Hello! EmikoKitsune here! Just a small warning I don't own Naruto characters, blah blah blah...and Oh yes BOY LOVE STORY! SasukexNaruto!! For now I think it will set it at a high rating, but just to let everyone know I plan on having no sex scenes in this particular story. Maybe someplace else oneday, but as for now it is not in my plan for this fic. Also, I have no idea when this takes place, um maybe during training or...sometime after...well if anything it's AU, but I think that mostly this is similar to Sasuke, but not quite, more like what I think he's like in private when he thinks no one looks..XD Well non the less ENJOY!!

Naruto: Finally...god...

Sasuke: Feh, what took you so long blabbermouth?!

Sasuke ran from rooftop to rooftop, a bag in hand and a mask on his face. The mask had covered most of his face, leaving only his mouth visible. He had small holes to look out of, but the mask didn't cover his spiky black hair. He ran with one destination in mind, Naruto's apartment. He slipped into Naruto's window easily; the young blond had left the window wide open. Sasuke reached into his bag with his gloved hands and took out a rope. He also took out a bottle of liquid and a piece of cloth. Sasuke was obviously nervous. He looked around the room frantically for a piece of paper and a pen. He quickly wrote on the paper. He went to Naruto's bed and carefully placed the pen between his fingers, making sure to get the boys fingerprints on the pen. Then he took the paper and placed Naruto's hands on the front, as if he had held the paper down.

Sasuke left the pen and paper on the table next to the kitchen. He then went over to the heavily sleeping boy and took the cloth. Wetting it with the contents of the bottle, Sasuke went over to Naruto's sleeping form with the rope and cloth. He tied Naruto's hands and feet together, and then shook him awake. Naruto woke up and blinked his eyes. He turned over in his bed and shut his eyes again, promptly falling asleep once more. Sasuke got irritated and dragged him to the floor. Naruto opened his eyes once his butt had landed harshly. He moved to stand up, but once he realized he couldn't, he looked around frantically. He saw the masked man and took a deep breath.

Sensing that he was about to scream, Sasuke placed the cloth against Naruto's face. Naruto shouted into the cloth, but his scream died out as soon as it started. Sasuke then placed the cloth back into the bag he had brought with him. He closed the bottle and placed it into the bag as well. Lifting Naruto off the floor, he threw him over his shoulder and collected the bag. Looking back, Sasuke made sure to double check, just in case. He left the apartment and closed the window behind him. Running back to his home as quickly as possible, Sasuke decided to take to the alleys rather than the rooftops, just in case any stray ninja were around.

Sasuke had things planned out so well, it even surprised himself. He went through the trouble of building everything himself. He went to the stores of Konoha, buying things, as he needed. No one ever questioned him about all the lumber and building tools he purchased. After all, the home he had in the old Uchiha section of Konoha was pretty old. He decided that he would take out a couple of guest rooms on the top floor, and make that section for Naruto only. He got to work destroying the walls that separated three rooms. He made one large room and painted the walls; one side was a light sky blue. The other side of the room was midnight blue, and in the middle of the room the color gradually meshed to create the illusion of day turning into night.

The floor had a 'sunset' theme, with auburn wood flooring and a large rug in different shades of red and orange. Noting the lack of windows in the room, Sasuke made three windows on the slanted roof of the room so that sun could be allowed into the room. To make sure no one would expect a thing, he created a wall to cut off this room. The only entrance was a hidden door. There was a table, against the fake wall, which held a needle left from Haku in the small drawer. This needle could be placed into a small hole located under the candleholder on the wall. This allowed the candleholder to be pulled down so that access could be granted into the room. This was the only way in. Once into the room, the door could be pulled down or pulled up from the inside.

Once the fake wall was installed, Sasuke placed several things into the room. He bought a big screen television, PlayStation 2, several games, several ramen cups and packages. He placed all of these into the room. The only thing that wasn't changed was the single washroom that belonged to one of the original guest rooms. This washroom held a sink and a toilet. The next thing he needed was furniture. He managed to get a fridge, and a stove that he placed into the room, and he placed the bed farthest from the door.

The hardest things that Sasuke had managed to purchase were some chains and shackles. He had bought them getting strange looks from the seller, but he had said nothing. Sasuke had managed to set up a rig where the chains were connected to a crank, allowing the distance of the chains to change. This was the most important thing about this room. Sasuke tested the chains many times to be sure that even someone with the strength of the fifth Hokage couldn't break these chains.

Sasuke reflected on all the hard work he had put into the room as he placed Naruto inside. He took Naruto to the bed and placed him gently on the covers he bought just for him. The covers were fur-like, feeling warm and soft against Naruto's skin. Sasuke undid all of Naruto's bonds and watched as the small boy snuggled into the cover. He kissed Naruto on the forehead and mumbled a small apology before closing and locking the door. He went over and placed one shackle on Naruto's right ankle. He then cuddled close to Naruto and fell into deep sleep, completely forgetting that he still had on his mask.

Sasuke awoke to a high-pitched scream, close to his ear. He quickly got up, nearly forgetting about last night. He stood up quickly and looked at the small blond boy who was at the moment ranting about dreams and reality. Sasuke moved closer to the blond only to have him back away slightly. "Who are you and what do you want?!" Sasuke tilted his head in confusion. He reached up and felt the mask on his face. Before he was even able to pull it down, Naruto spoke once more. "I SAID…hey…that…hair…is…Sasuke?" Sasuke sighed and pulled down his mask. "About time you figured it out, Dobe." Naruto now glared at him standing up and walking closer. "What the hell Sasuke? You think you can drag me here and tie me up? What did you do that for anyway? I was really freaked you idiot!" Sasuke stepped closer to him.

"We finally got off all summer, no missions, no training…the Hokage decided to give you special treatment and allow you the whole summer off. Sakura and I have the same treatment, being on the same team as you. Sakura is training under the Hokage and Kakashi is out doing missions on his own. I have you now." Naruto looked puzzled. "So…you…kidnapped me?!" Sasuke smirked. "Why the hell would you do that? Wait I know! Bastard you want to keep me here while you train and become stronger than me!!" Sasuke chuckled at Naruto's outburst. "This is not about training, in fact I plan to train with you, but only after." Naruto scratched his head. "After what?" Sasuke looked up at him and stepped close enough to feel Naruto's breath on his lips. "After you fall in love with me." Naruto stared for a long time until he finally comprehended those words. "WHAAAT?!!"

Well how was it? Don't like it? That's too bad...but if you happen to enjoy it, then please do comment by using the button below and submit a review. Reviews make me write faster...

Sasuke: Is that so?

Naruto: That's hard to believe...

Yes, it's true! My author power is raised by the amount of reviews I get!!! It's amazing! (thanks to Burdela for the space suggestion)