Californian Colony 2225 A.D.
She crept along the vine draped red brick wall just along the estate. The ducked behind a bush as the sentry probes flew past scanning for intruders. She turned the small dial on her wristwatch, turning the sensors in her blue skintight body suit on. The sensor scanned her before quickly flying off.
She sighed, 'Probes…' she thought to herself, 'Worse yet, heat sensors…' She laughed to herself; a quick flip of the A/C censors would lower the temperature around her enough for her to be 'invisible' to the heat sensors.
She thrust her hand up towards the wall, two small black ropes shooting out and over the wall. They latched onto something on the other side and she scaled the wall. She balanced on top of the wall, eyeing the grounds before jumping down.
She landed lightly, about to continue when she heard an electronic whir behind her. She turned quickly just in time to see a portion of the wall before her open up and spikes shoot out. Her eyes widened as she tried to dodge the spikes, her sources had not mentioned this part of security. She winced as a spike imbedded itself in her side, she pulled it out slowly, nearly biting her tongue off as she tried not to scream.
She pressed a firm hand to her side before getting up and trying to make her way towards the house. She had to work quickly, if she didn't her window would be lost. She cursed herself for not being more aware of her surroundings, how could she have been so stupid as to over look the spikes?!
She bit the inside of her mouth as she swayed while she walked, the wound was slowing her down but she could not stop. Her sources told her that Edward Beckham walked Blondie, their golden retriever, around the grounds every night at 10 before going to bed. She needed to make it to her stake out spot before the boy got there or else she would not be able to finish him off and head for the house.
She groaned softly as she reached the base of the large oak tree that she was to ambush him at. Sitting was not the best possible action; it opened the wound more, allowing the blood to flow more freely. She looked up hearing a dog bark in the distance…her visions blurred.
She tried to stand, to get ready to attack…to take out the dog first, but she swayed. She took a step forward but stumbled and fell as the world spun before her. She saw a golden blur running towards her with a small child before her world went black…
The small boy ran up to the fallen woman, turning her over and eyeing the wound in her side. His eyes widened, "Blondie stay here!" he instructed before running off.
"Dad!" the boy shouted rushing into the house where his father was drinking tea in the kitchen, "Dad come quick!"
"Edward?" the man called, looking up to see his son rushing towards him. "What is it?"
"Come quick!" the boy shouted, grabbing his father's hand and pulling him out towards the trees. "Someone's hurt!"
The man ran faster with his son leading him. He took one look at the fallen woman and immediately knew that it was one of Rorrick's assassins. He eyed the wound as well as the regulation dog tags around her neck. During WWIII too many soldiers had died unidentified, indestructible and irremovable dog tags had become the standard upon birth. He reached out, reading the tags 'Serenity Evander' before reaching into a small pouch on her black belt. He pulled out a piece of paper, reading it over quickly. "Serpent…Mission: Eliminate Tai and Edward Beckham."
He looked away from the paper, finally looking at the woman before him. Her blonde hair was held back in a tight high ponytail while her face scrunched in pain. Despite the fact that she had been sent to kill him, he couldn't stop himself from thinking 'Beautiful…'
"Dad! What are we going to do?" Edward asked, watching his dad in worry.
Tai looked from his son to the woman, to the paper, and back to the woman. He shook his head knowing that he would regret it later, before picking up the woman and horridly carrying her towards his house…