"Why do people have to grow up, change?" I pondered to Gilbert as we meandered through the forest.
"Oh, you'd change. If someone ever admitted that they were head over heels for you, you'd be swept off your feet in a moment."
I was ruffled beyond belief. "I would not, and I defy anyone who would try and make me change."
I wish I was Peter Pan, living in Never Land.
Avonlea was my nursery, Green Gables my playroom, and I felt as though I was being forced out into my own room.
My friends were like the Lost Boys. Our childish innocence filled our free time as we allowed ourselves to be carried away by our imaginations. Now, I feel as though my Lost Boys are running off, leaving me to be married. My old playmates from school are off getting engaged, and even my own kindred spirit, Diana is getting married to unimaginative, serious Fred!
"I don't want any of it to change. I just wish I could hold onto these days forever." I said to the mist that hung in the air around me.
Gilbert put his hand gently on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "I won't change, that's the least I can promise you."
What of Gilbert, my chum and voice of reason? He fancies himself in love with me, but all I want is for things to be the same as they ever were. He tried to propose, to tell me that he loves me, but it cannot be true. If he promised that he would not change, then what is he doing proposing?
"Let's not change, Gil, let's just go on being good friends," I begged.
"Good friends, huh? I thought we were kindred spirits," he replied as my heart broke.
If we were in Never Land, none of this change would happen. We would still be the same bunch of naïve children, conceiving our own adventures, getting into trouble, and loving every minute of our lives. Matthew would still be alive, and Rachel Lynde could even have the role of Captain Hook! There would be journeys around every bend and faeries and mermaids and no one would even consider growing up, changing.
I wish I could just sit on the beach, watching the tide come in and out, and be. Becoming would never even occur to the world around me. I wish that I could really step in the same stream twice, have my friends never leave my side. As it is, I seem destined for tragedy.
I wish Peter Pan, living in Never Land.