The Last Mrs. Morgan

This story has 13 chapters. It should all be posted before Christmas.

Author's note- For the purposes of this story Sonny and Emily never dated.

March 2007

"This is the only choice we have," Jason said as they walked into the church.

"I'm not complaining." Carly said

Jason was dressed in a blue shirt and black pants. Carly wore a simple knee length white dress.
It was after midnight and the only light in the church came from candles that were placed near the alter.

The priest walked down the aisle and said, "Hello Jason, good to see you."

They shook hands and Jason passed him an envelope of money.

"Do you have the license?"

Carly reached in her purse and pulled it out. "Thank you for doing it this way. This marriage needs to be a secret for now."

Just then the church doors opened and Emily and Nikolas walked in, holding hands.

"Father Coates, " Jason said to the priest "these are our witnesses, my sister and her husband."

"Then are we ready to begin?"

Carly asked, "Could I walk down the aisle?"

Jason gave her a smile. "How did I know you would want to do that?"

"Got to make my grand entrance." she said "Give me ten minutes. I need to talk to my bridesmaid."

"Come on, Carly." Jason said, laughing at how far she was taking this ceremony that would start their marriage of convenience.

"Hey," she said, pointing her finger at him, "don't argue with the bride."

"That's actually good advice." Nik chimed in

"Don't encourage her," Emily whispered to him

Father Coates said, "I agree with the best man."

Jason gave Nik a look that said, How did I end up here? How did I get stuck with you as a best man?

Then, looking at Carly, the priest added "Take all the time you need."

Carly walked outside of the sanctuary and Emily followed her. Carly pulled the doors closed and, in the foyer, she whispered "Did you bring it?"

"In the car."

They both slipped outside and hurried to Nikolas' Jag. Emily unlocked the doors and popped the trunk. She said "Nikolas doesn't know I put this in here."

"I didn't know you even knew how to lie. I'm impressed. I guess you'll do as a bridesmaid."

"Thanks."Emily muttered.

Twenty minutes later, Jason stood next to the priest while Nik sat in the first pew.

Nik said, "You might as well sit down. Your bride runs on Carly central time"

Father Coates said, "Should I check on them? You don't think she left..."

"No, she didn't." Jason said confidentially

Just then Emily opened the two doors leading into the sanctuary.

Nik hurried to stand next to Jason.

Emily set a Cd player on the ground and pressed play. The song After All by Cher softly drifted through the air.

Emily stepped back into the foyer and said to Carly, "Treat him right."

Carly told her, "The way you feel about Nikolas, how you think he is the bravest, strongest, most loyal and amazing man. Take that and amplify it one million times and you just might start to get how I feel about Jason."

"I know you love him. But don't hurt him."

"I never would."

Emily argued, "You have."

Carly glared at her. "You are bringing me down on my wedding day."


Carly shoved a bouquet in Emily's hand and said, "Go do your bridesmaid thing."

Emily turned and stepped back to the doorway, her eyes immediately going to Nikolas.

He smiled at her, as he took in the fact that she had changed clothes. She now wore a pale pink formal gown.

Emily started to walk down the aisle as the last stanza played.

Jason listened to the words, knowing Carly chose this song. Every word went straight to his heart and, though, he didn't want to become emotional, he found that he was.

After all the stops and starts We keep coming back to these two hearts

Two angels who've been rescued from the fall

And after all that we've been through It all comes down to me and you

I guess it's meant to be

Forever you and me

After all

Cher lyrics

When the wedding march started Carly stepped into the doorway.

Jason swallowed hard. This was a sight he had long ago given up on seeing. He just hadn't thought it was something that could happen.

But there she was, smiling at him, absolutely glowing in a strapless wedding gown, white satin cascading to the floor around her.

I should have known she'd do this her way, Jason thought

As she moved toward him everyone else in the church faded into a blur. All he could see was his future wife.

This wasn't supposed to be real. But to both Carly and Jason it felt like a hidden fantasy come to life.

When she reached him she said, "You like?" as she glanced down at the dress.

Jason said, "You look ...beautiful, as always."

The Priest said, "We are gathered her to join these two hearts in the unbreakable bond of holy matrimony. From this day forward the world shall acknowledge this couple as husband and wife. All the past falls away as they embrace a future of shared joy and pain. God has brought you both here , in his divine wisdom, for there are no mistakes in God's plan. The road may have been twisted but, be assured, you are right where you are meant to be."

Carly couldn't look away from Jason's eyes. She knew she should protect her heart, Jason didn't see this ceremony as anything more than good legal strategy, yet she couldn't hold back the flood of emotions that flowed through her.

She had wanted this moment for so long...

There was no way to guard her heart from her best friend. Carly knew she would love him for life, and be his wife as long as he would let her.

The priest asked, "Do you, Jason Morgan, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jason's eyes were stuck on Carly's face. She would do anything for him and he knew it. But he didn't want her to break her own heart to save him from prison.

Carly's face changed as the seconds ticked on. Doubt started to creep in and Jason knew she feared he would not go through with this.

He said, softly, "I do."

Jason saw Carly's eyes well up and he thought, If I have to marry someone in order to stay out of prison I'm glad it's her. She's the one I can count on no matter what.

Father Coates said, "Do you, Carly Spencer, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Carly whispered, her voice thick with emotion, "I do."

Father Coates said "I understand you have written your own vows. Jason would you like to go first?"

Carly passed her bouquet to Emily and took both of Jason's hand in hers.

He had thought for all day about what to say that would be true and also a promise he could keep.

Jason said, "Carly, there is no one else I want to be standing here with today. I know you're the woman who will stand by my side even if all the other people in the world turn their back on me.
I have never doubted that. You're a part of me. I would never let you down. I will never walk away from you. I pledge to you my devotion, commitment and loyalty forever."

The priest looked at Carly. "Now the bride will say her vows."

Carly had to hold back her tears in order to speak. She took a deep breath and said "Well, I finally got you to the alter, Jason."

Emily and Nikolas laughed softly. Jason smiled.

Carly spoke off the top of her head, inspired by Jason's vows and her overflowing love for this man.

"I'm here because I can't live without you." Carly continued. "Simple as that. You're the man I run to when I need..." her voice grew softer "to be held, loved, comforted, and when I want to smile or laugh. You were the first person who made me believe that my life could be filled with light instead of darkness. And when I'm around you, it is. I don't ever want you to not be in my life. On my last day on earth I want to see you. I love you, Jase, and I would be honored to be your wife and have you as my husband. I pledge to you my heart, soul and loyalty for this life and beyond. It yours now and forever."

Father Coates said, "Jason and Carly will now exchange rings to signify their everlasting commitment to each other."

Nikolas passed the rings to Jason.

Jason handed one to Carly. With a shaky hand she took it from him.

"Repeat after me," Father Coates said "first Jason and then Carly, as you slip the ring on say 'With this ring I thee wed'."

Carly thought, This is truly happening. I am marrying the man of my dreams.

Jason thought, I might be crazy but I think this is going to work out. It has to. I can't have her hurt.

Jason slipped the gold band onto her finger and said, "With this ring I thee wed."

Carly started to cry.

Jason felt a tear slip down his cheek. She always did this to him, brought out emotions he wanted to keep buried deep, and comfortably, inside.

She sniffled and then said, in a strong and sure voice, "With this ring I thee wed."

"Those whom God hath joined together," Father Coates commanded "let no man put asunder. You may now kiss your bride."

Jason pulled Carly closer. She raised a hand and cupped his cheek.

He gave her a soft kiss.

Father Coates said, "I present to you Jason and Carly Morgan."