Cloud: For the first time ever, Kairi and I actually sat down in the same room and wrote out a chapter. Together. Normally we pick one person to write each chapter individually, but this time it was a joint effort.
Kairi: After some persuasion from me and Zack. But I think it was worth it!
Cloud: So do I. We had a lot of fun writing this chapter.
Kairi: And I think we are going to try to update more frequently.
Cloud: Totally. So readers, I hope you enjoy!
Gabontrix looked at Axel, her expression cross. "A plan? We don't have time to sit around in a little circle and discuss our options. We should just be getting ready to fight."
"It isn't that simple," Demyx said slowly, as if he was choosing his words carefully. "Getting ready to fight was all that I did last time around, and look at where that got me. If we don't think things through then we're all just going to be killed."
"We need to be a bit smarter this time, that's true," Axel stated. "Maybe we could surprise them with an ambush of some sort."
"But Sora knows where we are. Him and his friends aren't going to be dropping their guard, especially once they get inside the mansion," Nyxsuru pointed out.
"…Unless we have something to distract them with," Axel said slowly, a small smile creeping across his face as he looked at the two female nobodies standing across from him.
"Oh nuh-uh. There's no way that I'm being a decoy. Not gonna happen," Gabontrix stated with a glare and a toss of her long blonde hair.
"Well, Sora has seen both Demyx and me more than once, so I doubt he would forget what we look like. So we couldn't be decoys even if we wanted to. Plus, we don't exactly fit the whole 'helpless, vulnerable person in need' description." Axel supplied. "So one of you two ladies is going to be a decoy, whether you like it or not."
Gabontrix looked at the redhead, her bright blue eyes narrowed dangerously. "Remember what happened last time you pissed me off? You'll get a little refresher if you pick me as the decoy."
Axel sighed, shaking his head slowly. "Nyxsuru, since Gabontrix is being impossible, do you think that you could be a decoy for us?"
Nyxsuru bit her lip and looked away. Even though she was blindfolded, she could still tell that everyone was looking at her expectantly, and it made her feel very uncomfortable. She didn't want to be a decoy, not in the slightest. Though as she opened her mouth to tell everyone that she couldn't - no, she wouldn't be the distraction, she stopped when she felt a hand upon her shoulder. Instantly she recognized Demyx's touch as he gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"…I'll do it. I'll be the decoy. Just tell me what I have to do," she stated, her voice sounding much more confident than she really was. But even though she was afraid to put herself in harms way, she knew that Demyx would be there to keep her safe. That and the feeling of his hand on her shoulder was all the reassuring that she needed.
"Thank you," Axel said, obviously relieved. Foot steps began to ring throughout the hollow atrium in the decrepit mansion as he began to pace. All eyes were on him as he began to explain the plan that was tumbling out of his mouth with careful logic. Their plan had been crafted to a seamless preparation for the inevitable. Lives were at stake. They could not fail.
The never changing sky of Twilight Town gave no hint to the time. It simply gave the impression that time had just stopped altogether. The minutes dragged on as Nyxsuru sat on the warped bottom step in her newly acquired disguise. A crumbling mint green sun dress replaced the long dark cloak.
Completely exposed and seemingly alone she waited for their enemy. It was only a short while later when she heard the telltale crunch of gravel outside the grand weary mansion. She had to put on a convincing show for their guests. This was her part to play. Alone, lost, scared and blind. She needed to make them want to help her. She needed their pity. Nyxsuru began to cry. Tears streamed down her cheeks as whimpers and sniffles filled the room. As the door opened she could feel a cool breeze across her skin, making a chill run down her spine.
"Is someone there?" she asked, her voice thick with her false tears. Hesitant foot steps echoed across the dusty floor.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" a female voice rang out, accompanied by a small rush of trotted steps but were soon halted.
"Don't go near her, Kairi. It could be a trick," stated a lower voice full of suspicion.
"Oh come on, Riku. Look how scared she is," Sora's familiar voice sounded throughout the room.
Nyxsuru clenched her fists involuntarily when she heard him speak, but she immediately regained her composure. There was no room for mistakes, and one slip-up could cost her and the other nobodies dearly.
"I c-can't see anything," she sobbed, tears spilling into her cupped hands. "I-I'm lost an-and I'm so sc-scared. Please..please help me."
"Oh, you poor thing," Kairi said sympathetically as she approached the crying brunette. "It's okay, we'll help you. Don't worry."
"I don't trust her. How do we know she isn't lying? How do we know that she isn't a member of the Organization?" Riku stated sharply, his turquoise eyes narrowed in distrust.
"Knock it off, Riku," Sora said warningly. "She isn't wearing one of the black cloaks, so she isn't a part of the Organization. She's just a scared girl that needs help."
Riku narrowed his eyes even further but remained silent. In a few short steps Kairi was in front of Nyxsuru, and she reached down and took the brunette's dainty hand with her own. "Here, let me help you." she said warmly.
Nyxsuru slowly tipped her head back, guilt bubbling in the pit of her stomach. This girl was being so kind, and Nyxsuru was going to use that kindness against her. Bracing herself, she looked up into Kairi's eyes. The instant that tear-filled hazel met with compassionate deep blue, Nyxsuru knew that she had completed her job as the decoy successfully.
'Turn around and face your friends. Draw your weapon. And...I'm sorry that I'm forcing you to do all of this,' the brunette nobody commanded telepathically.
With wide eyes and shaking hands, Kairi turned to face Sora and Riku. Tears began to fall from her terribly frightened blue eyes as she realized that she was powerless to the voice inside her head.
"Kairi, what's wrong?" Sora asked, concerned etched across his face as he took a step closer to her. He reeled back in shock as Kairi summoned her keyblade, holding it as if she was about to attack him. Nyxsuru stood and wiped her tears away, her hazel eyes now slightly clouded over, a sign that she was indeed a nobody with a lethal ability.
"I've taken your friend over, keybearer," she said, her voice slightly venomous. "If you want her to stay safe, you'll listen very carefully to what I have to say."
Kairi: Oh snap.
Cloud: Haha, I wrote the ending of that chap. I just loveeee cliffies. And is there a change in writing style when I write vs when Kairi writes something? Because I typed out some of this chapter while she added in some ideas, and then she sat down and wrote some more while I added some ideas, and we kept switching like that. So if there is a major change in style to the point where it's very noticeable, please let us know. We want to make this as smooth as we possibly can.
Kairi: Review and let us know what you think!