Disclaimer: If wishes were fishes...
Title: Head Games
Summary: Renji needs to stop listening to the S&M freak...
Rating: T
Spoilers: Nothin'
Words: 343
Dedication: ShizukaShadow, eBay, and random RPs xD

"Ichii, if I wore a leopard-print thong, would you still love me?"

Ichigo looked up from his homework and over his shoulder at the redhead sitting on his bed. "Would I have to look at it?" he asked with a frown.

Renji shifted uncomfortably, not meeting his boyfriend's glare. "What if I wore it to bed? Would you still have sex with me?" he tried.

Ichigo's eye twitched. "But why would you want to wear it?"

Renji looked down and didn't answer. Ichigo was just about to turn back to his homework when the redhead spoke up. "What if Shuuhei dared me and I'm out a hundred dollars if you don't find it sexy?"

"It's only a hundred bucks," Ichigo replied with a shrug.

Renji sighed and mumbled, "I'll go sleep on the couch, then…"

The younger boy shook his head. "Well, think of it this way: I'd get ya outta your clothing a hell of a lot faster if it meant I got to take thatthing off ya," he said before adding in a mumble, "and throw it in the trash."

Renji looked up, hardly suppressing his glee. "Please?" he asked excitedly. "It's starting to chafe…" he added, grinning sheepishly when Ichigo smacked his palm against his forehead in frustration.

"Why? Why why why why WHY?" Ichigo pleaded into his hand.

"Blame Shuuhei," Renji supplied.

Ichigo glared at him through his fingers. "You're the one that took the bet."

"He told me you'd like it!"

Ichigo folded his arms across his chest. "Because it's Shuuhei that knows what I like."

Renji glanced away, muttering. "Well, he did teach me a lot of the stuff ya like…"

Ichigo continued to glare. "Not making me motivated to strip ya.

Renji panicked. "I'm extremely turned on right now. You just can't see it because of the damn banana-hammock."

The boy groaned. "Didn't need that visual."

"Ichiiiii…" Renji whined. "It's starting to hurt…" he added in a small voice.

Ichigo rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You so owe me…" he relented.

Renji grinned wide.