The group finally started to wake up a little after the porcupine trio. It was Cobalt who was the first to wake up since he was outside of the log and he heard or thought he heard the three giggle from the hedge.

Cobalt: (yawns) Was that Bucky, Quillo, and Spike I heard giggling? Wonder what those three are up to now.

Stella: (emerging from log) Good morning Cobalt.

Cobalt: Stella…good morning. Didn't think you'd be the first one up. I thought it was always Verne that was up before everyone else.

Stella: Yea...well that's exactly why I'm up now. This way I avoid Verne's impending lecture on the near approach of winter and all that.

Cobalt: (giggles) Yup…that sounds like Verne alright. He means well Stella…you know that.

Stella: Of course I do. Truthfully it doesn't really bother me at all now. I just wanted to make conversation with you. Still don't know too much about you Cobalt and that's mostly our fault not yours and…

Cobalt: (holds up paw) No need Stella. Heard this same spill from Verne last night and don't worry about it. Ya'll get to know me much better the longer I'm here so there's no rush to get acquainted. It would be beneficial however to get well acquainted before winter does arrive. We are all gonna be shoved into that log for awhile when that happens.

Stella: Good point.

Verne: (emerges from log stretching) Good morning you two. Can't believe I didn't wake up till now. It must've been because I was up talking with you Cobalt.

Cobalt: That's not really a good excuse Verne since I happened to wake up before you.

Verne: Yea…well I had a lot on my mind last night. Only 26 days to winter after all.

The others began to file out of the log at the sounds of the conversation going on outside. Once all had emerged from the log, RJ began to lay out his plan for their next big heist.

RJ: Ok gang…pay attention. Our objective is the Jackson residence. Now recent intel suggests that Mr. Jackson is a big dog lover but has yet to acquire one of his own…

Cobalt: Oh man. This was what I was afraid of. Just to pick up where I interrupted him, he wants to disguise me as a common household dog so that I can keep Mr. Jackson occupied while ya'll take the food. I'm right ain't I RJ?

RJ: Well…yes you are. I mean Cobalt, why mess with something that works so well. We've done this on numerous occasions not that long ago. I'm thinking German Shepherd as the kind of dog to pass you off as. I believe we've done that before.

Cobalt: (rolls eyes) Yes…yes we have. We've done that on several occasions.

Heather: What's the big deal Cobalt? I mean…if you don't mind me asking.

Cobalt: I don't mind you asking Heather. Basically, I don't mind the actual plan itself it's just the part of the plan where I'm made up to be a domestic dog that bothers me.

Verne: Why? Does being transformed into a domestic dog degrade you somehow?

Cobalt: It's not even that Verne. I mean we coyotes love to be tricksters so I don't mind at all altering my appearance to fool a human or two but…I…

RJ: Oh just spit it out already, you're hyper-ticklish.

Cobalt: RJ! I was getting around to saying it. Yes…I'm very ticklish and getting the paint applied to me just drives me insane.

Heather: That's it!? That's not that big a deal Cobalt. My dad is extremely ticklish too.

Ozzie: Heather!

Heather: Oh come on dad, don't you get all self-conscience about it. It's not that big a deal. In fact it's kinda cool. This is one of the very few ways I can actually overpower my own dad. (starts tickling Ozzie)

Ozzie: Hey (giggling) cut…that out Heather…ok…they get the point….stop it already…ok…ok you win…I give.

Heather: (stops the tickling) You see how much fun that was.

Cobalt: Not too much fun for Ozzie in my opinion.

Ozzie: (catching his breath) No…really I'm fine with it. I don't really consider it a weakness or even embarrassing.

Cobalt: I do…maybe I wouldn't if it wasn't for the fact I have kinda a goofy laugh.

RJ: It is a funny laugh I have to admit. Katrina always liked that goofy laugh of yours didn't she?

Cobalt: Yea…well there wasn't much about me she didn't like just as there wasn't much I didn't like about her.

RJ: Well let's not dwell on that too much. We really need to get started soon. Besides, as Ozzie said, you don't need to consider it a weakness but I do understand your desire to keep a macho persona.

Cobalt: Yea well you're not the best authority on being macho after the crying fit you had not that long ago when I arrived.

RJ: Well…that was different. I was in shock and…you know how it is Cobalt. We men tend to keep our feelings to ourselves and hold things in. Well it can get bottled up and eventually it just has to force its way through like it did with me. It's sort of like what the humans refer to as a mid-life crisis or something like that. (giggles nervously)

Cobalt: It's alright RJ. I was just messing with ya. Now let's go on and get me painted. Just promise that ya'll want make fun of my laugh.

So the group finally began to transform Cobalt into a typical German Shepherd. The process proved to be more difficult than anticipated as Cobalt was indeed as ticklish as he said. It took all of them but Hammy and RJ to hold him still. Hammy was selected to do the painting as he could do it very rapidly and thus limit Cobalt's length of time in ticklish agony.

RJ: I think you might need some more black paint over on this paw Hamilton. (points at Cobalt's left hind paw)

Cobalt: (panting) No…no more on the paws. I think there just fine as is.

Hammy: I have to agree with him RJ. Mainly because I think the poor guy's had enough. Wow Cobalt…you weren't kidding about being hyper-ticklish. I thought I was the most ticklish one of the group here but I'm glad I don't have that designation now.

Cobalt: Thanks Hammy.

Verne: Well looks like another great job at camouflage guys. Nice work everyone. One question though…Lou and Penny, where are Bucky, Quillo, and Spike?

Penny: Jeepers I don't know Verne. I haven't seen the little ones all morning.

Lou: Perhaps we should go look for them don't you think hon.

Just as they finished talking, all of them heard a commotion come from the hedge. By the time they got closer to the hedge to check it out; the young porcupine trio fell out of the hedge with the camera.

Bucky: I told you going for a higher-up shot was a bad idea Quillo.

Spike: We're so busted now.

Cobalt: Did…did you guys just tape all that was going over there?

Quillo: It was uncle RJ's idea. He was doing one of his wild world of nature segments featuring you Cobalt.

Verne: Oh not this again. I thought you were going to stop doing those RJ.

RJ: Come on Verne, these segments are great entertainment. We all need to be able to laugh at ourselves sometimes right…right?

Both Cobalt and Ozzie looked at RJ with annoyance.

RJ: Oh come on guys…don't be so annoyed. Ozzie…what happened to being ticklish didn't embarrass you?

Ozzie: When it's not recorded on tape, I'm not embarrassed by it.

Heather: Dad…lighten up. No one but all of us will see that tape. RJ's not gonna let it get beyond these woods.

RJ: Look guys…I'm sorry if I offended you but…there's no need to be offended. This is some great stuff here.

Cobalt: It's ok RJ. Don't be so surprised, however, if one day it is you in the spotlight.

Bucky: Yea…let's do a segment on you sometime uncle RJ. I'll be so sweet.

RJ: Right…sweet. We'll have to discuss that later guys. Right now we need to commence with the heist.

So after a brief planning session, all were ready to go. Before long they had made there way to the Jackson residence and Cobalt was positioned just outside the front door. Ozzie took the wagon around to the back yard and stayed with it. Once the others were in, they would toss the food out an open window to him to put in the wagon. Everyone was now in position. All that was left to do was for RJ to ring the doorbell and then hide in the bushes nearby with everyone else. As for Cobalt, he was the diversion. He would keep Mr. Jackson occupied. That seemed simple enough at the time. Unfortunately it would become evident that this was going to be no simple task as soon as Mr. Jackson emerged from the house.

Mr. Jackson: Well well…another darn stray dog. Just when I think I'm gonna be able to enjoy my vacation. Well you just wait right there pooch. I'll be back shortly and we'll get you to the pound.

Now it all made perfect sense to Cobalt what was going on. RJ had failed to mention that instead of being a dog lover, this Mr. Jackson was an animal control officer.

Cobalt: Oh RJ…I should've known you'd have something like this planned. After all why take the chance of Mr. Jackson staying in his yard and catching the others in the act of stealing from him. It made much more sense that I should lead him on a chase around the neighborhood instead. (sighs) Well…time to get ready to run I guess.

The next thing to happen was for Mr. Jackson to come to the door with his net. At that cue, it was time for Cobalt to dash and so he did, leading Mr. Jackson on a chase around the neighborhood. All the while he was wandering why RJ didn't just say this was his plan. He also wandered if RJ would ever truly change. He had managed to shake the determined animal control officer on the other side of Rancho Camelot Estates and was now about to join everyone else in Mr. Jackson yard.

Cobalt: (panting) Guys…let's hurry it up. I don't know how much longer till he gets back here.

Ozzie: We were just about to leave Cobalt.

Verne: Yea…don't worry. It was all a success.

Cobalt: Well it better have been after that workout I just had. You know RJ, you could've told me that Mr. Jackson was an animal control officer. I would've gone along with having him chase me so you could get all the food you needed.

RJ: I know you would Cobalt but I had to make sure. Well enough chatting, we better catch up with the others because I think I hear our friend Mr. Jackson coming now.

The two made a dash for the hedge before Mr. Jackson could get through the gate. They were about to get back to their clearing when RJ happened to fall into a hole trap, no doubt dug by Dwayne or the Sniffer as he was known by the hedgies.

Cobalt: RJ…can you climb out of there.

RJ: I…don't think I can. It's too deep a hole. You and the rest of the crew are gonna have to help me out of here. Hurry! I don't know how long until the Sniffer shows up.

No response comes from Cobalt. All RJ hears is the sound of someone jumping into water. He assumes it's Cobalt running back to get the others. That notion turned out not to be the case. Oh it was Cobalt that made that sound but he had no intention of getting the others.

Cobalt: Ah…that's better. You were at least not lying bout the paint being easy to come off with water.

RJ: Cobalt…what are you doing? Help me!

Cobalt: Help you? Oh you mean like you helped me, how you helped my family. I think I can do that very easily.

RJ: Cobalt…don't do this. Look I'm sorry about the thing with Mr. Jackson and the whole recording you thing. Please…get me out of here Cobalt. I'm begging you, don't do this to me. Don't leave me here.

Verne: (coming from the clearing) RJ…is that you I'm hearing. Oh know he's trapped. Guys come quick.

Cobalt: (gets in front of everyone, growls, and bares his teeth) Don't come any closer. I don't want to hurt you Verne. I don't want to hurt any of ya'll. I will if I have to.

Vincent: (coming along side Verne and the others) well well…so I was on my way down here to see what all the laughter was about this morning and look what I find. I figured you couldn't be trusted Cobalt. Now I have no choice but to kill you.

He was about to lunge at Cobalt when he triggered a trap the Sniffer obviously left for him or some other large animal. Before he knew it, a massive log swung down from the tree behind him and hit him in the head.

Vincent: (dazed) Is it time for hibernation already mommy. (falls to the ground)

Heather: Vincent! Are you ok?

Verne: Relax everyone…he's just out cold. It doesn't have to be this way Cobalt. Let's just get RJ out of that hole and we can all discuss this like gentlemen. I told you that you needed to forgive him completely.

Cobalt: Well Verne. I guess I just couldn't do that. He'll never change. He'll probably betray ya'll again or all of us if he's allowed to live. It does have to be this way. If I let this happen then…

Female Voice: Then you will be just as deceitful and untrustworthy as he once was Cobalt.

All stood in silence at the sound of this unfamiliar voice. Well it was unfamiliar to everyone but RJ and Cobalt.

RJ and Cobalt: Katrina!

Katrina: Yes guys…it's me Katrina. I managed to escape the Sniffer but I did witness the death of most of our pack Cobalt. You pain is very understandable but RJ suffer their fate won't make your pain or mine any less unbearable. You've got to move on, especially since I've found you and I now know you're alive.

Cobalt: Katrina…how can I possibly let him live after all that…

Katrina: Cobalt! Enough! Stop dwelling on the past. Besides there was nothing he could have done to prevent what happened. If anyone is to blame it is Travis. (starts to cry) I…hate to say that since he has perished…but…it's true unfortunately. He was…so determined to become the next pack Elder that he convinced the whole pack to come along on this raid to show he had complete control. He didn't have control. It got out of had and by the time he figured that out…it was too late. I'm…I'm so sorry Cobalt.

Cobalt: (sobbing) I…I miss him so much Katrina. I miss…all of them and…I missed you most of all. Katrina…come hold me.

The two coyotes embrace and comfort each others as Verne and the others look on. There is not a dry eye among the group.

Hammy: Oh…you two…I think it's time for a group hug.

Verne: I'd hold off on that for now Hammy.

Cobalt: No Verne…it's alright. I think it's time for Katrina to get acquainted with her new family. That is if you'll have us Verne…even after all this.

Verne: Of course we'll accept you and Katrina into this family but first you need to help us free RJ.

Cobalt: Agreed. Also, would someone let Vincent know as soon as he wakes up that there's no need to destroy me now.

Stella: He'll be lucky to remember what day it is after that hard a hit to the head.

RJ: Vincent has a real hard head, he'll be fine. We'll be sure to let him know. Oh and it's great seeing you again Katrina. It's nice to see that another member of my previous family is alive and well.

Katrina: Nice to see you again as well RJ. You're gonna have to be on your best behavior now that you have to coyotes to kick your butt if you don't.

The gang manages to free RJ and get Vincent alert enough to leave the area and get to the safety of the clearing. Their Katrina got meet with everyone and a good time was had by all. That night, Cobalt and Katrina notice RJ sitting alone by the lake deep in thought.

Cobalt: RJ…you alright.

RJ: Yea…I'm just thinking about home…my very first home. I wander if my parents are even still alive or if I have more siblings.

Katrina: You know RJ…perhaps there's a way we can find out.

Cobalt: Yea…we could travel back down to Georgia, to Cumberland Island and search for your folks.

RJ: I couldn't ask that of you guys.

Cobalt: No need to ask us period because we want to help you. In fact I'm sure all of your new family members would like to make the trip. Couldn't do it now. It's too close to winter. We'll have to wait till spring. It'll be just like a road trip. It'll be fun.

RJ: You know what? I don't deserve friends like you two, like Verne, like Hammy, like Ozzie and Heather, like all of em.

Cobalt: Well maybe you do or maybe you don't but the bottom line is RJ, you're stuck with us because we're more than just friends here…we're all family. Now let's get some sleep.

The three get back to the log and tell all gathered they're plans for the spring. All agree to the adventurous journey and all go to bed that night excited. They couldn't wait for winter to get here and once winter was upon em, they'd have an exciting spring to look forward to.

The End