1Author's Note: hello National Treasure fans! I am new to this writing so go easy on me. I usually write Dukes of Hazzard fan fictions. But I do love National Treasure and my favorite character is Riley. He is so cute. This is 1 year after the Knights Templar was found. Well R&R!!!

Chapter 1

Riley Poole guided his car up the path way to Ben Gates' house. Ben called Riley a couple of days ago to be the best man at Ben and Abigail's wedding. Riley graceciously accepted. Even though the wedding was a month away, Riley came early to help out. He knew Ben and Abigail were going to get married eventually. They were too much like each other. Plus they were living together and going out. Ever since they had to take Abigail along with them to find the Knights Templar's treasure, they have been stuck together like glue. Riley stopped his car in front of the house, grabbed his suitcase, and walked up to the house. He rang the doorbell. Soon Ben answered the door.

"Hey Riley," greeted Ben with a smile.

"Hey Ben," said Riley stepping inside.

He was greeted by Abigail walking with a phone in her hand and a headset on her.

"No the flowers can't be Lilac. I'm allergic I don't want my face to be all red and covered in a rash on my wedding day!" Abigail yelled completely ignoring Riley and went into the next room.

"She trying to make the wedding perfect?" asked Riley.

"A little too perfect," said Ben, "Come on, I'll show you to your room."

Ben and Riley went up the stairs and found Riley's room.

"Well here it is. It might not be perfect but it's comfortable," said Ben.

"Thanks man," said Riley.

They were interrupted by a scream from Abigail.

"I told you before I want the flowers to be pink and white. Not red and white!" she yelled.

"I think I better go calm her down before she bites someone's head off," said Ben.

He closed the door leaving Riley alone. Riley started to unpack. While he was, he noticed a piece of paper sticking out from one of the books on the shelf. He picked it up and unfolded it. It read:

Wave of Glory, Freedom, Justice, and Strength.

13 stripes and stars bright.

A wave of three colors.

Philadelphia is where my seamstress lived.

She doesn't know her design made me.

'I better show this to Ben.' Riley thought.

Riley went downstairs to search for Ben and Abigail. He found them in the living room watching the news.

"Hey guys I found this in one of the books in my room," said Riley.

He showed Ben and Abigail the riddle.

"It looks like a riddle," said Ben.

"You think it leads to another treasure?" asked Riley.

"Boys we can't go hunting a treasure. It's just a month before the wedding and a million things need to be done," said Abigail.

"Honey stop worrying. We still don't even know what the riddle means yet," said Ben.

They looked at Riley and saw the horrified look he had on his face. They followed his gaze and saw the T.V.

"Ian Howe escaped from prison today," said the news caster, "He is consider armed and dangerous. If you see him or have any information please call Agent Sandusky at the FBI."