Author's Note: So here we are at the end. It's kind of sad to see, seeing as when I started this over a year ago, my intention was for a short little series. But it grew from there, didn't it? Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy. Reviews are welcome as always. :)

"She'll be okay, right? They have to be alright." Derek spoke, more to himself than to Addison. He had stopped her just outside of the room, and he had to know for sure.

"Derek." Addison spoke, cocking her head to one side as she stared at him. This man, who at one time had been her husband, and who was fearing for his wife and unborn child more than even he himself could explain. "I know that you're worried, but I can't allow you to come and see her unless you're able to calm down."

He nodded, because he knew that she was right. Still, he felt guilty for not being there. "It's too soon, Addison. It's...I mean-"

Addison raised her hand, signaling that she'd heard enough. She was well aware of the state of panic; she'd witnessed countless fathers in the past who worried about the fate of their girlfriends or wives, and their children. She'd witnessed that desperate look, the one that was fearful and unsure, yet determined at the same time. "Given Meredith's health, along with the development of the fetus, there's no indication that they both won't be safe. Pregnancies that end around this stage, a few weeks early...those things happen, Derek. We'll have to see what happens, but you can't give up hope." She glanced around the room before handing him a surgical gown. "Put that on and meet me. And Derek?"

His stark blue eyes met hers, and Derek was reminded of just how strong Addison could be in a time of crisis.

She smiled, and offering a polite nod, knew that Derek would need some kind of encouragement. "If your son is anything like you are, I'm sure that we'll be able to pull him through."

Though it was a ridiculous notion, Derek could have sworn time had slowed down. He'd watched patiently as Addison performed the C-section, and as they carried the crying baby over to the examination table. Looking down at their joined hands, he wasn't at all surprised to find that her knuckles were still a very vibrant white.

"Is he okay?" Meredith asked, exhaustion seeping through every word. She was in pain, but her determination to see their son managed to break through.

Derek looked over at the doctors who surrounded the table, and prayed that he could give her good news. When he returned his eyes to hers, a piercing cry ripped through the air. Though it frightened him a little, he knew to take it as a good sign. "Yeah," Derek replied. "he's going to be okay."

Minutes fused into hours, and when Derek had enough of her pleading, he'd gotten a wheelchair from the nurses' station and took her to see their son. He felt bad, though he knew that Meredith needed her strength before going to see him.

Tiny fingers gripped her hand as Meredith stared down at his sleeping form. "He's...Derek, he's just-"

"I know," Derek replied in amazement. He saw Izzie holding Elizabeth up through the glass, and waved. He could see her staring in astonishment as Izzie pointed, and he couldn't help but smile. Elizabeth had been so happy at the prospect of being a big sister, and that moment didn't appear any different.

The day passed, and so did the next several as well. Derek would go about his hospital duties, but would come back to her room every chance that he had. On the final night before they went home, he sat in a chair next to the bed as Elizabeth, Meredith, and William were all curled up.

"He's so little, Mommy." Elizabeth said.

"William's just a baby, sweetie. He'll grow big like you." Meredith replied with a smile. Her two children, she thought in amazement. Just a few short years before she'd never even considered herself as a person who would become a mother.

Somehow, that moment made all the worrying Derek went through in the hours leading up to William's birth worth it. He'd been nervous and scared, but he had also known on some level that they were all strong. Meredith was a person who could be crumbling into a million pieces one minute, but then turn around and be just as determined as ever in an O.R. the next. The tides would always be unpredictable to a degree, but if they got quiet little moments together as a family for a reward, Derek decided that he could deal with that.

...Three Years Later...

"Mooom! Will took my doll again..." Elizabeth cried from the floor of the living room. Pulling the leg of her doll as William pulled at the other, she let out a groan.

Meredith sighed, leaning down to pick a throw pillow up from the floor. "Will, honey, give your sister her toy, please."

Derek appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, drying his hands on a dishtowel. "Something going on?"

"Nothing, really. How long until lunch?"

Derek watched her, partially amused, as she straightened the couch. "It's still gonna take a little while, Mer. Besides, they won't be here until one."

They, as Meredith was aware, were some of their friends from Seattle Grace, along with a few of William's friends from the daycare. It was a Saturday, and their friends had all managed to find at least a little time away from the hospital to celebrate William's third birthday. Though it was only the usual crowd, it didn't stop her from feeling like their house would be placed under scrutiny. "I know, but everything has to be ready."

Laughing, Derek ruffled a dejected William's hair a he made his way to stand next to Meredith. "Ready," he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "but not perfect. Just sit down, take a break."

"I guess, but-" Meredith sighed upon hearing a knock at the door. "See, this is what I mean."

Derek nodded, and after planting a kiss on her forehead, went to answer the door. He was greeted by the sight of a rather large blue bag, along with Mark and Addison standing on his doorstep. "If that makes a bunch of noise, you can just take it back now."

"Yeah, well...I'll just tell you Addison bought it, and let that be the explanation." Mark grinned as he made his way into the living room.

"So, you're saying it might not be noisy, but it'll be expensive and name-brand. Even better." Derek groaned, earning him a slap in the arm from Addison.

"Daddy says we're not s'posta hit." William said, leaving the toy he had once fought for forgotten on the floor.

Grinning, Mark couldn't help but laugh. "Well, aren't you smart. How's my favorite future plastic surgeon?"

"Mark..." The other three adults in the room complained.

"What," Mark replied, trying his best to look innocent. "I'm only trying to help the little guy."

"I'm not little. The doctor says that I'm vewy stwong, Unca Mark." William announced proudly.

"I know you are, Liam." Addison defended him, appreciatively leaning down to get on his level. "Which is exactly why I got you your present," she added with a wink.

Feeling that the situation was under control, Derek caught Mark's gaze, and gestured toward the kitchen. "Got some stuff out on the grill. Wanna grab a beer and help me out?"

"Alcohol at a child's party? I'm shocked, Derek." Mark feigned surprise.

"Yeah, and I bet you'll refuse, won't you?" Derek replied sarcastically, waving behind him before leaving the room.

Slowly, everyone else came in. William was pleased to find that two of his friends were able to come, thus giving him someone to play with. Elizabeth was content in showing off her, as she called it, 'fantastic dancing'--after pleading for several weeks, Meredith and Derek had caved and allowed her to take dance lessons.

Things were awkward for a while after Izzie and Alex showed up separately. Everyone suspected that they'd end up splitting after his fear to commit, but none of them had actually wanted it to happen.

After Derek served lunch, Cristina was being called back to the hospital because of a patient she had. The intern who notified her said that he was rejecting the transplant, and therefore had just cause to require her assistance. This caused the presents to be opened early, to which William was pleased.

Derek took on the role of reading cards, including one that arrived from New York from his mother.

"William Christopher Shepherd, it is so hard to believe that you are so grown up. Three years old? Very cool, I think. I hope that you like my present, and that you, Elizabeth, and your mommy and daddy have a great day. Love, Grandma Rebecca."

Shortly after, William tore into the present she'd sent for him, only for the remaining partygoers to hear him scream excitedly.

"Did I ever tell you that he's got a set of lungs?" Addison laughed as she turned to Meredith. "Hey," she continued, spotting something off in her eyes. "Meredith?"

Snapping out of her daze, Meredith wasn't surprised to spot the concern as Addison looked her way. After the drama surrounding William's birth, they'd remained friends. She'd helped her through after Addison and Mark hit a rough patch just over a year before, and knew that if anything would happen, she'd always have her back. "I'm just thinking."

Settling into a lawn chair, Addison watched Meredith do the same. "About?"

Meredith smiled as Elizabeth helped William peel the wrapping paper off of another gift. "I just keep thinking. This is it, you know? He's three already, and when I think about how he could' I could've..."

"Hey," Addison interrupted, placing a soft hand on her arm. "you know you can't think like that, Mer. Those two...Elizabeth and William. They idolize you and Derek, and don't doubt that they're safe with you."

"Maybe that's true, Addison." Meredith said, crossing her legs as she folded and unfolded a napkin in her hands. "I'm happy. I should be happy. My daughter has a thing...she's dancing, and Liam...Liam's looking more like Derek every day."

Addison nodded, her eyes growing darker in understanding. "That's very true."

William finished opening his presents, and was showing them off proudly to the people that were there. Derek took the opportunity to carry the remnants of paper out to the garbage cans. He paused near the door, and seeing Meredith, directed her with his eyes. That was something they'd gotten better at; the reading each other without any explanation as to why.

Meredith offered an apology to Addison, and after getting an assurance from her and Izzie that they would watch the children, she followed Derek through the house, and to the cans sitting out front.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked, reaching to brush her cheek with his hand.

Meredith smiled, offering a shrug. "I'm just thinking about everything. How far we've come. How all of us have forged this crazy family," She licked her lips, pausing to admire the area surrounding them. She thought back to the time when she and Derek had gone to the property before the house had even been built. She remembered the way Derek had been so convinced even then that they would be okay and make it through.

"That's true," Derek replied, cupping her cheek with one hand, and pulling her close with another. "but you know what? This, us...the kids. That's what is most important to me. That is what won't change."

Meredith wanted to reply, or at the least let him know that she appreciated what he said. As she was about to, his mouth claimed hers, quickly sweeping her away again. Allowing herself to get lost, she jumped upon hearing someone whistle loudly from behind them.

"When you two are done feeling each other up, William wants to have cake now." Alex called, smirking as he caught a glimpse of their embarrassed faces before slipping back inside.

Derek hooked an arm around her waist, and pulled her close. "I guess we should go back in, huh?"

Meredith nodded, knowing that he was right. "Yeah, we should."

"Chocolate on chocolate, " Derek mused. "This should be fun."

Meredith laughed as they walked inside, and upon hearing a warning from Izzie about how people needed to like it because she made it, quickly poked him in the side. Somewhere, amidst all the craziness, they connected. It was the way things had always been, and Meredith knew in that moment that it would never change. He'd yell, she'd yell...but they'd get through. They had Elizabeth and William, and they had each other. No one said that it would be perfect, but as she saw Elizabeth 'helping' William with the chocolate that had already gotten on his nose, Meredith decided that it was better that way.

Post-Story Notes:

I'd like to thank all of you who read, reviewed, and alerted this fic. MerDer was put through a lot of drama on the show, and to a degree in the FF world as well. Through all of that, we shippers have managed to stick together.

I'm not taking a break, but I'd like to focus on the other fic that I have for now. I pushed back a sequel to an Addex fic that I've had for ages now in an effort to get what I have done, and for some reason, I struggled a little with this epilogue.

Anyway, I'll let you click the button and review now. At least I hope that you review, and, I hope this doesn't sound greedy, but I hope that you'll leave detailed ones. What you liked, didn't like...and everything in between. This is it guys, I hope you liked it. Thanks again!