Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I would have done HBP different, if I did.

A/N: My response to the "Answer me this" challenge. Hope you will enjoy it, and if you read, leave a review, even if it is bad. It will make me happy anyhow, and maybe constructive criticism will help me improve my skills…


Hermione somehow comes across a quiz in Witch Weekly for two best friends to take consisting of twenty questions. Each friend takes the quiz by answering what they think their friend will answer, Harry answers with what Hermione will answer and Hermione with what Harry will answer and then they look at the answers and tally up how many their friend got right. Inspired by a quiz in my own magazine! Sounds a bit strange, but it's just a fluffyful way to bring the two closer together and a creative lead to a relationship. Here's the 20 questions (also fun to see everyone's answers to the questions), and they aren't obvious to loving someone, this is for any pair of best friends! Oh, and they have to get 3 wrong (any 3) because it would be too perfect if they don't miss a couple or few...

1. When was the last time he/she was really, really mad?
2. What's their all-time greatest fear?
3. What's their favourite kind of weather?
4. Say they could choose between falling in love or doing well in school - which would they pick?
5. Their first kiss was with...
6. What's the most spontaneous thing they've ever done?
7. What foods constitute their perfect meal?
8. What charm do they use most often?
9. How many children do they want to have?
10. What will their names be?
11. What is their favourite piece of clothing?
12. Floo Powder, Portkey, or broom? (kind of like that boxer, brief, or free-balling question)
13. What's their dream job (even if they already have one)?
14. How many times have you downed a Butterbeer together?
15. What Quidditch position are they most qualified for (even if they hate to play)?
16. What's their favourite hex of choice?
17. If they could be any Animagus form, what would they be?
18. Is there something in their room they hide from everyone, and if so what is it?
19. What's their favourite thing about you (yes the best friend filling it out!)
20. Do they have any birthmarks, and is so where?

If you think these are lame I'm sorry, but I tried to make it random things, so any new ideas are cool!

Quiz me, Love me

Harry's Turn

Harry Potter came into the Heads common room exhausted. And very, very wet. Weather was horrible, but the team needed to practice, so he, being the captain, did his duty and made them work hard, even if that would gain him no thanks from his team-mates.

Then, he had worked another hour on his own, trying some new moves. Now, he was finally back to a warm place.

And he noticed one of his best friends, and Head Girl, Hermione Granger, sitting on the couch, reading Witch Weekly.

Now, that would not have been so strange, if it wasn't Hermione we are talking about.

"She never reads that magazine" Harry thought. Walking toward her, he wondered why she had started now.

"Hey, Harry. It was time you came back in" she said nonchalantly, patting the spot beside her, inviting him.

"Yes, I worked hard on some things" he said, remaining standing.

"Come on, sit. I'm sure you can use a bit of rest" she said, smiling at him.

"No, really, I'm dripping wet, I'll soak the couch, and maybe even you" he said, shaking his head, smiling back. There was something he lately found enticing about her and her smiles.

"Honestly, Harry, are you a wizard or not?" she said, taking her wand and muttering a Drying Charm on him. He was instantly perfectly dry.

"Now, you can join me" she said, again patting the spot beside her.

He sat there, grinning. "I can't resist you anything, you know that , don't you?"

"Of course I do, I'm your best friend. I know all about you" she said. Seeing his sceptical expression, she laughed.

"You don't believe me, right? Well, I'll prove you that, then. Let's take this quiz together" and she showed him the page.

"How well you know your best friend" the title read.

"Interesting. But I would think the most gifted witch in Hogwarts never read Witch Weekly" he teased her, mirth dancing in his green eyes.

She blushed, and he didn't know if it was for the praise, or for the fact he pointed out she was doing something unusual for her.

"Well, fact is, I've finished all the homework, and I had absolutely nothing to read, so I asked Parvati for this, just to have something to do" she stammered. He loved when she did that.

"Ok, ok, I'll take the test with you, then. So we will see if you really know me so well. I'm already late for dinner anyhow" he said, smiling, tiredness ebbing away quickly. Just being around her made him feel perfectly fine and full of energy.

"Let's start then" she said, turning to face him and placing her legs on his lap. He raised an eyebrow at her for that, but she simply shrugged.

"Now, I'll ask the question, you answer, ok?" she said. He nodded, looking directly at her, and making her blush under his gaze.

"What was the last time I was really mad?"

Harry thought about it for some moments, then grinned. "When Vector gave you 98 on your last test, because me and Ron made you be late and you couldn't finish the last answer. Really scary, that was"

She frowned at him. "You're right. And I feel anger rising in me even now. That was really bad of you two" she chastised him.

"Aw, come on. We didn't turn your underwear into water on purpose, it's been George and Fred's fault. We didn't know what the spell did. Although, coming from them, we could have expected something along those lines" he said, chuckling. "You must admit it was funny though"

She glared at him, but then a smile crept on her face. His laughter lately seemed to make that effect on her, making her anger dissolve into nothing. "Yes, I reckon it was. But not for me" she said, before reading the next question.

"What's my all-time greatest fear?"

"Mmh, this is difficult. I would say being expelled, but that was back in first year. No, I reckon it has become seeing me or Ron dead" he said seriously.

"Spot on, you are. That night of the battle, when you killed him, and then lay motionless on the ground, I thought you were dead too. I panicked, and almost got myself killed to ran to you. If it wasn't for Ginny who stunned Lucius Malfoy, he would have killed me. So, yes, you're right. Next question, then. What's my favourite kind of weather?"

"Well, I think it could be both a stormy night in which reading in front of the fire would be perfect, or a sunny and warm day to read outside, maybe under a tree, like you often do at the Burrow" he said, grinning.

"Well, if I must be sincere, I like better the sunny and warm day, but also the stormy night is good for reading. So, I guess this counts as right. You're doing well till now, three right answers on three questions. I'm impressed" she said, dramatically bringing an hand over her heart and fluttering her eyelashes.

He chuckled. "Are you hitting on me?" he teased her. That earned him a light swat on the arm.

"Prat" she laughed. "Next one, then. What would I pick between falling in love and doing well in school?"

"Ah, this is easy. Doing well in school" he said, sure of himself.


"What?" he sputtered, looking at her. "Would you pick falling in love over doing well in school? Who are you and what you've done with my best friend?"

"What's so strange about it?" she asked defensively. "I admit I'm a bit obsessed with schoolwork, but I've worked on my priorities since first year"

"Oh, ok. It's just, I never pictured you like the kind of girl dreaming of an hero in a shining armour to come and sweep you off your feet. That would be more Parvati, or…Ginny" he said, underlining the last name.

His short fling with the redhead had not been so good. She clearly thought of him like an idol, but soon she learned the real him was not that. And that made her realize he was not right for her. So they broke things off after a couple of months, more or less.

"Well, yes, but still, I at times dream of finding my soul mate, and starting a family with him" she said, dreamily. "That would be a great achievement, although I wonder how could someone be interested in me, plain looking like I am"

He looked at her, and saw not a plain girl, but a beautiful young woman. "Once, maybe. You've grown to be quite attractive" he said.

"You're sweet, but do not tell me lies. I may believe them" she said, looking at him directly in the eyes.

"I'm not telling lies. It's the pure truth"

She coughed to break the moment, not trusting herself to look at him longer, and read the next question.

"My first kiss was with…"

"Viktor Krum" he said immediately.

"How do you know?" she asked, shocked.

"Ginny told us the two of you kissed back in fourth year, and since I know he was the first guy you dated…" he said, feeling the urge to scoot closer, and caressing her legs.

She marvelled in his touch, and wondered how would be kissing him, but then, she thought, that would ruin their friendship forever. So she nodded and moved to the next question.

"Now, what foods are my preferred meal?"

"Hard, this one. But, I kind of pay attention, so I would say chicken salad, orange juice and pumpkin pie. Or, if you're really hungry, a good steak instead of the chicken salad"

She stared at him open-mouthed. "Not even my father remembers that" she said in awe. "You do really pay attention to me lots, or you would not remember it"

He blushed. "Well, you're my best friend, it's normal I pay attention to you" he said, sheepishly.

She looked him strangely, but continued reading nonetheless. "What charm do I use most often?"

"Well, I would say Oculus Reparo, since I keep forgetting it, but you use pretty often Wingardium Leviosa too. It's a close call between these two, I can't really point out one" he said.

"Well, I'll count it as right, since you mentioned both. But, truthfully, I think Oculus Reparo is the one. And, honestly, it's not hard to remember, Harry" she motherly scolded him.

"I know, I know. But maybe you enjoy doing it for me, don't you think? Especially since every time you do, you check the results and then pass your hand through my hair" he teased her.

She blushed, and avoided his gaze, passing to the next line.

"How many children do I want to have?"

"And how am I supposed to know that? It's not a thing you speak about with your best friend. However, I guess one"

"Wrong. At least two. I want a big family, and don't want my child to grow up lonely like I did. A sibling is always good"

"Just not try and have another clan like the Weasleys" he teased her.

"Well, that depends on the father too, don't' you think? If he was to make it enjoyable, I may think about it…" she said seductively. Harry looked at her bewildered.

She had just been flirting with him. Or not?

He shrugged it off, and steadied for the next question.

"What will their names be?"

He looked at her like a deer caught in the lights. "I don't have bloody idea. Mark and Stephan if guys, and Helen or…Alexia, if girls?" he said, blurting out the first names that came in his mind.

She shook her head, smiling softly.

"No. Two wrong in a row, you're losing your touch" she teased him. "Harry or James, or Frank for a boy, and Lily or Caroline for a girl. Maybe Julie too"

"You would name them after me or my parents?" he asked in wonder.

She nodded. "Yes. I know I never knew them, but I think if they gave birth to such a person like you, they are worth to be remembered, if only their names" she answered truthfully.

He felt tear welling up in his eyes, and he hugged her, holding her close. "You're so wonderful, Mione" he breathed in her hair, and she felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

After some moments he released her, and straightened up again. "So, what's the next one?"

"What's my favourite piece of clothing?"

"That's easy. My old blue t-shirt. I've seen you wear it often when we have not to use our school robes, and under them at times too. Wonder why you like it this much, though"

She looked at him. "Do you really not know?" she said, her voice quivering just a bit. "Forget it. Floo Powder, Portkey or broom?"

"Well, broom is easily ruled out, and you never liked too much Portkeys. So I would say Floo"

"Right. Although, Apparition is better than all of them, no dirt, no heights, no crashing on landing…"

He laughed. "You're really something else. But I agree with you, Apparition is good"

She smiled. "Now, what's my dream job?"

"Easy. Being Minister, so you can fix the relationships with other magical beings, and maybe cancel the House Elves slavery"

"Yes, that would be something I would be proud to do. Although, I don't think I would be so popular as a Minister if I did such things…and the next would bring it all back again. But yes, that is my dream. You're doing well, seems I underestimated you" she said, and he stuck his tongue at her.

Giggling, she read the next one.

"How many times we downed a Butterbeer together? Well, this is quite hard to say, really"

"Not for me. Ninety-five times, milady"

"You counted it" she said, disbelieving. He nodded, grinning. "Although, if I were to sneak in the kitchens we could up that record" he suggested.

"Maybe later. Let's finish this, ok?"

He agreed, and readied himself for the next answer. He had to admit it was way more fun that listening to his team-mates ranting about his cruelty in making them practice with such a weather, or seeing Ron stuff his mouth full of food.

"What Quidditch position am I most qualified for? Well, we can pass this one, I don't play"

"No way. I know the perfect position for you"

"And what would it be?" she asked sceptical. "Audience?"

"No, Chaser. You're very meticulous in what you do, and your answers are always spot on in class. If you liked to fly, you would have the precision needed for a Chaser"

She blushed at his praises. "If you say so" she quietly muttered. "What's my favourite hex of choice?"

"Ah, this is difficult. I think it could be Petrificus Totalis, but I'm not sure"

She shook her head. "No, it is true that I use that quite often, but I like more the Jelly Legs Jinx. Although, Petrificus is more effective, if you think of it, as it takes the opponent out of fight definitely...well, this is your fourth mistake, Mr. Potter. Shall we proceed?"

"Of course, Ms. Granger" he playfully retorted.

"If I could be any Animagus form, what would I be?" she asked, wondering what he would say.

"A white fox" he answered after thinking of it.

She looked at him in shock. "How do you know?"

"I didn't. Just imagined it suited you well, elegant, smart, beautiful…" he said, sheepishly.

She grinned, and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, that is so sweet to say" Then she cleared her throat.

"There's something in my room I hide form everyone? If yes, what's it?"

"I guess it could be a diary, many girls have that, but you're not many girls…but if you wanted it hid, no one would know about it…however, I recall you keeping the autograph Lockhart gave you on a picture of him and me under your pillow. Don't know if you have it still, though" he mused, missing the scarlet colour of her cheeks when he mentioned it.

"Well, yes, if I wanted something hid you would never know of it" she said, briskly, cutting him off. "What's my favourite thing about you?"

He eyed her suspiciously, but thought about the question all the same.

"Do you even have a favourite thing about me?" he asked then.

"Of course I do, silly" she answered him.

"Dunno. My eyes?"

"Yes, your eyes. They are almost magnetic at times, I dunno why, but when you look me straight in the eye I find myself unable to look away" she admitted. "Although, I like your personality too, always so caring, and compassionate…"

He blushed. "So, what's the next one?" he asked, changing the subject.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about in being kind and caring, Harry" she said him before continuing.

"Do I have birthmarks? Where? Well, this one you surely can't answer…"

"I can, instead"


"You've got a strawberry shaped birthmark on your back, just near your bum" he said, bracing himself for having to explain.

"How do you know that?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "I've never showed it to anyone"

"I kind of stepped into the bathroom at the Burrow one time this summer, and you were there in your underwear…" he confessed, closing his eyes and fearing a slap to meet his face.

"You saw me in my underwear?" came instead from the shocked brunette. "And you keep saying I'm beautiful?"

He opened his eyes, and nodded. "Yes, I firmly believe it" he said, noticing her eyes were filling with tears, and hugged her. "I didn't mean to, however. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you"

He felt her nodding in his embrace. "It's ok" she said then. "Now, with the last one. What's the most spontaneous thing I've ever done?"

"I guess it may be saving me from Umbridge's Cruciatus" he replied thoughtfully. "Or maybe kissing me on the cheek at the end of fourth year"

She smiled, recalling the memory. "Yes, both were really spontaneous things. I think I would go with the kiss, with it being a more pleasurable memory. So, yes, you got this right. Your turn is finished, and I must admit you were brilliant. You just missed four, and amazed me with some of your answers"

He hugged her. "As I said, I have to pay attention. You're my best friend, after all" then he placed a kiss on her forehead. "I think we should call it a night. We will continue this tomorrow, when everyone is at Hogsmeade"

She nodded her approval, feeling sleep overcome her too.

"Good night, Harry"

"Good night, Mione"

Going up the stairs to her room, Hermione felt all giddy knowing Harry knew her so well, and paid attention so much to her and her habits. And he thought she was beautiful too.

"Now, don't raise your hopes up, Granger" she chastised herself changing into her nightclothes, and soon sleep took her, dreams of a certain raven haired wizard coming to her.