Chapter 16

Now and Forever

Kaoru stood at the edge of the river and watched the water flow gently down the stream. She watched it absently as her teeth abused her bottom lips. Her mind kept replaying Kenshin's proposal over and over again.

Kaoru sighed.

'Wasn't this what I had always wanted? I always wanted him to propose. Why do I feel this way?' Kaoru wondered as she turned around and walked away mindlessly. She had no idea where she wanted to go and no one to turn too. She still hasn't talked to the old doctor although she knew he never blamed her at all. Her mind was full with memories of her brown haired friend although she knew they had slowly became more than friends.

Would she have married Shuichi had Kenshin not returned to the picture? She wondered about that. And she had no answer. That made her all the more depressed.

Feeling angry with her that she was actually self-pitying, Kaoru finally realised where she had ended up and stared in shock.

Is this a sign?


Yahiko hung outside of Akabeko. His own feelings were in turmoil. He could not get the sight of Tsubame with what's-his-name out of his head. He realised that by leaving Kaoru, he had left another part of him behind.


Cursing his luck for falling sick, Yahiko felt happier that Kaoru had accepted him back. There are going to be changes of course. He could not bare it if she didn't trust him again. That hurt more than he is willing to admit.

He wasn't going to stop the name-calling. Hell, if he did that, he would feel like a stranger and didn't siblings always fight? He would respect her in the dojo of course, that was expected of him.

Shaking his head clear, he noticed instantly when Tsubame came out and was about to go to her when that boy appeared. Feeling extremely jealous and trying hard to control his raging temper (and hormones), Yahiko followed them. They were walking exceptionally close, he noticed and his hand just felt like grabbing his bokken. Instead, he opted for something Kenshin would resort to.


Tsubame stopped walking and so did the young man. His hand grasped her tightly and that made Yahiko all the more angry but he struggled to keep his cool.


"Don't call me –chan!" he yelled before he could think about it and cursed himself silently. "I want to talk to you...alone."

Tsubame looked at Yahiko. Her brown eyes watched as he nervously racked a hand through his hair as another hand rested on his hip. She felt a light blush on her cheek and turned to her companion. Leaning closer, she whispered something in his ear and he nodded in understanding. Squeezing her hand once more, he let go and walked away.

She walked towards Yahiko and they headed to the river away from the noise. They stayed silent for some time and Yahiko wondered where he should start.

"Do you remember this place? It was where I first met you," Tsubame said softly. Yahiko looked up and instantly took notice of the surroundings. He nodded.

Tsubame knew that they had to clear the air around them and kept talking, pushing her shyness away. "You didn't say goodbye."

He sighed. "Gomen."

She frowned at his answer and fidgeted at the sleeve of her kimono. When he didn't say anything else, she turned to leave when Yahiko caught her hand. Tsubame looked up both in confusion and hurt.

Yahiko cursed himself when he saw her expression. Is this how Kenshin felt? He wondered as he tried to form coherent sentences in his brain. "Yahiko...kun?"

"I wasn't thinking, then. I just...had to go. I didn't think I was leaving you," Yahiko admitted softly. He let go of her hand and sat down heavily. Tsubame sat beside him. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I guess. You came back," she replied after silence reigned.

"It is not okay, isn't it? You have got a new...boyfriend now..."

She looked up from the scenery, startled. "Boyfriend?"

Yahiko glanced at her briefly, wondering why she bothered hiding it.

"That guy just now. At least if it was Yutaro, I could handle it," he grumbled. A smile spread on Tsubame's lips. He was jealous and he just admitted he was her boyfriend. That made her feel all warm inside. Yahiko noticed her smile and curiously asked her.

"Why are you smiling?"

Tsubame shyly looked away. "He is not my boyfriend.

He is my cousin who came for a brief visit. He is leaving tomorrow."

Yahiko blushed deeply and turned away. A small smile graced his lips. Uncertainly, he reached for her hand and they both blushed when he touched hers but refused to let go, enjoying the peace and serenity of the moment.

One they would not forget for a long time.


She walked until she could see the tombstone. Part of her wanted to run away but another part urged her to stay. Suddenly, Kaoru felt a strong desire to have Shuichi with her now so she could ask his advice and seek his warmth.

Ask his advice with Kenshin when he loved her too? Kaoru laughed mentally at that notion. Approaching his grave, she knelt and prayed.

He watched her silently in the shadows. He could see that she was troubled and wondered how to help her. The fact that she had come this far was quite an encouragement. She wasn't too broken or damaged. She was fine. That thought soothed him.

He stood silently behind her. He watched her petite form and thought how petite his own form was. He wanted to laugh at that. She was beautiful he knew that. She was not as elegant as Megumi-san but she was beautiful in her own way.

A mischievous angel.

Kaoru sighed in her pray. She hoped Shuichi would find it in his heart to forgive her for not remembering him. As she completed her pray, she stayed on the ground.

"How long are you going to stare at me, Sou-nii?"

Soujiro looked at her hunched form with surprise. "Shuichi had been teaching you, hasn't he?" Kaoru laughed softly at that. She got up and turned to him, allowing herself to gaze at her only living relative.

"Are you asking his advice on Himura-san's question?" Soujiro asked quietly. Kaoru looked at him curiously but didn't ask how he knew. Instead she said, "I asked his forgiveness and I told him he was an idiot and that I miss him. I told him...thank you for caring and loving me. I should have said more...I just didn't know what."

"Why his forgiveness?" Soujiro asked as he led her back to the dojo. Kaoru shook her head. "He loved me and I can't remember him. What kind of woman must that make me? I couldn't remember him at all from my past. I couldn't remember anything," Kaoru said forcefully, her voice full of frustration.

Soujiro gripped her hand comfortingly. "Maybe that is better. It would help you cope. Maybe you were not meant to remember the past."

"It is my past and I feel empty not knowing the people in my past."

"Sometimes...these things are blessings in disguise. You cannot force your memory, hime-chan." She smiled at the endearment feeling loved and secure. She felt like Shuichi was still protecting her.

"Besides, if he had lived, he would have to bear the pain you will have," Soujiro continued teasingly. Kaoru looked up, bewildered. "Pain?"

"Hai! You would have to choose between Himura-san and Shuichi and that would drive you crazy. Which will drive him crazy too. So...this too is a blessing in disguise. Besides, it will kill him when you choose Himura-san."

Kaoru hung her head. "You do not know if I will choose him."

Soujiro smiled gently at that. "Between the head and the heart, the heart always wins. Your head tells you Shuichi is the best while your heart yearns for Himura-san. He will let you choose your heart and hurt his own in the process. So...this is kind of a blessing for all three of you."

Kaoru remained silent for a while before looking at him with s sad smile. "Wondering has changed your perceptive of life."

"Thanks to Himura-san."


"Eh?" Soujiro's frowned. Kaoru smiled.

"You are my brother. You are entitled to call him Kenshin." Soujiro laughed at that.

"So how are things with you, Sou-nii?" Kaoru asked as she tugged her hair behind her ear. Soujiro grinned easily.

"Very interesting. People actually look up to me and expect all sorts of decisions from me. But Saito-san is a great help. Being half the leader, he helps make most of the decisions. These people are really good, Kaoru. They are not prone to violence, at least most of them are like that. Some are really radical and Saito teaches them some –hard- lessons."

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," Kaoru teased with a grin.

"Nah, it's just, I feel close to Otou-san, you know. I never met him and all," Soujiro said with a smile.

Kaoru stopped in her tracks and turned to her brother. She lifted her hand and caressed his smooth cheek with gentleness in her eyes.


"Don't hide your pain, Soujiro. I'm your sister. I'm entitled to know what's wrong with you. We are supposed to be there for each other, right?"

Soujiro smiled again, this time rather sincerely. He kissed Kaoru's palm and looked directly into her eyes. "You have to bear with me, Kao-chan. I've been alone with my feelings for too long. It'll take time for me to open up."

Kaoru nodded. They continued walking, this time their hand intertwined.

"Otou-san and Saito-san's dad were really for the people. I'm amazed that at this time, where people take advantage of each other, there was a yakuza for the people. Our parents were one of a kind, weren't they?"

Kaoru laughed. "You are going to be a great leader."

Soujiro laughed easily. "I can never take dad's place and I am still learning how to handle it. But I'll work hard at it."

"I know."

They were very happy as they walked back home. Soujiro opened the gates and they walked in.


Kenshin instantly looked up at their laughing faces. "Okeari nasai."

Kaoru glanced at him, uncertain before heading towards her room to change. Kenshin sighed as he finished the laundry and got up to stretch. He felt his muscles tense and then relax considerably. Glancing at her room, he stiffen when he felt another presence coming into the dojo. Turning, Kenshin met Saito with a glare and his features soften at the woman beside him.

"Saito. Tokio-san," he greeted. Tokio bowed at him while her husband ignored the redhead. Turning to Soujiro, he questioned the younger man about the state of the yakuza. Kenshin sighed and invited Tokio in before serving her tea. She smiled her thanks and sipped it when Kaoru walked out. Just then, Sano and Megumi arrived and the house was full again.

A happy smile graced her lips at that sight and her heart felt pleasantly light. She loved to see the dojo full of people and the empty feeling disappeared. Greeting her guests, Kaoru sat down beside Tokio and grinned as her friend talked about the rumours circulating the village.

"Rumours?" Saito interrupted. His gaze flickered to Kenshin when he had a wicked idea.

"I'm sorry about the rumours, Saito-san. People mistake accidents," Kaoru muttered both embarrassed and irritated that she caused both of them discomfort. Tokio waved it off but Saito reached over and pulled Kaoru up towards him. Stunned, she stared at him just as everyone else did.

Grinning predatorily, Saito muttered nonchalantly. "You do know you are engaged to me, don't you, tanuki-chan?"

"EHHHHH??" Kaoru nearly shouted as she tried to pull away in shock. Tokio laughed softly as Sano spit out his tea. Megumi nearly did too but she had too much dignity while Kenshin stared wide-eyed before his eyes narrowed in anger and jealousy. Only Soujiro remained calm.

"No Bloody hell way is she engaged to you!" Sano yelled as he watched Saito and Kaoru as though they were aliens of outer space. Megumi swallowed her drink and massaged her chest. Things like this shouldn't surprise her but it did.

"Ano...there must have...been a mistake, right?" Kaoru asked hopefully as she tried to further the distance between their bodies. Saito ignored her attempt and focused instead at Kenshin. He smirked as he saw the tinge of ember in his rival's eyes with satisfaction.

"Nope. Our fathers wanted us to get married."

Kaoru paled. It is not like Saito wasn't a good guy (to an extent) but she just couldn't envision marrying him.

"As you are married now, Kaoru doesn't need to marry you. Let her go."

Everyone turned to the source of that sentence and Kaoru froze. It was more like Battousai was watching her intently with anger in his eyes. She realised that the shock of her answer and Saito's actions were pushing Kenshin over the edge.

Saito however decided to act well...dumb.

He trapped Kaoru within his embrace and she struggled within his hold, nearly fainting at the tobacco smell he had. "Since I am married, I cannot marry her. However, she is my charge and I am her guardian. So...anyone who wants to marry her...would have to ask me," Saito said, his smirk increasingly annoying.

Kaoru was stunned as were the rest of the Kenshin-gumi. Kenshin glared at Saito knowing full well the meaning behind his words. One way or another, Saito had found out about Kaoru's rejection and using it to his advantage. However, Kenshin wasn't sure if Saito wasn't kidding about the guardian and engagement part. If so...he was screwed.

Saito seemed to realise that Kenshin had grasped his meaning and let go of Kaoru before helping his wife up. Circling her waist possessively, he walked past Kenshin as though nothing happened. Satisfied at the amber glint in Kenshin's eyes, Saito could not resist adding as he walked past.

"So...before you propose again, Battousai, you'd better get my permission."

That did it.

Kenshin clicked his sword up and stood in his battoujutsu stance while Saito immediately got into his gototsu stance.

"I have been waiting for this, Battousai. You'd better not hold back. I don't want tanuki there to marry a lesser man, do I?"

Kenshin growled at that.

Everyone else was stunned at the sudden shift in the air and watched when suddenly Tokio tugged her husband's arm and begin pulling him. Kaoru too grabbed Kenshin's gi and refused to let go. Both men glared at their respective women but neither budged.

"You are not wrecking my dojo again," Kaoru said tightly as she kept a hold on Kenshin.

"We are going home, anata. We have some things to discuss," Tokio muttered to her husband darkly as she pulled him away.

Saito cursed and then glanced at Kenshin. "Another time, Battousai. Another time without these noisy females around."

Kenshin only glared until the couple left the grounds. Only then did Kaoru let go of her hold and backed away with a relief sigh. However, she felt slightly uneasy when Kenshin turned his glare at her.

"What? I really did not want you to wreck my dojo so soon. It isn't cheap you know to repair this place."

"If you so worried about my well-being, you should have just accepted," Kenshin muttered darkly before sighing as well. "I'm sorry, Kaoru-dono. That was out of line, that it is."

Kaoru sighed as well.

"You proposed to Jou-chan?" Sano finally asked as he snapped from his daze. Kenshin looked at his friend and nodded once.

"You rejected?" Sano asked Kaoru instead and she too miserably nodded her head.

"But why? Why the bloody hell didn't you just agree, Jou-chan?"

"Because I am not ready Sano. It is too soon. Gomen."

With that, Kaoru went into her room to rest her tired brains. She just could not bare to face Kenshin and felt extremely guilty when she rejected his proposal. But she really wasn't ready just yet and she hoped that he was willing to wait.


"Why are you walking so slow?" Saito finally asked his wife, as he had to slow down for the tenth time as they walked home in unusual silence. Usually, his wife would chatter about one thing or another but this time she was really quiet.

"I didn't want to bore or irritate you seeing as I am a noisy female," Tokio shot at him as she purposely walked even slower.

"I never thought you were the type of women to hold grudges, Tokio," Saito said puzzled at his wife. She shook her head.

"I do not keep grudges. Anyway, you are sleeping out tonight," she said casually and walked past him as he stopped, shocked.

Instantly, Tokio felt her arm grabbed and smiled inwardly. "What is it?"

"Why am I sleeping outside?" Saito growled in her ear.

"You do not know how to behave in another person's house! That was very embarrassing and annoying. Will you leave Himura-san alone?"

Saito smirked at that. He blew out the smoke from his cigarette and took in another deep puff. "I was just fighting with him. No need to get yourself riled up at that."

Tokio shrugged. "It is not that. You were nearly hugging Kaoru-chan!"

"And you are jealous?" Saito asked his wife with a feral smirk that made her curl inside. The question though was as though he could not believe his wife was capable of feeling jealous.

"Not jealousy," Tokio replied shaking her head. "You were merely playing with Himura-san's feelings in his house."

Saito just blew another smoke and tugged his wife closer. "Firstly, it is not his house. Secondly, I want a fight. Thirdly, that guy should get his act up and force tanuki to marry him. Je's spineless and a sorry excuse of a samurai."

This answer caused Tokio to laugh as she pulled away gently. "You care about him and her? Wow! Anata, I couldn't have guessed." Saito only shrugged. "Doing my duty. Now my dear, do I still need to sleep outside?"

"It will do you good."

Saito grabbed her roughly and kissed Tokio with not so gently. He deepened the kiss when she parted her lips and trailed his hand at the side of her breast causing her to moan in pleasure. He smirked.

"Do I still need to sleep outside?"

Tokio opened her eyes and leaned for another kiss.

"Maybe next time."



6 months later


Kaoru smiled as she placed a fresh bunch of flowers on Shuichi's grave. She has just finished visiting both her parents' grave and decided to visit his as well. Feeling happy and contented, she got up and was about to leave when she saw Kenshin standing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked softly as she looked into his violet eyes with gentleness shining through her own. He smiled.

"I thought I would walk you home. It is getting late." Kaoru looked up and was startled at how fast time had passed by. She smiled as she walked beside him back to the dojo.

"How do you feel now?"

Kaoru looked up. "Much better. It doesn't hurt as much anymore."

Kenshin nodded at that. "It'll get better. It will."

Kaoru smiled at that thought. As they were nearing the dojo, Kenshin placed his hand on her arm to stop her from going inside. Kaoru looked at his quizzically. Suddenly feeling extremely nervous, Kenshin took a deep breath and looked away from her.

"Would you like to accompany me this weekend?" Kenshin murmured softly and then concentrated on the ground as he waited for her answer. Instead she said nothing and his heart cracked. Faking a smile, he barely looked at her as he was about to push the gates open.

"It's okay, Kaoru. You don't have to go."

However, Kenshin stopped when she placed a hand on his arm. Leaning against his back, she sighed softly.

"You should be more specific, baka."


"Don't you dare 'oro' me!" Kaoru yelled as she hit his head. Then, she tugged the swirly man into the dojo.

"What time should I be ready, Kenshin?" Kaoru asked as she headed to her room.

Startled and stunned, Kenshin nearly didn't answer. "Kenshin?"


Kaoru contemplated then nodded her head. "6."

Kenshin grinned like an idiot when Kaoru disappeared behind the door. Then, his eyes considerably darken as he pounded on his next cause of action. He would have to do it tomorrow.


Saito Hajime watched with non-showing interest as Tokio tried to convince their 4-year-old son to eat his dinner. Eiji, on the other hand, had finished his and was reading the newspaper. Everything seemed so peaceful, his mind shouted at him as he smoked easily. That is until he felt the ki.

A smirk worked on his face and he turned to Tokio. "No one goes out."

She looked up at him, anxious but nodded at the sudden command. Saito got up and walked outside. He faced the shadows easily as he continued smoking.

"What do you want?"

"I came here for what you asked for before."

Saito tried to remember what he asked. Surely, he wasn't thinking about a fight after 6 months?

"A fight, Battousai?"

Kenshin took a step out of the shadows. "Iie.

Kaoru's hand in marriage."

For awhile, Saito acknowledged Kenshin blankly and then with amusement. "You came to ask for her hand? Interesting..."

Actually inside his head, Saito never expected Kenshin to be an idiot. A really stupid naive, ignorant idiot. Are they any more adjectives to describe this guy? Seriously, he never expected. But then...he point letting this go to waste.

Tokio knew what he husband was thinking and sighed in annoyance. She knew Kaoru would not appreciate the fight and truly didn't want her friend to worry. Instantly, she wondered how to stop this stupid useless fight.

"Get ready, then." Kenshin sighed. "Isn't there anything else you can do? Ask questions, perhaps?" Kenshin tried truly not wanting to fight knowing Kaoru would hit him with the bokken when she finds out but Battousai was practically rejoicing at the thought of one with Saito.

Saito rolled his eyes. "I know you since the Bakamatsu. There is no questions I want to ask. If you want to marry her, get ready. Or else, no permission, no marriage."

The sight of Battousai contemplating his blackmail was so amusing that Saito could barely cover his laughter. That sight made Tokio angrier.

"Very well," Kenshin sighed and got ready. Saito smirked. This guy was so dense.

At that right moment, as both got ready, they disappeared and their swords made instant contact. Saito's speed and ruthlessness was an advantage to him but Kenshin's determination pushed him through. But just as they were about to strike once more, Tokio shouted and Saito instantly flipped back as Kenshin halted.

His son had entered the battlefield looking excited as ever. Great.

"I'm so sorry," Tokio cried out, not sounding sorry at all. Saito's eyes twitched and he shook his head.

"Oh...ummm...its okay," Kenshin replied quietly not knowing exactly what to say.

Tokio, however, picked up her son and stood in front of Saito in a warning way for him to behave and smiled at Kenshin.

"Are you fighting for any good reason?"

Kenshin tried not to squirm. "His permission."

That nearly whispered answer caused a bubble of laughter within her but she held it down. "As his wife, I give you full permission."

"Tokio," Saito growled warningly but she ignored it.

"However, you had better realise this, Himura-san. You have left her twice. She is hurting from both and I know how deeply she's hurting. Both of us know the feeling of your loved ones going into battle to never return. She may look strong but she truly is very fragile inside. If you leave her once more and shatter her completely, I would not only encourage my husband to go after you but Kaoru will never return to you again. You loose her trust the third time; you are going to regret it. Very much," Tokio continued darkly. Kenshin admired the woman standing in front of Saito very much.

"So...good luck and hope she agrees this time!" Tokio suddenly said happily causing Kenshin to mutter a string of 'oro's.

Then, bowing deeply in gratitude, Kenshin left.

"Tokio!" the irritated tone in her husband's voice was nothing compared to the fury in hers.

"Saito, you are sleeping out tonight!"


He waited uneasily as the time for them to go approached. His mind raced to the idea in his head. Part of him was glad that Misao and Aoshi would be coming only tomorrow, Sano was at Megumi's and Yahiko was helping out late at Akabeko. Another part of him wished they were already here for the noise would sooth him.

Or not.

They would probably fuss and make him even more nervous. At least this way, they won't know if Kaoru stood him up.

That thought nearly caused him to faint.

Relax, Himura. Relax.

But Kenshin could barely relax. He had never wooed a woman before and had no idea how to do it. He practically felt like ravishing Kaoru every damn time she was near him but there were always people around.

And now there would only be two of them.

His fist tightens for a second and his body tensed as he heard her shoji open. Turning, Kenshin was stunned at the beauty standing before him.

Kaoru watched with an inner mental smirk, as Kenshin's jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor. She had decided to wear a new kimono that brought out the colour of her eyes. It was a white kimono with blue petals and a blue obi. Instead of tying up her hair with in its usual ponytail, Kaoru had let it down and made two plaits, which she pinned behind causing it to look like a crown. A light dab of powder and blush made her look like an angel. In fact, Kaoru decided to wear the kimono without the bindings today. That attracted his attention as well.

A goddess.

That was all he could think. Hearing her calling him, he snapped from his senses and shook his head.

"You look beautiful tonight, Kaoru. I am honoured."

Kaoru blushed softly at that and smiled at Kenshin. She wanted to attract his attention and found her mesmerized by the light gold glints in his eyes.

He motioned her to follow him and they walked into town. Kenshin checked his sleeve and gripped the special thing he had.

Kaoru thought that Kenshin would at least bring her to Akabeko but instead he brought her to an expensive restaurant. A truly up class restaurant and their table faced a beautiful view. Kaoru felt her breath taken away and sighed in pleasure.

"What did I do to deserve this, Kenshin?" she asked lightly as they were left alone.

He smiled. "Everything."

Suddenly feeling shy and then ridiculous dressing up, Kaoru threw her gaze at the view she was presented with.

"Anything special happened?"

He shook his head. "That is for you to find out. But this is something I have always longed to do."

"Tae would be upset since we didn't go to Akabeko."

Kenshin grinned. He had no intention in going to Akabeko. Firstly, Yahiko was there. Secondly, Tae was a gossiper. Thirdly, he didn't want anyone to interrupt them.

They chattered lightly as they finished their meal. Neither felt very comfortable for many reasons. Kaoru was never alone like this without at least one of their friends. Kenshin had another problem he was worried about.

When they finished their meal, they walked slowly in silence, enjoying the view and each other's presence. Kaoru felt contented with that but also a bit unsettled. Both of them had not touched each other in any way since his first proposal. He has never instigated a kiss and she didn't think it was appropriate if she kissed him first since she was the one who requested the time out. There had always been a certain degree of tenseness between them that she hated and now, she couldn't think of anything to say to him.

Kenshin, however, kept rehearsing what he wanted to say. He kept playing the words over and over again that he nearly missed their destination. Stopping at the top of a hill, they watched the scenery with awe.

"It's beautiful." Kaoru turned to Kenshin. "It's been such a nice day. Thank you."

Kenshin fidgeted beside her before smiling. "It can be nicer."

She looked up confused.

Taking a deep breath, he tilted her chin and gazed directly into her eyes. Leaning, he took out the hairpin Shuichi had given her and held it in his palms.


"This is the gift Shuichi-san gave you. I'm surprised you haven't used it."

Kaoru's hand shook as she traced hairpin in Kenshin's hand reverently. Her gift.

"It doesn't hurt so much anymore," she said looking at him.

Kenshin grinned. "It'll get better. Trust me, I know."

"You took ten years to get it at this stage, Kenshin," Kaoru murmured as she fingered the hairpin but still left it on his hand. "Will I take as long?"

"Mine was guilt for my blade killed Tomoe. Yours...was not your fault. He choose that path. Just like Tomoe choose hers. But if you want to wander for ten years, please allow me to accompany you. Ten...twenty..."

Kaoru looked up at him, startled. Kenshin took that as his cue. He gripped her fingers tightly, pulling Kaoru's body close to his. He gazed into her azure orbs and drowned in them as she drowned in his violet ones.

"Kamiya Kaoru, I have loved you since the day you challenged Battousai at the streets. I have done many things to hurt you because of this love and I regret hurting you in every way. I love you, Kaoru and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you would have me," he said softly never breaking their gaze.

Kaoru's hand fluttered to her heart. It was still beating.


"Shush...I am not finished. I want to marry you. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. I am not perfect, Kaoru. Far from it but I promise you, I'd never leave again even if you told me too. I am unworthy of your love but I can't help loving you. Will you please marry me?" Kenshin said gently as he held out a simple ring with his right hand. Kaoru's eyes were filled with tears.

"No, Kenshin," she finally said and he felt like his whole world was crashing around him. He looked down, realising that she probably couldn't trust him anymore and the pain of her rejection the second time hurt more than he could bear.

"It's okay. Never mind. Forget I asked."

But Kaoru was not finished. Gently, she lifted his head and stared directly into his eyes.

"No! You are perfect and you are not unworthy of my love.

And yes, I would love to marry you."

He stared blankly for a moment before his brains digested her words. With a grin he slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her knuckles gently.

"Mine," he whispered before capturing her lips in a deep searing kiss that left her both breathless and weak on the knees.

Kenshin's lips were not gentle. Pent up emotions for 6 months poured out through that one kiss. When Kaoru reached up and grabbed his arms to steady herself, the touch of her hand caused him to break and he roughly crushed her into his arms. Her lips were gentle and tasted like cherry, he thought as he deepens the kiss. Her hands wound up around his neck and her lips clung to his. When Kenshin's tongue trailed her bottom lip, Kaoru moaned and he took that opportunity to slip inside her and coaxed her to taste him.

Kaoru felt lightheaded as they broke off for air but he kept his arms around her. Kenshin tried hard to block Battousai from surfacing. They knew if that happened, their wedding night might as well be today and Kenshin didn't want to spoil it for her. In fact, he also didn't want to scare her in case he lost total control. It has happened before and Kaoru was still quite innocent in the art of kissing.

Hugging her as they headed back, Kenshin realised in satisfaction that he would be the one to teach her.

Leaning, he fixed the pin in her hair.

"Beautiful..." he muttered tenderly.

Kaoru's hand rose to touch it. "You don't mind?"

"No. Shuichi was to you what Tomoe was to me. Our fist loves even if you can't remember him. When you can accept Tomoe, I can sure accept Shuichi."


"He took care of you when I wasn't there. For that, he deserves a place in your heart, koishii."

Kaoru snuggled in his embrace. "Thank you, Kenshin."

Kenshin smiled happily. "Iie. Thank you, koishii." And Kaoru blushed at the endearment.


They stared.

They stared some more.

Kaoru and Kenshin felt like they were under observation for some highly secret service. Their friends watched them like hawks and finally Soujiro smiled.


It broke the ice.

"Finally! I thought we had to lock you two up alone somewhere for something to happen. Ohohohoho!" Megumi laughed with fox ears appearing. The new couple blushed.

"It's about DAMN TIME! I thought you two were going to go on and on even until kiddo here is married with kids of his own," Sano said easily as he ruffled Yahiko's hair.

"Hey, who are you calling a kid!"

"So, when is the wedding?" Soujiro asked as they ignored the fight. Kenshin grinned.

"I was hoping it would be next week."

Kaoru gasped. "So soon?"

"Tanuki, you have already made the poor guy wait patiently for 6 months. You should not complain if he wants to marry you now!" Megumi teased lightly. Then her eyes narrowed and she pulled Sano and hit him on the head. "Sit quietly, baka tori-atama!"

"Hey! That hurt!"

"When do you want it, Kaoru?" Kenshin asked calmly as he turned to her. Kaoru blushed. "I don't mind anytime. I don't mind at all."

"So...why did you only ask her now?" Sano asked as he settled down.

Kenshin shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to give Kaoru time to settle down. Also, I had to ask Saito first."

Soujiro looked at his curiously. "Why did you want to ask Saito?"

Puzzled, Kenshin looked at the blue-eyed man. "He mentioned the other day that if I wanted to marry Kaoru, he is her legal guardian and so..."

Kenshin's words trailed off as Soujiro laughed out loud. "You believed him?"

He squirmed. "He wasn't telling the truth?" Kaoru asked instead although Kenshin's visit to Saito was unknown to her.

Soujiro shook his head. "Actually, they were never engaged. Their fathers thought about it but there was the age gap and Kaoru was so much like our mum, so they said and engagement. If you had to ask anyone, it would be me. But since you know Kaoru longer, you really need not ask anyone's permission. Saito was pulling a fast one on you."

Everyone burst out laughing easily. Kenshin's face reddens instantly and Kaoru felt a tiny bit sorry for him. "Man Kenshin! You really are done for. I can't believe you are so mashed up with your feelings for jou-chan. Way to go!"

'That's it! I'll kill that damn wolf for this. He's going to get it!' Kenshin thought murderously. No wonder Saito looked amused when he saw him.

Kenshin blushed hearing his friends' teasing and Kaoru, laughing kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you. I didn't expect you to go to these lengths for me."

"I would go to the end of the world for you, Kaoru," Kenshin replied softly as he squeezed her hand. He was awarded with a beautiful smile and felt like everything was alright. Maybe he didn't need to kill the wolf after all.

"Hey Kenshin! That was too cheesy even for you," Yahiko yelled and everyone burst out laughing again when he blushed.

Hugs and kisses were awarded to the couple. As the lateness got into everyone, they went off to bed.

He saw her sitting on the porch with the moonlight bathing her petite frame. He watched as it caressed her porcelain skin and was blown away by the innocent picture she presented. Innocent...and his.

A light fear gripped him. She looked so vulnerable and fragile sitting there calmly. Was his actions right, he wondered. What if he overestimated himself? What if he could not protect her? What if one day he walks out and sees her bloody body instead?

As the what ifs ran in his mind, Kaoru turned and saw him. She knew instantly that something was wrong and could practically feel his personas fighting within him. Getting up, she reached out to Kenshin and placed a hand on his cheek. He turned his eyes towards hers and her breath caught in her throat.

"What's wrong?"

He held her hand, which was touching her cheek and his eyes traveled her face. "What if something goes wrong and I am unable to protect you, Kaoru?"

She could see the pain in his eyes and understood them much better. Leaning forward, she innocently brushed her lips against his and Kenshin tensed. This was the first time Kaoru had ever initiated a kiss and he didn't know if he should respond.

Kaoru brushed her lips back and forth against his, tasting her lover, slowly learning the warm curves of his mouth. She really did not know how to kiss him so she lightly brushed her lips. Sliding her free hand around his neck to play with his hair, she hesitantly traced his bottom lips with her tongue as he once did to hers. That did it.

Kenshin instantly slid his arm around Kaoru's waist and pulled her close to his body. The hand on his cheek accompanied her previous one around his neck bringing both their bodies close together. They fitted perfectly and his mouth crushed hers fiercely. He groaned as she molded her body against his, and his parted lips crushed hers, sliding insistently back and forth, urging hers to part; the moment they did, his tongue slid between them, plunging into the soft recesses of her mouth.

Kaoru moaned with pleasure and felt as though she was on fire. She slid her fingers into his hair, feeling the soft strands slip easily between them. There was nothing else there, she realised. There was only the two of them and that was all that mattered.

However, Kenshin broke the kiss after awhile. He could feel the desire to haul her to bed and refused to give in. She was his gem, his jewel. He would care for her. He will protect her honor and if that means waiting for another week, he will do it.

When she opened her eyes, Kenshin felt his desire heighten at the sight of her glazed eyes. It took one hell of a control to stop him from ravishing her. He sighed in pleasure when she curled against him and they sat down on the porch.

"We'll be fine, Kenshin. We'll be fine."

"I know." He kissed the top of her head and she snuggled closer.

"I love you," Kaoru murmured softly, her face slightly pink but she kept her gaze on his eyes as she said those words. Kenshin felt a surge of happiness and pride at the brave bundle in his arms and tighten his hold on her frame.

"I love you too, Kaoru-koishii. I love so much," Kenshin murmured back and felt Kaoru sigh in contentment.

He looked up at the skies and felt like the gods were finally allowing him to rest.

Thank you, kami-sama, for this beautiful angel on my lap.

Thank you, Tomoe for changing me.

Thank you, Shuichi, for leaving her in my care.

Then he turned to Kaoru.

Thank you, my love, for giving me a second chance.

I'll love you always, now and forever.


Author's note:

Finally! Done! Finished! Complete!

I couldn't have done it without all of your support through your reviews. It means a lot. Thank you guys!

I hope you enjoy this final chapter. Now, I'm going to concentrate on writing Unexpected Desires. That is pure romance. Well, thank you all and hope you have a great time. I know I did.