Hello peoples! This story is uh really weird (just a heads up! Cuz I got a lot of comments on stuff like that last time!) I would also like to thank every reviewer I have ever gotten regardless if they read this or not; White Cloud Dreamer (my very first reviewer!) ycars9392 (my second review) (uh I lost track after her.) Nellie Gurl (weird slang I must add though I hate slang so that's probably why it's weird.) Gothicgirl18892, (thank your review was probably the kindest so far! Not that all I get is flames just saying.) Sweetly Sarcastic (sory for the confusion.) Appy4la (the only person who ever writes back!) 1stepbehind29, (don't get your name!) and lastly someone I despise. (Uh long story behind why cussing makes me angry.) The meanest (dumbest) review I've ever gotten Xx.poisenedtwilight.Xx though I must thank you for without my hatred towards you I would have came up with this idea so thank you (I still hate you though.) Also on my page on favorite author the person who isn't Appy4la I have NO idea who that is so does anyone know who to take people off that list? Okay now story...

Disclaimer: For the sake of anyone who read And There Stood Chaos A.K.A Emmett I'll stop there.

It all started one day when Edward went hunting and left Edward with Alice, only Alice was going to perform in Swan Lake at the little theater, so there for she left her with Emmett (which is a horrible idea!) who was eager to get out of the house before Esme made him help her prepare for a house tour that was happening that afternoon (a.n. a house tour is where a bunch of middle aged people go to amazing house just to look at them. Which weird but oh well!) So Bella forced Emmett to go to the library with her. And that is where the story begins.

(It will be narrated by me for those of you that are wondering.)

"NO!!!!!!!!! Bella I'm not ready for hell! Not yet, PLEASE!" Emmett screamed.

"Uh Emmett it's just the library," Bella encouraged.

"AGSACTLY!" He cried. Bella rolled her eyes and continued to drag him in. (a.n. he actually following cuz he knows wut Edward will do to him. shudder)

10 minutes later

"Are you picking your nose?" Bella giggled remererising a line in Romeo & Juliet though she was just torturing Emmett she knew what it was.

"No!" He exclaimed.

"Your finger's still in your nose," she murmured.

"Casually scratching! CASUALLY SCRACHING!"


"Hey what's this?!" Emmett exclaimed holding praticuarally old large leather bound book.

"Ten thousand completely useless spells," Bella read.

"Hmmmm..." Emmett read skimming through the pages. "OOO, Bella can I cast this on you!?"

"What is it?!" She asked completely sick of Emmett interrupting.

"To stop clumsiness, wow that is useless but fir you..."

"OOO, Emmett cast it right now!" Bella cried think of finally taking a step without falling.

"Are you sure it say that if said wrong it will result in disaster."

"Since when do you care about stuff like that?"

"Your right!" Emmett exclaimed a little girl shushed them loudly, so Emmett stuck his tongue out at her, and then she flipped him off. Emmett mouth fell wide open. "Did-d you see that!" He cried.

"Emmett cast the spell right now or... or I'm telling Rosalie you made-out with me!"

"You wouldn't!" Emmett panicked.

"Oh contraire." (a.n. uh not sure how to spell that pronounced con-triage.) Bella said holding out her cell phone.

"Abracadabra alacazam, you'll no longer be clumsy because you'll be a jolly old hare?! Wait that can't be right... Bella, Bella? Where are you?!"

"Squeak! Squeak!"

"Bella?" Emmett cried looking down to see a completely brown bunny sitting on the cheaply carpeted floors.

"Squeak! Squeak!" (a.n. for those ones of you who can't understand bunny that mean Emmett you idiotic vamp!")

"Uh oh, I'm dead..." (a.n. so that's there isn't a zillion a.n.s everything I don't mark an a.n. is bunny translation. That is all.)

"Squeeeeeeek!" (you're way more then dead!)

"Shot I should get you home!" Emmett rushed out of the library and back to the Cullen household with the book in his hands. (a.n. Gasp! Emmett stole! No, no that not really surprising.) He rushed into his room to see Edward rocking back and forward muttering "compulsions," to himself repeatedly Jasper, Rosalie, (a.n. surprisingly.) and Carlisle sat trying to soothe him.

At the first sight of Emmett ran towards him and lifted him to see if she was hiding. "BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed. "Where's Bella!?"

"Uh... that a funny story actually..."

"Where is she!?" And why do you have a bunny!?"

"Well... I went to the library and found a book, and it kinda uh... made Bella a bunny" Everyone in the room including Edward broke into laughter, and Emmett laughed nervously with them.

"Squeak, squeek!" Bella cried. (This is no joke you idiotic vamps!)

"But no seriously where is she?"

"Well uh... right here..." Emmett whispered holding up the bunny." But look at the bright side we finally got a family pet!"

Edward's mouth dropped. "Squeak, Squeak!" Bella screeched. (I am soooo not a family pet! And if you get me a cage please, being expecting bunny pellets EVERYWHERE!)

Edward grabbed the bunny from Emmett's grasp and stared into the bunny's deep brown eyes. "Bella?!" His eye widened and he set Bella on the ground and was about to pounce on Emmett when Rosalie jumped in front of Emmett to protect him. (a.n. I know YEAH RIGHT!)

"If you even lay one finger on him..." she threatened surprisingly sincerely.

"I'll get you I don't know how but I will..." Edward cried his thoughts swimming with horrible things he could do to Emmett.

Then Edward grabbed Bella bunny (he there's a Bella Bunny theme song you know! But you'll hear that later... Muhahaha :p) and ran towards his room swinging open the door and slamming it behind him. "Bella I don't care if you're a bunny I going to love you no matter what happens!" At that Edward leaned in and made out passionately with her.

But at that very moment the entire house tour group came through the door to see. "Uh... nothing to see there! Just my son kissing a bunny! Lets move on!" Esme called frantically and ran out of the room though some of the woman hesitated. "You are so dead!" Esme yelled at Edward in her mind.

Well that's it I hope you liked it! The next chapter should be posted soon! Also future chapters should be funnier! Now review before I send the bunny army after you! (he you have to keep reading to find that one out!)