Title: Sting Ray

Rating: T to be on the safe side.

Classification: Mystery/Suspense

Disclaimers: If I owned them, I promise I would never put you guys through this. (Well, maybe I still would!)

Spoilers: Hiatus, Twilight, Kill Ari, Frame-Up, Jeopardy, Probie, and Shalom.

Summary: "Leroy Jethro Gibbs, you are under arrest for the murder of NCIS Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo."


August, 2007

"You ready?"

Ziva looked up from the bench she sat on outside the courtroom. People were starting to arrive for that day's session, although she'd been there almost an hour ahead of time. She smiled.

"I've been ready for a while."

"You and me both." Jenny joined her on the bench. "Just a few people here."

Ziva shrugged. "It was a popular case. NCIS agent being tried for murder."

The other woman nodded. "Too popular if you ask me."

"Like living in a fish tank for the last eight months." Jenny chuckled.

"Fish bowl," she said quietly. Ziva frowned.

"I thought people keep fishes in tanks," she protested.

"They do," Jenny confirmed.

"Then..." The NCIS Director chuckled again.

"Ziva, didn't anyone ever tell you English was the hardest language to learn?"

"I thought they were lying." Ziva surveyed the crowd again. "Are the others here?" she asked quietly.

Jenny nodded. "Ducky finished his testimony yesterday. He'll be sitting with Abby and McGee in the back row."

Ziva took a deep breath. "You know, this is the second time we've done this – had this conversation on this bench as we waited for me to testify in regards to this case."

"Does that bother you?" her friend asked softly.

"No." The defendant walked past, flanked by his attorneys, and Ziva glared at him. "It doesn't bother me a bit."