Alrighty, in the last chapter I forgot to say that I made a teeny change in chapter 9 regarding Alex's appearance. You might want to go read that tiny section real quick before going onwards. And thank you so so so SO much to everyone who has reviewed. You guys really make writing worth while

"Hey man meat, let's go!" I yell, banging on the bathroom...excuse me... 'beauty salon' door. He's been in there for nearly an hour getting ready for the trip. Me...I took a whole 20 minutes to shower, brush the teeth, get dressed, the whole deal. "Men." I mutter under my breath. I bang on the door a few more times and when he finally opens up I bang him a few times on the chest...just for fun.

"Hey ow! I bruise easily!" He says trying to cover himself.

"That's not what I heard." I tell him over my shoulder. He wrinkles his nose at me.

"Oh you little jade."

"Let's go, we're heading straight to The Bronze and meeting the gang there. So I hope that's what you want to wear to dance." I hear him gasp behind me.

"You never told me that! I have to change!" I groan as I hear him run back to his room and shut the door.

20 minutes later we're finally on the road. Alex is singing along to some Hillary Duff song. It's his car, he gets to pick the tunes, I get to drive...still, I think my ears are bleeding.

Sunny-D here we come.

"Ooh hottie at 3 o'clock!"

"Knock it off, A-Rod." I snap pushing him away from me, but still I turn to see who he's talking about.

"Faith, honey, that is exactly how I picture you as a guy. Seriously, you could be man hunk material." I punch his stomach playfully but he has got a point. This guy could be my twin. He's got on some nice boots, dark jeans, blood red collar shirt, brown hair spiked up, brown eyes, a few selective piercings.

"Well go introduce yourself A, maybe he bats for your team." Why not. At least one of us should get some on this trip. That's when I spot the girl standing directly behind twin guy.


I hear Alex stomp his foot next to me.

"Why does she always steal my man meat?"

"Ok seriously, never say that again." I say to him before turning back to the pair making their way through the crowd. As soon as I turn around Buffy catches my eye and gives a small wave. I find myself waving back and then silently berate myself. I don't do the whole lovesick puppy thing. I mean...I do...but...I don't. I mean, hello? I'm Faith here.

"Faith, Alex." She greets with a smile.

"Hey B." Damn it. It's that smile, it gets me every time. Now I'm grinning like an idiot. "And this must be..." And I dunno if it's just me but I swear she's lookin' nervous, like she doesn't want to introduce her newest squeeze to me.

"Oh, yeah this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Faith and Alex." Alex pulls B in for a hug and kisses her on each cheek.

"Hello beautiful." And before Ryan has time to react to another guy gettin' all friendly with his girl. "And may I just say you have impeccable taste in men." Problem solved. It's amazing the way he throws his gay around. Then again I'm no closet case either. Ryan nods his head our way and offers me a handshake as opposed to Alex. I suppose that's in order.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna get us some drinks." He says, bending close to Buffy's ear. I clench my fists at my sides. What's it gonna take for me to get over this girl? I see Buffy glance at my hands, before catching my eyes. She nods silently to boy toy. He walks off and before I can make a smart remark about our similarities, Buffy's arms go around my neck in a hug.

"Hey." She says simply. I see Alex over her shoulder making some ridiculous expression. So I flip him off before wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Hey." I reply.

"I missed you." I feel my heart start to race a little. She always has this affect on me.

"I missed you too." She pulls back a little and brushes a bit of hair out of my eyes.

I don't get it, ya know? It's like...we could be dating right now. We wouldn't have to do anything different. This could be construed as couple activity. I laugh at myself in my head. Yeah, like that'll ever happen.

"So what's with mini-me?"

She scrunches up her nose and looks at me curiously. "What?"

But before she has time to reply, Ryan's back, drinks in hand...for all of us, surprisingly. Alright so the guy's not bad. Doesn't mean I like him. He hands us our beers before downing half of his.

"We come here to dance or what?"

I proceed to down almost all of mine and nod. "Let's do it."

I hear Alex squeal beside me before he takes off for the dance floor. Great, now I'm seriously on third-wheel duty. So we start dancin' and I can't help but notice the way they dance. It's like startin' to freak me out because I swear if I ignore the guy head that could be us. Me and B. What's she playin' at? To top it all off, she won't even look at the guy. The second he pulled her to him, her eyes found mine and neither of us have looked away yet.

I'm debatin' throwin' all caution to the wind and just pullin' Buffy to me when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see a girl...I think she went to Sunny-D High. She looks familiar anyway. No...I definitely remember her. She always reminded me of someone but I could never figure out who.

"Hey, it's Faith right?" She asks. I nod.

"Yeah. And you are?" We're still dancing. We gotta be pretty close to hear each other so we lean in to talk in each other's ear. It's a club thing, you just gotta do it. I steal a glance at Buffy and notice her throwing daggers at me. You know what...fuck it. She's here with boy toy. I might as well have some fun too.

"Megan. I was a grade below you." She's good looking. Seems to be pretty flirty right now. Might as well go for it.

"So wanna dance?" She smirks. I like a girl that uses the smirk to her full advantage.

"I thought you'd never ask." So I pull her to me but turn us so that I can keep an eye on B too. See how she takes it. I'm beginning to wonder why her boy toy hasn't noticed anything yet. He's just oblivious I guess cause she's only got eyes for me. And to be honest the only way I can even handle dancing with someone else is by doing exactly what Buffy's doing. So I pull...uh Megan was it? I pull her closer to me but never take my eyes off B. It's almost like we're dancing with each other. But we're not. I see her dip a little and I swear I feel Megan do the same thing. God this is insane. I lean in and put my lips real close to Megan's ear. Just to drive B crazy.

"Hey, I'm actually kinda thirsty. You wanna get something to drink?" I feel her nod and take her hand to lead her off the floor. I don't look back at Buffy. I know the look that's on her face. I'm half expecting her to chase after me. But she doesn't. Figures.

"You never told me how alike Faith and I are."

"What?" I didn't even notice Ryan dip his head down to my ear.

"Me and Faith. I feel like she's my long lost twin." Yeah...I feel like that too.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." It's all I noticed.

"You feelin' alright? You wanna get some air?"

I feel like my bodies on fire because Faith just walked off with that other girl. This is insane. I need her. I need Faith. I just...I'm not...God I can't. I don't know what to do. Well I do know something I need to do. But that's the easy part.

"No...actually." I stop dancing and disentangle myself from him. "Ryan...I can't do this anymore. You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you, not someone who..."

"Wants to be with my girl twin?" My head shoots up to look at him.

"" He raises his eyebrow, just like a certain brunette I've come to

Just then the crowd seems to part and I see the thing, I realize, I've been most dreading. Faith kissing that girl. Ryan follows my line of sight.

"It's been a fun ride babe." He says, kissing the top of my head. And just like that, he's gone. And I'm left to watch Faith and skank Barbie feel each other up.

"Buffy honey, where oh where has your man meat got to?" I turn and glance at Alex before looking back to Faith. God, why does this hurt so much. And just like Ryan had, he follows my gaze. "Oh un uh, that girl is far too skanky for her." He makes a move towards them but I hold him back.

"Alex no...I..." I look up at him cause...I don't really know what I was going to say. What to say. But he smiles and shakes his head at me.

"Go get her." He flicks his head towards the pair. That's all it takes.

I down another beer before Megan's finished half of hers and while I'm perfectly fine she's already fighting to keep her footing. Oh joy, she's a lightweight.

"You know. I always liked you." I notice her unbuttoning a couple buttons on her shirt. A lightweight and a skank, I'm battin' 2 for 2 tonight.

"Really." I reply. Like I care. I turn around and search the floor for Buffy but she's lost in the crowd. Megan's about to trip over something or someone so I grab her hand and lead her to the edge of the dance floor so I can try and get a better look. She apparently took this as a sign that I wanted her 'real bad' cause wow, the girl has got a lot of saliva and most of it's on my mouth. Not the way I wanted this to go. Seriously, she's like a sucker fish, cause no matter how I try to grope for a good hold to pull her off me she's stuck on. Great, she's passing her skankiness onto me. I can't even tell how long this goes on for but thank god, someone comes to my rescue cause she's pulled off and...that was definitely a slap I heard.

"Go find someone else to skankify Barbie." I open my eyes as I'm wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"B?" Yeah, it's B. Wow, she looks pissed but surprisingly not at me. I see Megan stalk away but I don't care cause B's grabbin' my hand like she always does.

"Come on, we're dancing."

"What happened to boy toy?" She turns and glances at me mischievously.

"He's out of the picture." I raise my eyebrow and she smiles. What? Ok, this is me seriously confused. No time to think cause here we are, just like back at the Grad except neither of us is that drunk. We dance for hours. It's like heaven...again. And I'm still not ready to object. The club starts to close down and we're still in each others arms. Finally they kick us out and that's when we realize our rides have thus departed, leaving us stranded.

"Feel like a walk?" She asks. I shrug.

"Why not?" We start walking and I'm about to shove my hands in my pockets when she grabs my hand, interlacing her fingers with mine. I swallow and feel a knot in my chest. "'re doin' the couple thing again." I hate how it always comes to this.

"I know." She says simply, squeezing my hand. "I don't care." This is too much. So I stop and turn her to me.

"But I do B. This is driving me crazy. Being so close but not really having you. Can't you see that?" I'm tired of playing games. But she smiles. Something is definitely up.

"What if you have me?"

"Wh...what?" She didn't just say that, did she? She laughs and sighs at the same time. Quite a feat.

" need you Faith. I need you here with me. I've never been so miserable in my entire life as I am when you're not here." Now she's got both of my hands in hers and my hearts goin' like a million miles a minute.

"Buffy...I can't just be friends with you." I say, dropping my head. Damn this is hard. I feel her squeeze my hands.

"Neither can I." My head snaps up, and my eyes meet hers. I can't have heard that right.

"B...I don't understand." And it's like that. She's leaning up and her lips are on mine. It's soft but fierce. I feel like my entire body's on fire but before I can even kiss her back she's pulling away. She rests her forehead on mine and smiles softly. And me? I'm confused as hell. I think she notices too cause she smiles even more before looking into my eyes.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." That I heard. And this time I'm the one kissing her. One arm goes around her waist and the other up to her cheek. Both of her hands come up and hold my neck. I can't even begin to believe it. I'm standin' in the middle of the street kissing Buffy Summers, not to mention she just confessed that she's falling in love with me...and it's kinda just like I always thought it would be...a-freaking-mazing.

Alright you guys. Soooo that's it! I know, I know, you weren't expecting it to come so soon. I might, emphasis on MIGHT, write an epilogue or something with the happy couple but as of now I'm not planning on it. Thanks again to every who has reviewed and WILL review. :) It's been a blast.