A/N: I wrote another chapter. I didn't want people to forget about this story.

It's basically a transitional chapter, so please bear with it. It's also pretty cheesy. I can't help it. I like cheese. : )

Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana and anything related to the Disney Channel Show. And the title is a Hellogoodbye song.

--Baby, It's Fact--

Chapter Five: I Like The Way It Rolls Off My Tongue

Exactly a week later, on December 22, exactly three days before Christmas and two before Hannah's concert, Oliver had a conniption. He had been thinking day and night about what he was going to do about Miley's Christmas present when suddenly, it came to him, and he was so excited about it. Actually, it didn't come to him so much suddenly as it was that after going through every possible gift idea he could think of, making mental lists and finally thinking random, strange and unique thoughts in hope that something would stand out, that he came to the conclusion of what he was going to do. Yes, he was sure it was the perfect way to win Miley's heart, especially since it had been a whole week since they went shopping together, and he had embarrassed himself. He knew he had to do something incredible to make her fall for him. What he didn't quite realize was how much Miley felt that she had been the one to embarrass herself, though.


Miley spent the whole week trying to avoid Oliver, leaving the room whenever she was likely to be left alone with him, running in the opposite direction if she saw him in the halls at school, and he in turn, was so focused on her gift, that he didn't even realize. He didn't notice that he was never really alone with her, and that for some reason, Lilly always had some "problem" that needed to be discussed with Miley, and only Miley. He also didn't realize that these encounters always seemed to happen in the girl's bathroom at school.

That Monday, Lilly turned the tables and dragged Miley into the bathroom.

"Lil! What are you doing?" she asked, and tried to wrench her arm free of Lilly's strong grip.

"I just wanted to bring you in here to let you know that I'm not going to act like your scapegoat anymore. If you're so afraid of being around Oliver, then so be it. I no longer care. And don't try to use the Best Friend card on me, cuz it's not going to work. Deal with it yourself from now on, okay? I'm sick of coming into this bathroom with you every single day and waiting until Oliver gets smart enough to walk away." Miley just listened to her as she ranted. "Get it?" Miley nodded 'yes'.

"But, Lilly, why did you bring me into the bathroom then, if you're so sick of it?" Lilly gave her a look. "Oh, do you need to go to the bathroom?"

"Yes!" Lilly squeaked, before running into a stall. Miley just smirked and walked out of the room. Unfortunately for her, Oliver was still standing outside.

"Hey Miley! What's wrong with Lilly today?"

"Oh, nothing at the moment. She's just using the facilities. Everything's extremely normal. Yup."

"Oh." He was grinning, big time.

"What makes you so smiley, Oken?" she asked, a bit curious.

"Oh…not much. I'm just happy," he replied.

"Really? Well, that's good to know."

"Yeah, actually I wanted to talk to you about—"

"Hey, Oliver? I have to go, okay? Talk to you later!" and with that, Miley took off down the hall, leaving Lilly in the bathroom washing her hands and a speechless, but still smiley Oliver, in her path.


"Miley, I don't get you," Lilly said. Then she blurted out what she had been wanting to say for days. "I know you like Oliver." Miley made a face and tried to object in a believable way, though even she knew that anything she said wouldn't be too convincing.

"How do you know that Lilly?" she replied, trying to keep her voice indifferent. "Huh? I haven't once done anything that should make you think that I have a crush on him. You're just basing your assumptions on stupid speculation."

"Are you serious?" Lilly asked. She stared at Miley for a few seconds and her question was answered. "You are serious. You're trying to tell me that you don't like Oliver, and that you've done absolutely nothing to make me think so? That's it's all--" she gasped, "STUPID speculation?"

"Yes," she said simply.

"Well, I think you're in love with Oliver—" now Miley gasped, "And, I think you're a delusional twit."

"Not true! Not true!"

"Miley, give t up! Stop trying to hide from the truth. And stop acting like you're in middle school."

"But…I don't…" she started to protest again, but then realized it was a lost cause. Lilly was right, and she knew it. Partially, at least. There was no point in drawing out the inevitable any longer. "Lilly, I'm not in love with Oliver."

"Hah! But you admit that you like him? Really like him? FINALLY?" Miley closed her eyes tightly as Lilly said this, as if doing so would transport her away from where she was, in a conversation she didn't want to be in. As if having her eyes closed she would be transported to a place Lilly-Truscott-free. Then she sighed loudly, as if it hurt her to admit what she said next.

"Yes, fine. I admit it. I'm crushin' on the Smokin' Oken!"

"Aha! Some honesty at last!" Lilly was one to speak.

"Hey, you can't tell him," she said, knowing Lilly would want to do just that as soon as possible.

"But why not? I want to see you two together." Miley shook her head furiously and waved her hands.

"No. That's not a good idea. And I don't think that's ever gonna happen. That being me and Oliver. I don't even know why I'm bothering. I truly don't even know why I like him."

"Um, maybe because he's perfect for you, perchance?" Lilly guessed.

"Lilly, did you just say the word 'perchance'?"

"Yes, indeed, I did!" she replied, quite obviously proud of herself.

"You never cease to amaze me."

"Thanks, I love you, too."

"Okay…so why do you think he's so perfect for me, precisely? Why don't you think he's perfect as just my friend?"

"I think he's perfect for you because you like him and he…" she paused, trying to decide whether or not she should tell her best friend that her other best friend was crushing on her, too.

"What does he…exactly?" Miley asked, clearly interested in the answer.

"Well, I'm sure he thinks you're pretty," she finished lamely.

"Pretty, huh? Well that makes me feel so much better. Thanks for that little piece of info." Lilly patted Miley on the back.

"No problem, buddy!" Miley just glared at her.


"You're going to do what exactly?" Lilly asked. She decided she couldn't trust her ears and needed Oliver to repeat himself.

"You heard me," Oliver claimed. Lilly nodded.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I did, but I don't think I completely understand."

"You heard what I said, and I know you understand what it means."

"Okay. Fine. So, uh, when are you going to, er, do this? Give Miley her present?"

"Easy. At her concert on Christmas eve."

"What? Are you just going to rush the stage or something equally lame and self deprecating?" Lilly shook her head 'no' as she said this. "Uh, uh, Oliver, no. I'm not so sure that's the best idea. She might think you've turned into Crazy Stalker Oliver again."

"Not a problem. I'll be so quick and to the point that she won't have time to think the words 'crazy' or 'stalker' at all."

"You're weird."

"I am aware of that, yes."

"And you really think that this is the best way to tell Miley how you feel about her? The best way to tell her you love her?"

"It was your idea that I tell her now, might I remind you? This is all I could come up with, and I personally think it's genius."

"Yeah, I know. But I thought that you were going to be a normal human being and just tell her. You know, like I told Jackson before we got together." Oliver made a gagging motion.

"Okay, I know I know about your little thing going on with Jackson, but that doesn't mean I like it and want to hear details. It's not my fault I walked in on you two canoodaling in public on a bench on the beach!"

"Hey, we were not so-called 'canoodaling'! And how old are you?"

"I do believe you know my age, dear Lilly."

"Yeah, but you sure don't act sixteen sometimes."

"If it's a crime to say the word canoodaling, then arrest me, please, because I'm going to keep saying it. Ca-noo-da-ling. Canoodaling."

"Oh, you are so lame. It's not even a word."

"Who cares? Now, can you please be a little serious and tell me what you really think about my idea?"

"Are you insinuating that I'm the one not being serious?"

"Please answer the question already."

"You really want me to comment on your idea?"

"Yes! Will you please tell me what you think about me telling Miley I love her by singing her a song?"


A/N: hahaha, that's gonna be funny. Please review!