Author's Note: Hello to all the readers out there! Sorry for the late updates! Please be patient and bear with me… Thank you to those who reviewed chapter 9 of this fic especially Princess of Kamui… Thanks for the idea you mentioned! Your idea was interesting so I think I'll blend your idea in this chapter… Well enough talking! On with the chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 10 Love under the Stars

Inside the tent, there were many couples scattered all over the place, young, old, betroths, married, etc., all of them looked like they were having a good time but the main thing that caught their eyes was that there were many doors around the room. It seemed that every door led to a different place that would be uniquely different from the others. Every girl in the room was smiling with joy and happiness expressed on their faces dragging their partners to several places. Everybody in the group was curious especially Yuuri so he decided to be the one to ask the questions to some of the people passing by them. He approached one couple and asked what the purpose of this event was and what they were supposed to do here. The couple smiled at each other and then turned to smile at Yuuri who was confused on their reaction. They both gave him the You'll See faces and left the maoh there. The double black teenager returned to the group with a disappointed look on his face and everyone understood what answer he received.

"Well I guess we'll just have to find out for ourselves. We'll meet back here in two hours, till then let's have fun!" the maoh's cousin said cheerfully pulling France to a random door.

"I agree Shibuya… Have a great time with Wolfram!" Murata said with a sheepish smile on his face then walking away.

"Wait!" the maoh shouted but he was too late the great sage and his cousin had left already with France and Kaede as their companions to two different doors.

Yuuri was left there with Wolfram all to himself for the next two hours.

He sighed and faced the blonde who was now annoyed about the situation he was in. The young king brought a sad look upon his face that caught the prince's attention. The blonde prince frowned, he didn't like the meaning of this.

"What's wrong Yuuri?" the blonde soldier asked with a concern tone in his voice.

"I… I'm sorry Wolfram…" the wimpy king replied.

"Yuuri… I…"

"I'm sorry I dragged you here knowing that you really didn't want to come. I should've accepted your answer and left you alone instead of ordering you to come with us out of your own free will. I'm really sorry Wolf…" the maoh continued.

"Hmph… Wimp…" the blonde murmured still making an annoying face.


Yuuri couldn't say anything, he didn't want to anger the soldier more but in his mind he was annoyed by the stubborn prince.

What the hell is he thinking?! I've already apologized, what else does he want from me?! Shouldn't he at least say it's alright or it's ok?! That's it! He's gone too far! Things need to be settled! And I mean RIGHT NOW

"Yuuri!" Wolfram yelled causing the young boy to escape from his thoughts.

"Are you even listening to everything I've been saying?!"

"H-Huh… What exactly were you talking about?" the double black maoh replied.

"Look… I don't mind if I have to spend time with you within the next two hours. We're here only as friends right?"

Friends. The tone of Wolfram's voice when he said that word made Yuuri feel goose bumps within his skin. He really wasn't used to the blonde referring him as a friend only, he usually would keep reminding the maoh that he was his fiancé and that he would always be at his side and protect him from harm. He was the person who told him, if you fall then I'll fall with you at the time the young boy was about to fall from a cliff along with Conrad's left arm tightly carried by his right. He was the spoiled prince that chose him instead of a pretty young lady named Elizabeth who was Wolfram's childhood friend and fiancée in the past, well the blonde didn't really propose to her, it was merely an accident caused by a butterfly passing by but despite that fact the blonde soldier chose the maoh instead of the girl. If the maoh had faced the same situation, he would've chose Elizabeth that is if she wasn't deeply in love with the emerald eyed prince. Wolfram was once the young spoiled brat of the family but since he met the double black young boy, he became more caring, understanding and more responsible, well he was still stubborn but even though he would act immediately without thinking he became more mature. The blonde also became closer to the maoh, he was more loving than before but all that love is gone, it disappeared because their relationship lead to misunderstandings and confusion that resulted to the breaking of the engagement between the prince and the young king. Everything he had gained before, he lost now.

"Y-Yeah… Just as friends." The maoh answered forcing a smile upon his face.

"So which door should we enter?"

"Well we don't really know what lies beyond all these doors so we should just pick randomly…"

"Let's go through that door then." The blonde soldier suggested pointing to the last door.

Yuuri nodded in agreement and walked towards the door the blonde boy pointed too. They were about to enter when a tall blonde woman with green emerald eyes blocked their way. She was wearing a red Chinese dress and had a lot of make up on, her hair was curly and it was tied in a ball with two chopsticks supporting her hair to keep in the form of a round ball. The mature woman seemed familiar to the young boys but they ignored that fact and wondered why she was keeping them from passing through. She smiled at them and pointed to the door right in the middle of the tent. The two knew right away that she was suggesting them to enter through the middle door. Since they had no choice but to follow her, they walked towards the middle door and went inside. It was dark black once they had entered so the maoh called out the prince's name, Wolfram responded immediately making sure not to worry the other boy but he failed to do that. Yuuri tried to search for the blonde's hand and luckily he felt the other boy's wrist and held to them tightly so that either of them would get lost. The emerald eyed soldier was relieved that there was no light because he was blushing red and he didn't want the young king to see him. Both of them kept walking forward with Yuuri still holding Wolfram's hand who was still blushing. It didn't take them long to see light shining further through the path they were walking towards. Once they had arrived at the end of the path, they entered a room that looked like the night sky filled with millions of stars. It was a beautiful sight for both of them especially with the maoh still holding the prince's hand even though it was clear to see everything. Yuuri noticed that the blonde soldier's cheeks had a pinkish color, he smiled and tightened his grip that made Wolfram's cheeks blush a red color this time.

"Why are you blushing?" the double black teenager asked still with a smile on his face.

"You Wimp! I am not blushing! It's just hot… That's all." The blonde boy replied looking the other way.

"Oh really…"

"It's the truth! I don't have any feel-"

The blonde soldier was interrupted by a kiss that came from the maoh and it made him blush even more than earlier. Yuuri had lost over his self control, he couldn't resist feeling the other boy's soft lips against his. He was in a state that no one had seen before, it proved that the power of love can change anyone, even the average 15 year old Yuuri Shibuya. The emerald eyed prince eye's widened and he couldn't move, his body became numb and he was happy about that fact. The young prince was being kissed by the most important person in his heart, the person he devoted his love and life to and the person who he cherished the most. He was happy that they were the only people around because he would break this kiss right away to cover his embarrassment. Yuuri broke away from the kiss after a few minutes and pulled the blonde closer to him with his arms wrapped around him tightly.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you and your love…" The maoh began saying.

"Yuuri you don't ha-"

"I'm sorry for not understanding your feelings while you always understood mine. You were always there by my side protecting me even though I kept denying that our engagement was a mistake. You never betrayed me once even though I had human blood running through my veins. You told me that you would fall with me if I were to fall off a cliff while I was only thinking about my own problems."


"And… You still loved me even though I kept rejecting you and telling everyone that our relationship would only lead to friendship. I understand your feelings for me now… and finally… I have understood mine… You are my life and without you I'm incomplete, I learned that the hard way. And so…"

Yuuri released Wolfram and gazed at his beautiful emerald eyes. He took a deep breath and already decided what he was going to do. He raised his right hand and slapped the prince's left cheek. The blonde soldier was surprised at the maoh's actions, he touched his swelling left cheek and stared at the onyx black eyes that were looking at him with a serious expression.

"Prince Wolfram Von Bielefeld… I, Yuuri Shibuya, the 27th maoh of Shin Makaku, am proposing to you and asking your hand in marriage. Will you marry me? Please…" The double black young king stated.

"Are you serious?" the emerald eyed prince replied.

"Of course I am. I really love you…"

"Yuuri, I…"

"What am I supposed to do so that you can believe my words?" Yuuri asked kneeling on the floor.

"You really are serious aren't you?"

"Yes, with all my heart."

"You wimp… Of course I'll marry you. Now stand up and act like our true demon king." The young blonde prince said with a caring smile on his face.

The maoh looked up and smiled as well, their eyes met and they gazed into each other's eyes. The stars were shining above them and it made both of their eye's glitter in the dark. Murata and the others with Lady Celi were hiding in the far corner where the couple couldn't see them. All of them smiled with their succeeding plan finished, things were going to go back to normal after this event. The five of them quietly walked away to the exit door leaving the two boys for their privacy. Yuuri stood up and embraced the blonde boy again, he regained the most valuable treasure he could ever have, his Little Lord Brat. They both remained in the position of embracing one another, Wolfram rested his head on the maoh's shoulder and thanked the Great Shinou Heika for fulfilling his dream come true. He wouldn't ask for anything more than the love of his dearest hennachoko maoh.

"Yuuri… We better get going, we don't want to worry the others." The blonde soldier said.

"Do we have to go? We only stayed here for a couple of minutes." The double black boy complained stroking the prince's hair.

"Yuuri, even though you're the maoh, that doesn't mean everything you want comes true."

"C'mon Wolf! You know you like this! You're just making excuses!"

"It's true, I like it when you're embracing me but we have to go." the prince explained, cheeks having a pinkish blush when he stated this.

"Fine, I'll follow your orders, my sweet prince." The maoh said with a smile on his face.


"But…" the onyx colored boy started with.

"But wh-"

Yuuri interrupted the blonde soldier once again with another passionate kiss. After a few minutes, he pulled back from the kiss.

"Now I'm ready to leave." The maoh stated with a smile on his face.

"Hmph… Wimp…" the emerald eyed prince said blushing red from the incident.

"Yeah… I am a wimp, but I'm your wimp…" He explained again with a smile on his face.

"Let's just go Wimp!" the blonde said walking towards the door to the exit.

"Whatever you say my prince." The other boy replied following the soldier.

When they reached the main room, they met up with Kaishina and the others with big smiles on their faces. They looked at each other and knew what that meant, they all were watching them since the two were in the night sky room. Both of them blushed and the others laughed together with the maoh and the prince who were now laughing.

"So I'm guessing you and Wolfram are back together again, right?" the great sage said starting the conversation.

"You got that right!" the double black maoh replied pulling the blonde closer to him with his arm around the soldier's shoulders.

"Then it's decided! The engagement is back on. I told you men couldn't resist you Wolfie darling!" Lady Celi said cheerfully.

"So the plan did work…" Kaede stated.

"Yeah, and it was a success." The maoh's cousin said with a happy smile on her face.

"Well I guess my work here is done. I'm glad I was a help to his Majesty. I'm looking forward to your wedding with Lord Bielefeld." France said with a smile also on his face.

"You should be… Because its soon." The maoh said smiling.

A/N: Well that concludes the ending of chapter 10 of this fanfic! Stay tuned for chapter 11 coming soon! I know this chapter is shorter than the others but at least I updated right? If I didn't update now, this chapter would be posted on Saturday… Also I'm thinking that the next chapter will be the last chapter for this fic. What do you guys think? Please tell me your reactions and comments about this chapter or about the whole fic. Also to all the readers out there, if you have suggestions on what will happen in the next set of events, please do so and feel free to express your thoughts and opinions. Till the next chapter then! Sayonara mina san!