!"

"Well lemme see 'em, then."

"What!?" Fuu squawked, her mouth now completely agape. "Never!"

"Psh, that's what I thought…you're too chicken ta live up to your own lyin'" Mugen observed, all the while giving her a sly look. "If you're really so freakin' busty, ya gotta prove it."


"No 'buts', girly. I betcha the twins are just dyin' ta meet me, anyway" the pirate jeered, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he placed the tip of his tongue against one sharp incisor. "Didn't your smelly samurai ever tell ya that in some cases compromises need ta be made?"

"Not when they're being suggested by huge perverts like you!" Fuu promptly shot back, her eyes growing wide once she realized that he was advancing on her. Shying away from his invasive form she shrieked, "No, Mugen, stop! I know that creeps like you must love virgins and all, but this is one virgin who's not afraid to kick you where it hurts!"

The pirate grinned. "Even better…I love 'em feisty."

"Ew, stop!" Fuu wailed, giving him a forceful push. "I'm serious, Mugen – there's absolutely nothing about you that I find to be even remotely attractive, so back off!"

Mugen smirked. "I'll be the judge-a that."

Before Fuu could protest, the vagrant had already seized her by the waist and pulled her snugly up against him, his calloused fingers teasingly sliding along her waist before ghosting against the insides of her thighs.

"Mugen" Fuu gasped, biting her lip as a sudden tingling sensation erupted throughout her veins in several scorching bursts of untamed heat. Why was she feeling this way? What was she feeling?

"You little liar" Mugen suddenly accused, his fingers retracting back from her hot center in order to reveal them covered in some sort of strange moisture.

"I…wha?" Fuu demanded, by this point far too dizzy to argue.

Smirking at the disoriented look on her face Mugen continued, "You're wet, Fuu…if ya really hated me so much, you wouldn't be achin' for it, now wouldja?"

Fuu merely panted in response, her cheeks growing rosy as the vagrant placed a hand on either side of her face and gave her neck a slow and deliberate lick. With this unexpected action the dampness between her legs only blossomed in quantity, the poor girl's knees knocking together as her heartbeat continued to drum hollowly within her ears. Gross – why was Mugen of all people making her feel so…so……good?

"Wider" the Ryukyuan suddenly commanded, thus causing Fuu to give him a bewildered look.


Taking her by the thighs, Mugen irritably thrust them apart so that she could better accommodate his intentions, the wolfish grin on his lips alarming the poor girl as he finally tore at her obi and allowed the rest of her robes to fall free.

Now only left in her bothersome breast bindings, Fuu began to squirm beneath Mugen's smoldering gaze, her eyes only widening when he lewdly remarked, "Well damn…I guess you really ain't so bad after all when ya get outta that stupid kimono-a yours."

Blushing, Fuu opened her mouth to retaliate but Mugen was much faster, his fingers nimbly yanking at the bindings so that her breasts bounced free and caught the fancy of the vagrant's ever-roving eyes.

"Nice" he commented, giving them an abrupt squeeze, "they're a lot better than I thought they were. Who knew you were actually packin' some decent knockers under there?"

"Ugh, Mugen, you are so gross, I – ah!"

Clutching the Ryukyuan by the hair, Fuu frantically tried not to voice her passion as he continued to suckle her left breast, her toes curling inward as his gifted tongue flicked over her engorged nipple and traveled about the stiff bud in a slow and meditative circle.

Practically purring, Fuu urged Mugen on by tugging frantically at his dark locks, only to immediately become disappointed the moment he released her breast and began claiming the soft flesh of her torso with his teeth and tongue. Making a trail of desire down Fuu's quivering stomach, the Ryukyuan then came to the apex of her thighs, her eyes wide and concerned when she realized where he was looking so intently. "Mugen…what are you-?"

"Shut it, girly, you'll like it" he groused, now nosing her sensitive area and eliciting a small squeak from his counterpart.

Taking this as his initiative to continue, Mugen then dragged the fire of his tongue along the svelte trail of her entrance and bit at her swollen womanhood, Fuu releasing a strangled wail before she arched her back and began clawing madly at the walls for support.

Smirking up at her through hooded lids, the Ryukyuan teasingly pinched her rump in accordance with his frenzied licks, his tongue then plunging into her moist canal and shooting a wave of ecstasy throughout the girl's trembling limbs that nearly caused her to fall over.

"Mugen!" Fuu shrieked, squeezing her eyes tightly closed once she dug the brunt of her nails into his shoulders and held on tight. Somehow the vagrant found all of this to be incredibly stimulating, a contented groan escaping his lips as he felt the pain of her administrations beginning to leave trails of thick blood in their wake.

Fuu knew that she was close, but to what she couldn't quite yet decipher. It all just felt so good, so –

"Aah!" With a cry, the girl bowed into her lover and bit down on his earlobe in order to quiet her cries of passion, Mugen growling against her breasts as the sensation of her fleshy walls clamping down on his fingers sent a jolt of electricity straight to his groin.

Fuu gasped once she felt something hard and completely foreign to her press longingly against her leg, her dark irises full of uncertainty once the Ryukyuan rose from his perch and unabashedly shucked his trousers.

Noting the look of fear in her eyes Mugen assured her, "It'll only hurt for a little bit, ok? Just relax. It ain't like I'm gonna saw ya in half with this bad boy, although I have been told that –"

"Mugen!" Fuu shrieked, the blush from earlier rapidly returning to her cheeks, "Just stop it, alright!? You're making me feel like a common whore!"

"You ain't a whore" he insisted, his eyes almost appearing to be somewhat soft within the dim lighting. "Just trust me on this one, ok? I know what I'm doin' – I'll make sure that it only hurts ya for a quick second."

"You promise?" Fuu asked, truly appearing small to the Ryukyuan as she cowered there before him.

Although he nodded, Mugen couldn't help but feel slightly dirty for the possibility of betraying the girl's trust – if he hurt her, she'd never again look up to him as her savior. The fact that this prospect actually bothered him frightened him to no end, yet now that he'd started he was completely determined to see their coupling through to the very finish.

Taking Fuu by the chin, Mugen descended his mouth upon hers in a light and tentative kiss, his subconscious not completely sure as to whether or not this tactic was a very good idea. He didn't want her to get the wrong impression, and yet…no. He did not think of the wench in that way.

As if trying to prove a point to himself, Mugen forced his tongue in between Fuu's lips so that their kiss only escalated in its passion, the girl greedily accepting all of this unanticipated affection due to thinking that it was his way of saying that he loved her.

When Fuu felt Mugen's manhood in between her thighs she finally began to panic, the Ryukyuan giving her arm a surprisingly reassuring squeeze before beginning to rock his hips tentatively forward.

Before he could penetrate her, however, Fuu lost hold of her footing and sent the two of them sailing through the unexpectedly weak wall with a tremendous 'crash', neither realizing that they had intruded upon someone else's personal space before it was far too late.

Groaning, Mugen moved to roll off of Fuu, but not before he heard her give a startled shriek. Following her horrified gaze over toward the other side of the hotel room he grinned, exclaiming jovially, "Well hey there, Four Eyes! Seen anything interesting, lately?"

The ronin in question glared coolly at the vagrant, suddenly wishing that he were legally blind like some of the peasants that they'd crossed earlier in their travels.

Finally deciding to cover for actions Fuu spoke up, "It's not what you think, Jin, honest! It was all Mugen's fault – he-he tried to rape me!"

"What!?" the pirate demanded, absolutely miffed. "You wanted it more than me, you lyin' little brat!"

Rolling his eyes skyward, Jin then decided that some things would never change, his fingers pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose as he turned in order to leave them to their bickering.

A/N: Yeaaah, so hopefully that was alright – it was just meant for amusement purposes and whatnot. And no, I DON'T own Champloo, so stop asking. Seriously. lol I might continue if I get enough reviews asking for it, but otherwise this is a one-shot…please review! ;0P