I don't have any claim to The Sentinel or the Magnificent Seven. I do claim the twins or they claimed me. I'm not sure at this point. I make no money off of my writing. It's cheaper then therapy.
Thanks again to my beloved muses K.T. The Opinionated and Pookwana.
As always if it's //between the backslashes it's telepathy or something close to it// If it's italics it's the character's thoughts.
Twins at the Door
It was just before dawn when Dev and Beau sat up rubbing their eyes and yawning. Jim immediately opened his eyes and did a sensory scan of the loft. Everything seemed normal except for the far too alert little boys.
"Problem guys?" Jim asked softly.
"Time ta get up," Beau answered calmly before clambering over Jim in an effort to get out of the bed, closely followed by his twin.
Before Jim could say anything the two imps were down the stairs and had disappeared into the bathroom. It's not even dawn yet. Jim thought in dismay.
Ellison rolled over so he could watch through the rail as the boys soon reappeared. A couple of pillows were pulled off the loveseat and onto the floor. The boys sat down 'Indian' style facing east, and simply sat there.
Jim looked down with a concerned frown. At the boys continued stillness he climbed out of bed, pulling on his robe and slipped silently down the stairs.
"It's alright, big guy." Blair's sleepy whisper soothed his sentinel. Blair got up from his nest on the couch and walked over. "I've seen this before, lots of the native tribes 'do' morning prayer at sunrise like this. It's a good way for Dev to set his base lines."
After about fifteen minutes the boys got up and put the pillows back on the loveseat.
"What'th fer breakfatht?" Beau bounced over.
"Ah man, he's bouncing. How can he bounce this time of morning?" Blair grumbled.
Jim looked over at his own 'bouncer' in disbelief. Pointedly he looked down at Blair's feet.
"Aw man that's just wrong," Blair sighed trying to keep still. "How does cinnamon rolls sound guys?" he asked trying to ignore Jim's teasing smile.
"Dev really liketh thinnamon rollth." Beau nodded happily.
"Do you like them too?" Blair asked.
"Thure. They'th mighty good." Beau grinned.
"Jim, why don't you go get a shower while I mix the dough up. I'll get mine while it rises," Blair suggested.
"Sure you can handle it, Chief?" Jim asked quietly.
"Jim, they're just little kids. Get your shower," Blair huffed.
Blair looked up as the bathroom door slammed open and a sudsy Ellison raced across the hardwood floor. Skidding to a stop he snatched Dev out of mid-air as he sailed off the end of the banister.
"NO!" Jim barked glaring up at Beau who was preparing for his own turn. "No banister sliding," the big man ordered in a shaky voice.
"Yeth, Thir." Beau immediately put his foot back down on the floor.
Jim wordlessly settled Dev into Blair's arms as the smaller man rushed over. Then Ellison stalked back into the bathroom with as much dignity as a wet, soapy, blushing sentinel could muster.
"Guys, somebody could have gotten hurt," Blair chided gently.
"Yer right. Capt'n Jim coulda got a doozy of a floor burn." Beau nodded in agreement. "Yah got any old towelth? We need ta wipe up the floor 'fore thomebody thlipth and fallth."
"Yeah, sure. Under the kitchen sink," Blair responded before his heart had even stopped pounding. He turned and shakily went back to his dough, keeping a very close eye on the twins as he worked.
Beau was on his hands and knees industriously wiping down the wet floor while Dev followed along behind, putting on a finishing polish.
"We'th done," Beau called.
"Put the towels in the hamper guys," Blair ordered. "We need to do laundry today too." He added to his mental list as he puttered in the kitchen.
"Blair, thouldn't yah get a thtep thtool?" Beau asked worriedly, peeking over the kitchen island. A scowling Dev stood beside him.
"It's alright guys, I'm just getting another bag of flour," Blair smiled hopping up onto the edge of the counter.
"Blair, I don' think Capt'n Jim would like you doin' tha'," Beau warned.
"Don't worry about it, kid," Blair chuckled as he reached up to the top shelf and pulled out a five pound bag of flour.
"BLAIR!" Ellison bellowed.
"Shit!" Blair slipped from his perch, landing on his butt in the floor. The bag of flour fell onto the edge of the counter with a thud before it burst, sending a cloud of flour into the air and onto the sheepish man on the floor. "Out already, Jim?" Sandberg squeaked.
"What did you think you were doing?" Ellison growled, hands planted on his hips, dressed only in a towel.
"Getting more flour," Blair said in a little voice.
"And where is the step stool, Blair?" Jim asked sharply.
"Under-the-cabinet," Blair mumbled standing up.
Ellison's lips twitched faintly as he took in the picture his friend made, looking like a chastised four year-old himself. "Under the cabinet?" Jim asked.
Blair nodded, shaking a cloud of flour loose as he did so.
"Blair, why did I buy a step stool?" Jim inquired.
"So I wouldn't climb on the counters," Blair sighed.
"Uh-huh. And Blair . . . " Jim said and looked down at the two boys.
"I'm sorry guys. You were right. I should have gotten the stool. Jim, I'm sorry I could have gotten hurt just because I was too lazy to get the stool. As it is I've made an awful mess," Blair apologized.
"Thee if yah have 'nough flour ta finith the rollth. Capt'n Jim, get thome clotheth on. Dev, thee if yah kin find a dutht pan. If we git tha floor firtht we kin probably thave the flour thtill on tha counter." Beau handed out orders calmly. "Capt'n, go on git. Ain' nothin' we'th gonna git cut on er thompthin'."
The two adults shrugged and did as they had been told.
Blair finished the dough, covered it and set it to rise. Dev industriously dusted Sandberg off before sending him to the shower.
Jim came down the steps as Blair headed into the bathroom. "Looks like you guys have done this before," he noted. Dev was efficiently cleaning up the floor while Beau rescued the spilled flour on the counters.
"Unca Nathan ith hopeleth in tha kitthen." Beau looked up and grinned widely. "We only let him open canth or make thalad."
In an amazingly short time the flour had been cleaned up and the loft had been swept and polished to remove all signs of the disaster.
"You did good, guys." Jim nodded in appreciation.
"Thankth," Beau replied. "They better be good rollth."
"Oh they are, as good as Tanner biscuits," Jim answered.
"Yah think tho?" Beau asked derisively.
"I know so." Jim smirked.
"We'll thee," Beau sniffed.
Jim smiled down at the dusty boys. I forgot they're only four. Man, Vin can make some biscuits though. Jim sighed in memory.
"Think I can get Vin to make biscuits when he comes to get you?" Ellison licked his lips. When the boys didn't answer he looked down at the too innocent faces.
"You can make Tanner biscuits?" Jim demanded.
"Thure," Beau grinned.
"Teach me how kid, PLEASE!" Jim jokingly hit his knees, imploring the boys.
Dev and Beau exchanged a long, considering look. "What'tha got ta trade?" Beau asked calmly.
Watch yourself Jim, that's a Standish look if I ever saw one! You'll end up signing over the loft if you're not careful. Ellison locked gazes with the pair of dangerous predators.
"Blair's cinnamon roll recipe," Jim offered his first bid.
"Nope, Tanner bithcuitth ith thpecial," Beau smiled deviously.
Dev signed for a long moment.
"Dev thayth Tad really liketh thocolate," Beau upped the bidding war.
Blair doesn't use chocolate. "Sally's double fudge brownie recipe," Jim offered slowly.
Exchanging looks the twins turned back to Ellison. "Tathte tetht," Beau counter offered.
Now you've done it. Sally has never let anyone have that recipe. They're awful cute little fellas. If I let her try Tanner biscuits . . . maybe. Jim's thoughts raced rapidly. If not I'm going to have to brush up on my old dark ops training and steal it from her. Jim couldn't help but wince remembering just how deadly the tiny Chinese housekeeper was with that wooden spoon.
While Blair finished the rolls, Jim helped the twins get baths and wash the flour out of their hair. Jim simply smiled when the boys cleaned the tub after themselves and gathered up dirty clothes and wet towels for the laundry.
"Here, let me get the tangles out before we have a real problem guys," Jim sat down on the couch.
Beau calmly plopped down at Ellison's feet with his back toward the big man. Gently Jim dried the thick curls and began to work a comb through, carefully untangling hair as he went.
"There. Now you're all done. Your turn Dev," Jim urged. The silent boy knelt down and turned his back waiting tensely.
"Dev, tha Capt'n'th a thentinel. He ain' gonna be too rough for yah," Beau soothed.
"You have a tender scalp, Dev?" Jim asked gently. The boy nodded faintly. "Then I'll be extra careful." Sensitive hands moved with care, toweling the silky curls, then moved to gently working the tangles free. Dev's eyes were half closed and he was purring softly by the time Ellison finished.
"How's that?" Jim asked, softly stroking the smooth curls.
Dev turned and smiled before signing slowly.
"You think the rolls are done?" Jim teased. "How do you know that?"
Dev touched his nose then licked his lips.
"Yep. The nose knows," Jim leaned closer and whispered. Dev nodded enthusiastically.
"They're ready guys," Blair called pulling the rolls from the oven, only to discover the three conspirators seated at the table. Plates and silverware were in place. Butter was strategically positioned for easy access. Juice and coffee poured. Angelic smiles greeted Blair's laugh.
"We need to do better on healthy meals, you know." Blair looked over at Jim as the twins demolished the rolls happily.
"I know. Slick trusted me to take care of them. That includes eating healthy," Ellison agreed.
"So what are we going to do today?" Blair asked quietly.
"It's only seven thirty so we have time to do the laundry first. I thought I'd let the boys choose between the beach or the park." Jim shrugged.
"I was kind of thinking of the zoo," Blair said hesitantly.
"I'm not sure that we're up to that big of an outing,"Jim muttered.
"Oh man, they opened that new polar bear exhibit last week. Some of the guys at the station were talking about it," Blair said wistfully.
The twins exchanged a look and Beau began to speak when Dev shook his head. A questioning look was directed Ellison's way.
"Blair, do you want to see the Polar Bears?" Jim asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, I've never seen them before," Blair muttered.
"I would have thought you'd have seen them before as much as you and your mom traveled," Jim sighed knowing he was going to have to stand his ground or he was going to end up at the zoo.
"Naomi doesn't believe in zoo's. She protested at several for animal rights," Blair said quietly.
"Yah never been to tha zoo have yah?" Beau asked, biting his lip.
"No. It's alright, guys. I'll go some other time." Blair's bounce seemed to disappear as he forced a resigned smile.
Hell, even my old man took me to the zoo. Two pairs of sapphire eyes agreed with Jim's decision without any need for discussion. "Let's get cleaned up here while Blair finds out what time the zoo opens," Jim told the twins.
"The zoo opens at ten. I'll take the laundry down and get it started," Blair smiled widely and bounced out of the apartment with the loaded hamper.
"Capt'n Jim," Beau sighed.
"Yeah Beau?" Ellison looked down as the boy dried a plate.
"We'll try real hard to be good," Beau looked uncomfortable.
"I know that," Jim smiled.
"We wath throwed out of tha Denver zoo after THA INTHIDENT," Beau bit his lip and Dev nodded morosely.
"Thrown out?" Jim asked in disbelief.
"It weren't really our fault tha elefant gettin' loothe yah know." Beau ducked his head and studied his toes.
Dev nodded at Ellison's disbelieving look.
"That was Unca JD," Beau sighed looking up.
"JD," Jim nodded.
"How wath I thupothe ta know Unca Nathan would be thkairt of thnaketh?" Beau's chin quivered.
"Nathan, snakes," Jim nodded, a feeling of dread filling his being.
"He paid fer it, and he were mighty thorry ta have kilt it," Beau whispered.
Jim looked over at Dev questioningly. Dev mimed throwing a knife.
"Not good," Jim winced.
"No it weren't good," Beau agreed. "Unca Ez really wouldn't have thot tha othterith," the little guide put in hurriedly.
"Ostrich? Ezra?" Jim asked.
"It tooked hith cufflink," Beau explained.
"Oh, is that what happened?" Jim grimaced.
"It kinda wath Unca Buck'th fault all tha penguinth gettin' loothe," Beau admitted. "He wath flirtin' with tha girl who trained 'em and they didn't lock tha gate."
Dev nodded silently and rolled his eyes.
"I didn' think it wath fair them makin' uth leave jutht 'cauthe Unca Chrith and Tad took down tha train robberth. How wath they thuppothe ta know it wath a thow anyway?" Beau scowled.
"And that's why you can't go to the Denver Zoo anymore?" Jim's lips twitched. Trying to hide his response to the oh so serious rendition he started to drink the last of his coffee before washing the cup.
"Yep, Dev and me kin go back next year wit' adult thupervithon. That meanth we cain't take Tad er our uncleth," Beau sighed.
Jim snorted the coffee and exhaled it across the clean counter. Blair returned to see Jim bent over the counter coughing while two worried little boys pounded his back.
"Jim?" Blair started over.
"It's alright, I'll explain later," Jim coughed and rasped but his tearing eyes held laughter.