Zack's POV
It's been 3 months since Cody woke up. It took me a while to register the fact that it wasn't another dream. I was in shock for at least a week – I just couldn't believe it.
Cody's going back to school today. He's been at home for a week and supposed to be for another two, but he had a tantrum yesterday about how much school he'd missed. I told him if I was in his position I'd be screaming for joy, but then I realised how selfish and thoughtless that was. The look on his face was enough to realise that.
When he first woke up, I ran out the room, scared that I was going to wake up and realise that he was still the same comatose twin I'd got used to over the past months. It took me a while to realise that sometimes you have to face up to the truth, so I walked back into his room – I was totally not ready for what I saw. My little brother laying in bed with his doctor leaning over him telling him he was going to be just fine.
It was just so odd watching him learning how to sit up with as little pain as possible and walking around and breathing in a particular way to stop it hurting as much. Of course, being Cody, he was stubborn at first, saying that only he knew what was best for him. We persuaded him that he needed to listen, if not for him, then for us, just so we didn't have to see him in so much pain.
Cody's POV
I'm scared of going to school. I'm scared of what people will think of me. I'm scared of how they'll look at me. I'm scared of what Zack will do. I'm just scared of everything.
I've given off this fake impression that I wanted to go back to school – which I do for the school work; I've missed loads – but I don't want to see everyone there. They'll think I'm handicapped or something. I mean, I was only shot.
Okay, so maybe it is a big deal but still. Zack's already been running round after me on hand and foot and I feel really bad. I don't ask him to do anything, either Mom gets him to do it or he does it of his own accord, which is generally what happens.
I was taught how to do stuff that would make it easier, but Zack knows that I'm only doing it for everyone else. I know how to do stuff that makes it easier for me. Still, I have to admit that Zack has been helping me do stuff and it means I get more quality time with him. I am walking, but I'm not totally capable of everything.
That's another thing that school will take away from me. I want to be able to have fun with my brother, not for everyone to coo over him and how sweet he is for looking after me. He's in a lot of my lessons, which could be a bad thing or a good thing.
Although, there is a good thing that comes out of going to school. I have a proper real excuse for missing gym.
'You sure you're alright for this?' Zack asked his brother as they walked into school.
'Yes, Zack. You've asked me this a million times today.' Cody replied, grinning.
'But are you totally sure that you're ready?' Zack tried again, making it completely obvious he didn't believe him. 'Because we can turn back now if you want…'
'I'll be fine.' Cody said, still smiling.
'…Okay. But if you need me, just get someone to come and get me or something, alright?'
Cody sighed. Zack stopped and turned towards him. 'Alright?' he said with more emphasis.
'Yeah, sure, whatever. Just get off my back.' Cody said with irritation.
Zack swallowed. 'Sorry.'
Cody sighed again, but this time he was angry with himself. 'I'm sorry, Zack. It's just that everyone is just on my back and…' he trailed off, staring in front of him.
Zack frowned. 'What? Cody. Cody, what is it? What's wrong?'
'That's…' Cody started. He slowly lifted his hand to point in front of him. '…that's the place he…' he looked down. 'That's the place I was shot.'
Zack looked up from staring at him. 'Oh…right…' He too stared at the place, replaying the scene in his head.
Eventually, he snapped out of it and grabbed Cody's wrist, pulling him through the school gates. 'It's okay, buddy. He's not gonna hurt you anymore, alright?' he said, staring into Cody's face.
'Yeah…yeah…I know that…' Cody said, licking his dry lips.
'Good. Okay, come on.' Zack wrapped an arm round his shoulders and led him into his first day of school in months…
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