Wow! people are acctually reading this! well sorry it took a while but i got the courage to continue so feel free to read at your own risk!well on with the show!

Chapter 2 Why do they always run!

It had almost been an hour before Angelica woke up from her unexpected cat nap and boy was she confused!She sat up and looked around the room to find Cell in the way back looking through something on the computer,completely unaware of her being awake.Now was her chance!

"Ok,take it easy Angelica!All you have to do is sneak around the desks,out the door and your free!"Then very quietly Angelica sliped off the table and snuck around the tables while sticking low to the ground and very slowly crept out the door and into the hall.She smirked and soon was out the front door!

"I just hope he dosnt come looking for me."

Meanwhile Cell had been going through school records to try to find any extensive information on the girl,but alas no luck!All student records were locked with a password and no one could get in without it.Cell was a perfect warrior not a psychic!He gave a sigh and turned around and nearly fell out of his chair...she was gone!

"HOW COULD THIS BE?!!She was their a few seconds ago and now shes gone!"Cell soon got an idea and slaped himself in the head."Duh!I can just sense her for crying out loud.sometimes im so perfect i forget how perfect i am!"Cell then concentrated and soon found what he was looking for.He flew for what seemed like hours before he saw what he had been afraid of.Their against the wall was Angelica who was struggling against a guy who was trying to take advantage of her.Safe to say Cell was furious!

"Oh no you dont!"Cell flew into action as the man went to slap her, he soon found Cell who was twisting his arm behind him and nearly went into a coma when he saw the android.Cell waved a finger in the air as he held the man against the wall.

"Now thats not very nice!Didnt your mother ever teach you its not polite to hit a woman?"After getting no response Cell then threw the man into the nearest trashcan and snapped down the lid."Thats where trash like you belongs!"Cell then turned his attention to Angelica who was currently sobbing her eyes out.Hating seeing her like this Cell walked up to her and gently pulled her into his arms and tried to reasure her.

"Its ok dont have to worry about scum like that while im around."Soon her shaking stopped and she fell asleep.Cell then carefully picked her up in his arms and flew off.He had somehow managed to memorize the address on the ID and found her apartment.He found the spare key under the mat,unlocked the door and walked in to the main living room.

"Seems like a nice place."

Cell made his way down the hall and into the main bedroom which was decorated in burgandy,dark blue and black.He then laid the girl down on the bed while he found some clothes for her to wear.His eyes then fell on a picture of a little girl around the age of six,wearing a pink puffy dress,white shoes and gloves and pigtails.He smiled at the image and then resumed his search.He found a longsleeve black shirt that said 'rock royalty' and matching fleece bottoms and changed her in a flash!

"There.Now to put these other ones in the hamper."Cell tossed the clothes in the hamper and put her boots in the closet with her other shoes.He then returned to the bed and sat down while pulling the covers up on her small form.

3 hours later

Angelica eyes started to flutter open and she shot up when she realized that she was in her bedroom and in more comfterble clothes too.She steadily got out of the bed and into the living room only to meet a sight that nearly had her topple over.
Their on the couch laid Cell who was currently asleep and snuggled into a blanket with her stuffed unicorn.Angelica also noticed that his helmet was missing and his long shoulder length black hair with dark green tips was covering most of his face.

"aww he looks so cute..A photo oppurtunity!"Angelica ran to her computer in the lounge and grabbed her digital camera then ran back to the living room.She then lightly brushed his hair out of his face without waking him and snapped about ten pictures which caught Cells attention as he groaned and woke to find Angelica with the camera in her hands.

"And what may i ask are you doing with that contraption my dear?"Cell asked uneasily.She only chuckled and ran for the other room to escape the curious android to only be caught and held against the wall playfully.It only got worse as Cell started to tickle her without mercy!Angelica was laughing and trying to hold her sides from bursting.

"Come on Cell that...tickles!"

"Not untill you tell me whats on the camera!"

And for one moment their eyes locked.Cell had to admitt she had beautiful eyes,Dark blue with a circle of silver around both orbs.Then without warning their lips locked and they started to kiss with a passion like no other!Cell's hands made their way around her waist as Angelica's explored his hair.Then Cell swept her off her feet bridal style and laid her on the bed with Angelica pinned beneath him.Things started to heat up as cell had one hand on her hip and one behind her head as they continued to explore eachothers lips and mouths.And just as they started to get carried away the doorbell ringed.

Cell Groaned in exasperation but then froze when he recognized the powerlevels.

"Oh shit!Its the Z fighters! about killing the mood."

And thats chapter 2! So what did you think? well feel free to leave your reviews!And to Zaya ayame im sorry i wasnt able to talk to you friday but yahoo messenger was going under maintenance and i couldnt get in!so untill next time bye and much love!