On the way home Gabriella saw a distant figure running towards her. She began to get scared and ran. She was about to run into her house when someone grabbed her arm.

"Gabriella!" Someone breathed into her ear. She turned around quickly.

"Troy!" She said. Without remembering that she was upset she hugged him. "I have to-"

"Move. I know. I had to hear from Taylor." Troy said with a frown. "You weren't going to tell me?"

"I…" Gabriella frowned and looked down at the ground. "Troy, you hurt me bad."

"I know and I'm really sorry." Troy said. Gabriella folded her arms and moved out of the way so the movers could come out of her house with her bed.

"I just felt really stupid because I thought you liked me, too, at times but then there was always Sharpay. I saw the way you looked at her. I knew I couldn't compete, Troy."

"I was being stupid, Gabby. I should have realized that Sharpay was just messing with me to get to you." Troy said.

"How do you know that?" Gabriella asked curiously.

"I was talking to her earlier and she said 'now that she's out of the picture we can be together' and that's why I just told her I can't mess with her anymore." Troy said.

"Did you ever sleep with her?" Gabriella asked. Troy cleared his throat nervously and finally said, "Before you came but it was a big mistake. That's why when you first came she said she missed me."

"Did you ever have feelings for her or do you still?" Gabriella asked feeling her heart pounding.

"I did but I'm over her now. She hurt you and I didn't like that because," He took a deep breath and said, "I like you…a lot."

"Then kiss me." Gabriella said. Troy bent towards her mouth and kissed her gently. Eventually the kiss deepened and Gabriella felt elated. This is actually happening, she thought. Finally they broke apart and just looked at each other.

"I'm gonna miss you." Gabriella said looking down.

"We can still talk on the phone and stuff." Troy said hopefully.

"Yeah but we can't have a relationship though." Gabriella said hating herself for speaking the truth.

"Why?" He asked with pain in his eyes. "Gabby, I thought we both wanted this."

"I do want it but long distance relationships never work. I mean, what if we meet someone new?"

"How do you know we won't meet someone new?" Troy asked holding her hands. "I want to be with you, Gabriella."

"Me, too," Gabriella said beginning to cry. "I just don't want anything like this to happen again, okay?"

"Okay," Troy said nodding. He wiped a tear from her eye with his thumb and whispered, "Don't cry."

"I can't help it." Gabriella said. They kissed again and this time it was interrupted by her parents.

"We're leaving, Gabby." Mrs. Montez said holding a basket which held Chestnut.

"Okay, mom," Gabriella said. They both went into the car waiting for Gabriella.

"You guys should come to New York for Christmas break." Gabriella said. Troy nodded and then kissed her again.

"I'm gonna miss you." Troy whispered. Gabriella nodded and then they walked to the car. She got in and waved at him before the car began to drive off. She began to cry and her mother started to cry for her. Her father on the other hand tried to ignore them but deep inside he knew that he shouldn't have uprooted their lives again.

This was the last chapter. I think I want to make a second part to this story but please review and tell me if you all would read it. Also tell me your thoughts on how the story ended. Thanks for reading.