Gabriella Montez nervously sat in the bleachers waiting with the dozens of other girls who were trying out for the cheerleading squad. She felt nervous and wished that she could back out now instead of facing rejection from the Head Cheerleader in front of the basketball team who were practicing on the other side of the gym.

"Calm down," Taylor McKessie said giving her friend some encouragement, "You'll make it."

"I hope so." Gabriella said. "I wish you had tried out with me, though."

"Too late now because everyone did their routines." Taylor said. Gabriella nodded knowing that the individual interviews were coming up. Gabriella hoped that the cheerleaders would see past her Decathlon exterior and look at her as a person. Fat chance, Gabriella thought as Rebecca Manson, the head cheerleader, called Phoebe Peeks. Taylor began to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Phoebe Peeks…P.P…" Taylor continued laughing. Gabriella found the funny but was too nervous. Finally her name was called and she nervously walked to the table where five of the cheerleaders were sitting.

"So, Montez, to be a cheerleader you have to be dedicated, peppy, and…hot." Rebecca said honestly. Gabriella nodded and a boy stood up at the table and gave her the thumbs up. Gabriella blushed.

"Also," Rebecca continued, "You have to have the right status."

"Oh," Gabriella said nervously putting her hands in the pocket of her yellow shorts.

"Let me see your best smile." Regina Jefferson said flashing her pearly white teeth. Gabriella smiled back giving a picture perfect smile.

"Okay, I know you're on the Decathlon team but… do you have a boyfriend?" Rebecca asked in almost a whisper.

"Yes," Gabriella said immediately. Rebecca sat back in her seat with an almost look of laughter on her face.

"Who is it?"

"Troy Bolton!" Gabriella said before she even thought about saying it. She mentally scolded herself when the cheerleaders talked amongst themselves.

"If he's your boyfriend go over there right now and hug him then kiss him."

"But his dad is over there." Gabriella said nervously.

"Look, he's leaving the gym for a minute." Carmen Rafield said with a smirk. Gabriella smiled again and began walking over to Troy. They were best friends but she didn't want him to think that she was using him. She walked over and stopped in front of him just as he put down his Gatorade bottle.

"Hi, Troy," Gabriella said smiling.

"Hey, are we still on for the movies tonight?" He asked in an offhand voice. The boys on the team began to 'Ooh' and whoop. "Shut up." Troy said turning red with a smile.

"Troy, I miss you!" Gabriella said suddenly hugging him. He was taken back for a millisecond but hugged her back with his arms around her waist. He whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Hugging you." She whispered back in his ear. Then she kissed him on the cheek and ran back to the other girls leaving him very confused and unsure about what happened between them.

As Gabriella walked back to the cheerleaders, she couldn't help smiling. I kissed Troy Bolton, she thought. She smiled but then stopped reminding herself that they were friends. Totally platonic (platonic means friendly or nonsexual).

All the cheerleaders sat shocked. Gabriella smiled at them and then left the gym hoping to change, meet Troy, and tell him what was going on. On the way to the locker room, Taylor caught up to Gabriella and slapped her on the arm.

"What the hell was that about?" Taylor asked with a very shocked expression on her face. Gabriella bit her bottom lip and looked around the hallway.

"Okay, I told them that Troy and I are dating…wait- listen!" Gabriella said as soon as Taylor opened her mouth to say 'why' or laugh. "It was the only way that I could be on the squad." Just then the Basketball team walked out of the gym, no doubt heading for the locker room eager to get their Friday night started. Gabriella saw Troy and rushed over to him. Taylor shook her head and left.

"Can I talk to you?" Gabriella asked trying to ignore the basketball teams. They were whooping for Troy to kiss her and Troy turned red and pulled her away.

"What up?" Troy asked nervously not meeting her eyes.

"Please don't be mad. You were the first boy that popped into my head…"

"Can you please just tell me what you're talking about?" Troy said. Gabriella took a deep breath and said, "I told the squad that we were dating."

"You did what?"


Chapter 2

"Gabriella, why did you do that?" Troy asked taking deep breaths. He leaned on the lockers and then slumped down to the floor. Gabriella sat next to him and touched his hand.

"I don't know." Gabriella said. "Why are you so mad?"

"Because this seems like your only friends with me because of what you can benefit." Troy said frowning. "I thought you were different, Gabriella." He stood up and started to walk.

"But I am different, Troy. It was just a mistake. You're my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose." Gabriella said walking towards him. Troy stared at her for a moment as if considering it. Finally, he said, "What do we have to do?"

"Thanks, Troy! I love you!" Gabriella said throwing her arms around his neck. Troy hugged her back and then the gym door opened again. This time Coach Bolton came in. Troy and Gabriella broke apart from each other nervously."

"Get dressed, Troy!" Mr. Bolton said looking from both guilty teenagers. Gabriella knew that Troy's father didn't like her and that really upset her at times.

"I'm talking to Gabriella." Troy said defiantly. "And I told you this morning that we were going to watch a movie at her house."

"Uh huh," Coach Bolton said eyeing Gabriella suspiciously. He finally left and Gabriella looked up at Troy.

"So, we'll meet back here in ten minutes." Troy said. Gabriella nodded and said, "Unless you want to come into the girls' locker room?"

"Okay," Troy said eagerly following behind her. Gabriella smiled at him and went into the locker room alone. She quickly changed and began thinking over things. She sighed and then left the locker room. She waited in the hall for a few minutes until Troy finally came out accompanied by Chad.

"Look at the happy 'couple'." Chad said jokingly. Troy blushed and Gabriella looked away wondering why Troy was being so shy. But as she thought about it on their short walk to her house, Troy always acts shy when someone mentions me and him in a sexual way. She frowned slightly and didn't realize that Chad had left them.

"Where'd Chad go?" Gabriella asked.

"To his house." Troy said. Gabriella nodded and then they continued their silent walk. Finally they got to Gabriella's house.