Title: Taste
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do NOT own CSI:NY. I only own the story.
Spoilers: Snow Day
Category: Danny/Lindsay romance; Lindsay POV
Summary: It only takes one kiss.
A/N: I apologize for the shortness of this final chapter, but all of us D/L fans know that not much more can be said with words about the pool table scene, as the picture of Danny and Lindsay finally getting together, speaks, quite well, for itself. Reviews are greatly appreciated, as always.
A/N 2: Thank you to everyone who has read this series.
A special thanks to all of my reviewers:
I appreciate your encouragement and positive comments more than you know. Thank you so very much for taking the time to review. Blessings to you all.
It only takes one kiss and she knows that this is real—what they have. They may not have defined it yet, but she knows it's more real than anything she's ever felt before. And somewhere in the back of her mind, she thinks that this realization should scare her, it should send her running, like it did before.
But it doesn't. Because this time, with him, it's different. She's not sure that she can define what's changed, what has broken inside of her heart and allowed him in. But as the kiss deepens, she realizes she doesn't care.
Her last fears are banished and she looses herself in the sensory overload experience that is being loved by Danny Messer.
She savors the feel of his hard body pressed flush against hers.
She hears her heart pounding in her ears, and knows that there's no turning back now.
She inhales and the sweet and spicy smell of his essence tickles her nose.
His gentle, yet firm hands, setting her skin on fire as his touch falls in all the right places.
And just before her mind loses all hold on reality, before she falls completely into ecstasy, she realizes, what it is that makes this time with him different, and this kiss the best she's ever had…it tastes like freedom.