She was only doing her duty, delivering a message to the King of Tethe'alla…

A storm had hit, and there was no way she could travel home on foot. He invited her to stay at his place, she refused, but he insisted. She told him sternly not to try anything funny, and he just smiled telling her not to worry.

But a part of her longed for his attention…

"Argh! Why am I being like this?! I hate it when he makes those lewd comments about me…when he acts like he's in charge and the way he thinks he can say anything he wants! I…I hate him!" Sheena stammered, clutching her arm, feeling the soft fabric around her.

Zelos had given her his jacket to keep warm…

Sheena sat there, moving her finger delicately around the rim of the teacup she held in her hand, feeling the steam of the cocoa on her hand.

What if he touched her that way…delicately moving his fingers about her…

"Oh my god what am I thinking?!" Sheena began to sweat. She couldn't stop herself, the whole room smelled of him, fresh like soap, like roses, awakening those passionate memories she buried so long ago.

Well, there was no harm in thinking, right? In imagining what she really wanted, what she yearned for all this time? But what she craved was so…dirty.

She thought of him, coming up behind her as she lay on the couch, flashing his familiar cocky grin. Then he would straddle her, shirtless; she would move her hands along his sculpted abdomen. It would be rough; she needed something to hold onto before he proceeded to…

Blood rushed downwards, she felt herself warming rapidly. She couldn't fantasize like this anymore, she was taught to reject these thoughts dammit!

Sheena heard the water running upstairs, Zelos had been heating it for her.

Sheena walked up the winding staircase and entered the guest room, it was enormous. On the bed she found a towel and supplies for her shower. She removed her clothes, tying the towel around her; it felt skin- tight. Was this what aristocratic women wore after their bath? Hot and dripping, ready to please their anxious husbands…

"Just get in the shower, Sheena!" She thought to herself. She clasped the towel close to her, she felt so self conscious. But why did it matter? It wasn't as if someone was going to see her like this…

Sheena entered the bathroom, "Zelos?!" She shrieked, covering herself, her face reddening.

"Oh, there you are, I was going to show you how to work the shower," he remarked happily. "Oh brother, that's your best excuse for waiting here you sick pervert?

Get out now before I kick your ass!" Sheena yelled.

"Alright, you got me. It's just that I love…"

"Did he just say love?!" Sheena felt her heart throb inside her chest.

"…gazing upon your spectacularly voluptuous body every chance I get haha!" Zelos stated obnoxiously as he traced her body with his eyes.

"What? WHAT?! That's it! Just when I thought you were actually acting genuinely nice you go and pull something like this! Get over here you philander!" Sheena yelled, her face bright red as she ran towards him.

"Uh oh…" he said apprehensively as Sheena gasped, slipping on the bathroom floor, pushing him into the shower and landing on top of him.

"W-what are you doing get away from me…" Why couldn't she stand up? Get away?

Just as swiftly as she fell into the arms of the gorgeous Chosen, Zelos lifted her to her feet and pressed her against the wall.

"H-hey just what the hell do you think you're doing…" Sheena felt the steam and heat of the shower against her skin. Her emotions began to overcome her, leaving her defenseless; at the mercy of the man she refused to love.