Ranma the Werecat!

I do not own Ranma ½


"" talking

"mind speech"

In a forested area of Tokyo Japan, Genma Saotome was preparing to teach his 6 year old son the Dreaded Neko Ken. Let's see what the manual says about how to teach the Neko Ken. First, I need to dig a pit and then fill it with cats, after that I need to tie up the trainee and wrap him up in various fish products. That sounds easy, but I wonder why no else has ever attempted it.

After Genma finished reading the manual he called Ranma over to him, "Ranma tomorrow is the day that you learn the Dreaded Neko Ken. The most feared fighting style ever created. Are you ready for me to teach it to you? Because we will not stop until you have mastered it. Is that understood?"

"Yes father, I want to learn the Neko Ken. When do we begin?" asked Ranma.

"Today I will prepare the pit and what I you will need you to do is gather up a lot of cats and bring them to me. Okay Ranma", Genma instructed his son Ranma.

"Okay, father I can do that." Ranma answered his father.

Once Ranma left to collect the cats for the Neko Ken, Genma had begun digging the pit.

Genma had given Ranma three burlap bags to hold the cats.

I wonder why daddy needs cats to teach me the Neko Ken. I can learn anything if I set my mind to it. Maybe my daddy will let keep a couple of the cats so I can have a pet. When Ranma had returned he saw his father sitting under a tree waiting for him.

"Daddy here is the cats you asked me to get for you." Ranma told his father.

Genma got up and opened the trap door so that he could empty the bags of cats in the pit that he had dug. Once all of the cats were in the pit Genma shut the trap door and locked it.

"Ranma let's get something to eat and after that will get ready to sleep for tomorrow will be a very important day." Genma informed Ranma.

Genma fixed dinner for Ranma and himself. During the dinner Genma stole food from Ranma while Ranma tried to defend his plate and eat at the same time. After dinner Ranma cleaned up the dishes then he prepared to go to bed for the night. I wish that I could go home and see mom after all I really miss her, thought Ranma as he fell to sleep.

The next morning came all too soon for Genma and Ranma as they got ready for the day. After breakfast the two martial artists prepared to have a light sparring session. Genma threw a series of punches at Ranma who countered them with his own punches. Ranma then knocked Genma into a near by stream, "Yo pops are we do yet?" asked Ranma.

"Yes we are done with sparring. Now it is time for you to learn the Dreaded Neko Ken." answered Genma.

After saying this Genma grabbed Ranma and proceeded to tie him up in fish sausages. Once Ranma was bound, Genma threw Ranma into the deep dark pit and locked him in it.

"Let me out!" begged Ranma.

"No" answered Genma "you will learn this now."

"The cats are hurting me. Please let me out. I do not want to learn this technique. Please save me papa." Cried a very distraught Ranma, Genma pretending not hear as his son begging for mercy.

Inside the pit the cats continued to maul Ranma as he bled from various wounds. Then Ranma heard a voice calling out to him.

"Human child I will save you, but must agree to let me help you." The mysterious voice told Ranma.

"Please save me, I'll do anything you ask." Ranma begged.

"Open your mind child" the voice instructed Ranma. Ranma immediately obeyed the mysterious stranger and opened his mind to him. The God of Felines entered Ranma's mind and took over his body and fled from the pit. After that Neko attacked and killed Genma for threatening to harm the cats and his host. Then he ran into a glowing portal and vanished as the sirens got closer.

Two police officers found the body of Genma Saotome that had been brutally mauled to death. Looking around they also saw a pit that reeked of death.

"Let's identify the body maybe we can use the dental records to id this corpse." The officer told second officer.

"I'll call the medical examiner and I'll also get a body bag." The second officer told the first officer.

Three days later the police went to Nodoka Saotome's house to tell that her husband was dead.

"Mrs. Saotome, I'm sorry to tell you this but your husband was mauled to death by some kind of big cat. It got away we do not know where it is now." The office told Nodoka.

"What happened to my son?" Asked a very distraught Nodoka.

"We believe that whatever killed your husband also killed your son. We took blood samples and it appears that your son had lost a lot of blood and probably was taken to be eaten somewhere by this big cat." The officer told Nodoka.

"NO! Nonononono", cried Nodoka over and over again as she fell to the floor crying.

After the officers left Nodoka got up for the floor and went to her room from there she went over to her dresser and opened the top draw, then she took out a piece of paper. I should have never let him take you my son. Please forgive me. On the paper was written the Seppuku Pledge that read if Ranma wasn't a man amongst men he'll commit seppuku. When Nodoka finished staring at the paper, Nodoka took the paper into the kitchen and burned it.

Later that evening Nodoka called Soun Tendo to let him know of the deaths of Genma and Ranma. That and to plan the funerals for them.

"Hello Tendo Dojo" Kasumi answered the phone.

"May I please speak to your father Soun Tendo please?" asked Nodoka Saotome

"Sure I'll get my father. Will you please hold for him?" asked Kasumi

"Yes I will hold for your father." Nodoka answered Kasumi.

Kasumi went in search of her father. When she found him laying down taking a nap, Kasumi awoke up Soun Tendo and let him know that he had an important phone call.

"Hello Soun Tendo here. Can I help you?" asked Soun Tendo.

"Yes. My name is Nodoka Saotome and it's with great regret that I have to inform you that my husband Genma Saotome was mauled to death by some kind of big cat. As for Ranma Saotome my son he suffered massive amounts of blood loss from his wounds and may have been eaten by that monstrous cat, but his body was never found. I know you and my husband were very good friends. Thus I would like to have the funeral at your dojo in three days time, so we can lay to rest my son Ranma and my husband Genma Saotome. Thank you and good bye." With that Nodoka hung up the phone and went to bed.

Soun Tendo hung up the phone then called his daughters into the kitchen so have a meeting. When Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane arrived Mr. Tendo Broke the news about what had happened.

"Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane, I just got off of the phone with Nodoka Saotome and she has informed me that a very old and dear of mine has passed away. We will hold the funeral in three days time." once Soun Tendo finished telling his daughters this he began crying.

Three days later the funerals for Genma and Ranma Saotome was held.