Sorry people I was going to post this two days ago, but I couldn't get to my computer. PLEASE NOTE at the end of this chapter is a different Author's note that is VERY IMPORTANT. Please reed it.

Even though there was light in the room now, the underneath of Kyouya's bed was dark with prospect. We could only hope that it was a maid and not Kyouya himself. What trouble would we be in…One could only wait to find out. Then again there was always the question of weather he would actually find us. Maybe, just maybe lady luck was shinning on us.

The bed squeaked above us; a sign that someone now occupied it. One day we'd get back at that lady.

"You boys think you can hide from me? Why don't you make this easier on all of us and come out from under the bed."

We were, for lack of a better word, flabbergasted at how he could pin point a exact location with in minute of being in the room. We had most definitely underestimated him. Crawling out from underneath the bed with less grace then a wounded toad, we faced "the enemy". The bastard was laying back like there wasn't a problem in the world. What an insult.

"Sit down," His eyes were following us, piercing us like hawk's eyes. He was the hunter, we the hunted. Our warped and uncomfortable movements were noted.

"Why so glum, expecting something?" He was laughing at us and the silence that followed was nerve wrenching. Kyouya sat up so he could still see us, as we were now sitting.

"Now boys tell me of you findings." To this neither of us said a word, thinking it would get us in more trouble if he knew what we knew about him; we were wrong.

"Then Ill tell you." These are the moments that people look back on and say, "you should have seen your face"; Hikaru and I, being twins, did.

"Judging form the mess in here, first you rummaged through my things trying to find anything of interest. When you found my notes you too a break and read he last entry. Then just as you found my leather pants I unlocked the door. Now were here."

"But…" we couldn't understand. That was exact, but we put every thing back! So what mess was he talking about!

"What mess?" Kyouya was obviously going to explain. "When you walk in a carpeted room foot imprints are left. I simply followed you tracks and did some guess work."

Hikaru moved closer to me trying to protect me or something, Kyouya noticed. He smirked, yes this time there was no mistaking in.

"Now since I knew this whole plan was fabricated by Karou," at that Hikaru sent a death glare a Kyouya, "it's his 'punishment'."

"What the hell, Kyouya…"

"If it's really that much of a problem for you Hikaru you can share, it's not all that bad anyway. Not for us anyway." (hint hint)

A/N: I have a contest for you all. You can come up with the best next scene. Type out how you think it would go and send I to my email address: might read your scene in my story, if it's the best of the submitted. You have until February 10th 2007

Review Answers:

Wickedlady101: Sprinkels comming

Ceruleanblu: I take pride in entertainment, so thank you.

Ai-Kusabana: Kyouya punishes them.

Nikki-chan: I'm drawing it out to keep you reading, duh.

SkyLark: Yeah, I'm getting reviews so people understand my mistakes. And I'm sorry but if I made them longer then it wouldn't be quite as suspensful.

Mixed fighter girl: Well here it is.

Wulfi-chan: I'll check you story, hope you liked this chapter. And thanks for being a dedicated reader.