YO! Sorry for the very, VERY late update. Had a bunch of problems, one being the document wouldn't load correctly. Well, Hope you enjoy and sorry about the lateness.

Chapter 6 A Demon Reunion

"Tsunami! Im home!" Tazuna yelled as the large group walked in to the bridge builder's home. The woman walked out from the kitchen and smiled.

"Welcome home, father and the rest of you. Dinner will be done in a bit." The woman went back into the kitchen while everyone took a seat in the living room.

"So Naruto, what were those Jutsus you used? It looked a lot like the Tsukiyoumi that Itachi uses." Kakashi asked the fox demon.

"They were two of my own jutsus. The Lunar sight takes me and the person I'm gazing at to a forest that is completely dark except for a small area where me and the person I used it on stand. I can then call whoever I wish to the Lunar Forest and that persons soul would really come to the place. So, if I wanted to, I could call my father's soul and speak to him while in the jutsu. The Sol Sight is the one I used on all of you. It acts as an escape plan. I use it to distract you while I escape. For example, if I where in a fight with three very powerful ninja, I could use the jutsu and give out illusions for them to watch while in the real world I can move and escape. I just cant kill anyone who's in the jutsu because there is a certain range that I can't get into or they'll break the jutsu. Good enough for ya?"

"Would you be willing to teach it to anyone?" Shino asked.

"Only those that I feel deserve to learn it. Oh, and before I forget, the jutsu can't be copied by the Sharingan. The only way for anyone to really learn it is if I teach it to the person in the jutsu. A fail safe if you will." Naruto yawned as Sasuke, who had gotten over his little episode on the way to Tazuna's, stood and glared at Naruto.

"Fight me, dope." Everyone sighed.

"No. I swear, I thought that would teach you something. Power isn't everything Sas-gay." Naruto stood and started his way upstairs. "I'm going to bed. Using both of those jutsus in a short time length takes it toll on me."

"Goodnight, Naruto." Hinata smiled at her blond fox who grinned back.

"Night, Hinata." Naruto walked on his way while Sasuke glared at the blonde's back.

"So, what do we do now, Kakashi-sensei?" Shino adjusted his glasses.

"Well, seeing as how Zabuza has left us alone for a week, we train just in case whatever Naruto offered him and Haku is rejected. We'll start in the morning with Tree Climbing without hands. Then, maybe I'll teach everyone a few jutsus." 'I just can't let Sasuke learn the Chidori or Raikiri. I don't want Sasuke to kill his teammates or anyone of the leaf with those. He'd use it on Naruto the first chance he gets.'

"That sound goods to me. Though, Naruto, Shika and Hinata are already done with tree climbing and water walking. Hell, Naruto and Hinata have the best Chakra control in my team. But that's only because Dante had them use another method and trust me, it's not fun, well for them." Anko said with a sadistic smile. "But, Shikamaru could use the training. What do ya say, Dante?"

"Ill think about it. Point Balancing is one of the hardest to master. Took Naruto 2 weeks to learn how to do it on a sword point. Hinata, it took three days. When it came down to the syringe needle, both of them took a week to do. Also, I had to make them learn, Tree Climbing on your hands, Water Handstands, hand walking and Sleeping, then, I had to have them learn lava walking, handstands and sleeping. They got that one real quick." Dante smirked at the pale face Shikamaru had. Sasuke gazed over to Dante.

"Train me."


"Train me, you low life! I'm an Uchiha! I'm above you!" Anko slapped a hand to her forehead.

"Pick a number, one, two or three?" Dante glared.


"First class airmail to Konoha coming right up." Dante stood up and got into his royal guard stance. "Good bye."

"Wait no need for that. Sasuke shut up and sit down. Just for that, I'm telling the Hokage you tried to force a higher ranking Ninja to train you by using your Clan as an excuse." Anko scolded the boy.

"Geez, Uchiha, why don't you just stop being an idiot. Itachi would be disappointed in you. I'll tell you now that he'll wish he did kill you instead of letting you live because of your father." Hinata jumped back behind the couch as a kunai was tossed at her. "My, temper, temper." Anko just groaned and shook her head.

'He's a dead man.' Dante thought sensing a small demon chakra spike.

"Shut up Hyuga."

"Why? I can do what I please. You're not my boss." Hinata smirked as Sasuke went to throw another kunai. He was stopped by a claw gripping his hand.

If you want to live, I suggest you calm down, boy. Naruto-sama would not be pleased and neither would your brother. A weasel the size of a golden retriever stood glaring at Sasuke with bright yellow eyes. Itachi-sama would kill me if Naruto-sama killed you for attacking his mate. Now, CLAM DOWN! The yell of the weasel made Sasuke flinch and release his hold on the kunai as the weasel pushed him away. It turned to Hinata. Itachi is on his way here, Hinata-sama. Kisame is as well. They should be here within the week, tomorrow at the earliest. I suggest getting this brat to understand the truth of the problem that Itachi has made.

"Thank you, Shini. I will tell Naruto when he wakes up."

"Too late." Everyone turned to the stairs to see Naruto a lot more feral then he looked. His eyes were revealed to be slit blues that kept flashing back and fourth between red, his whisker marks were even more defined, his teeth were fangs and his hands claws. "If you ever do that again, Sasuke, I will kill you. I may have promised your brother but I will kill you and break it." Everyone in the room, except Hinata, Shini and Dante who were shaking their heads, were looking at Naruto in fear. Akamaru bowed to the fox demon, knowing his place, while Sasuke just glared.

"Promise? Why would you promise him anything?"

"Because he stopped your father and clan from killing me and the Hokage. Your father was planning to kill me because of my father while he wanted to kill the Hokage for power. Itachi being the smart one of your clan, beside your mother, stopped them before they could do anything. Your mother is still alive by the way. Up north in Snow, I believe. Now, Shini, you are dismissed. Thank you for the message." Shini bowed and poofed into smoke. Naruto calmed down as he went back upstairs with Hinata behind him, smirking at the Uchiha.

"Well, that was interesting." Tazuna turned to Kakashi with a confused look. "Alright everyone, after dinner, we get some rest and train in the morning." Anko nodded in agreement.

"What the hell is that boy? First he stops a flying sword with his own hand and now he looks like a demon." Dante smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna catch some Z's too. See ya." Dante vanished without a trace. Kakashi sighed and looked over to Sasuke.

"Sasuke, I want 30 laps around the village before you go to bed. Punishment for being a fool. Also, no dinner." Kakashi got up and walked on over to the kitchen with Anko while Shino and Kiba; mostly Kiba; started talking about Naruto's little show and Tazuna playing a game of Shougi with Shikamaru. Sasuke growled as he walked out of the house and started his run.

Forest Hideout

"What do you mean he's still alive?!" Gatou, the reason for Wave's current state, stood in front of Zabuza and Haku, yelling at the pair. Zabuza's face was visible while Haku still had her mask on.

"Calm down you little shit. They have a bit more ninja then we thought they'd send. They have three Jonin and six Genin. One Jonin and three Genin we could handle, but these numbers are a little bad for us. We need to rethink our strategy. So shut up and give us some time." Zabuza stated with his sword in Gatous face only inches away.

"You have one week, Momochi! If that old man isnt dead by then, you are." 'Then again, I'll kill you anyway.' The short man walked out of the room with his guards as Haku and Zabuza sighed.

"A week to decide. I'm still wondering if those images were real or not. What do you think, Haku?" Zabuza turned his gaze to the fake Hunter. She took her mask off and shook her head.

"I'm the same. If he is my brother, then he must have my bloodline. But how do we test him to see if he speaks the truth?" Zabuza closed his eyes.

"The only way I can think of is if he uses that Sol Sight jutsu again and have us watch the true fate that we suffered. That was a jutsu similar to that Itachi Uchiha's Tsukiyoumi only it doesn't screw up your mind completely."

"Maybe I can get him to show me his Ice bloodline and our Dou jutsu that his father said we have. Sound good to you?" Zabuza thought for a second.

"That won't work. I remember someone talking about the Demon Eyes of the Yondaime Hokage and they said that his eyes didn't change from what they read in a scroll they had. Some white haired drunk. They read that the eyes stay the same color and everything. The only way to tell if it's unlocked it if things are clearer when the person is moving at really high speeds." Zabuza picked up a cup and drank from it when his eyes widened and he dropped the cup. "Haku, do you remember when we sparred and you used your Crystal Ice Mirrors on me for the first time? You said that for some odd reason you could see me clear as Day when you went from mirror to mirror. Haku," Zabuza turned to his partner; "I think you already do have it activated."

"H-How can we be sure?" Haku wondered.

I remember something else that the guy said. He said that the eyes have properties of the Byakugan and the Sharingan. The ability to see though objects and break Gen Jutsus with ease, the Ability to Copy jutsus, and the ability to see where Chakra is being gathered and the Chakra system." Zabuza smirked.

"What are you planning?" Zabuzas smirk widened to a sadistic smile. 'Uh oh.'

"Haku, I am going to have you train for this week to see the chakra system if you have those eyes and trust me, its going to be brutal." Zabuza stood up and headed for the door. "But first, you have to find me using only your eyes." Zabuza went outside and Haku waited for a few minutes before following him.

Next day, Tazuna's House

Naruto and Hinata woke up before anyone else and decided to head out side for some alone time. They sat up in a tree with each other as they watched the sun rise. Naruto had his chin on Hinata's head while she lay against his chest. They heard the sound of a door opening and Kakashi walked out. "Naruto, Hinata, can you two come with me please? There is something that I'd like to teach the two of you."

"What would that be?" Naruto asked sleepily.

"Chidori." Kakashi watched Naruto's eyes almost pop out of his sockets. Both demons jumped down off the tree.

"That would be nice." Hinata smiled.

"You didn't let me finish. Chidori, for Naruto and for you Hinata, I understand that you have Nibi's powers right?"


"Good. I brought these with me from Yamato. I wanted to see if I could learn these but as he said, only The First, him and Nibi were able to do them. So, here you go." Kakashi got the scrolls from a pocket and handed them to Hinata. "Those were all used by the First and Yamato. I assume you have Nibis scroll already?" Hinata nodded.

"We got it from the Hokage after the Academy Exams." Kakashi nodded and smiled behind his mask.

"Well, let's go into the forest and start training on those jutsus shall we? I'll train Kiba and Shino when they wake up. Sasuke will train on his own. He still needs to learn tree climbing and everyone else has already been passed that exercise. Kiba and Shino have done it with their clans while your team has done that with Dante and Anko. So, let's go." The one eyed Jonin led them into the woods and stopped when they reached a secluded area. "Alright, now then. What are your elemental affinities you two?"

"Not really sure. All I know for sure is Fire and Wind at the moment." Naruto stated.

"The ones I know of are, Wood, Earth and Water." Hinata said reading over a scroll Kakashi gave her. The Jonin took out two sheets of paper and handed them to the demons.

"Channel your chakra into the paper and watch what happens." Naruto did as was told and the paper sliced into 9 different pieces (Wind). One got wet (water), one turned to dust (earth), one crumpled up (Lightning), one looked burned (Fire), one looked to be frozen (Ice), one grew a rose (Nature), one turned blood red (Blood) and started dripping, one turned pitch black (Shadow) and the last turned a bright white (Light). Hinata's did the same, showing the wind affinity but only became 5 pieces. One piece turned to dust, one became wet, one sprouted a rose, one turned pitch black and the last turned into a skull. Kakashi stood wide-eyed at the two demons before Naruto brought him out of his daze.

"Kakashi-sensei, is this even possible?" Naruto kept looking at all the pieces of his affinity paper like Hinata did to hers.

"Not for a human." Everyone turned to see Dante walk in over to the group. "Let's see. Naruto has: Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Fire, Blood, Shadow, Light, Ice and Nature. Hinata has: Wind, Water, Earth, Nature, Shadow and Necromancy. Interesting."

"Why's that Dante?" Kakashi asked.

Because only very few demons get the Blood, Light and Shadow affinities. Nibis the only one of the Tailed Demons to EVER possess Necromancy, being the pet of the Shinigami."

"I am no one's pet. I am Hinata Hyuga Uzumaki. Nibi may have been his pet but I will not." Hinata growled out to Dante.

"Calm down. I'm not calling you that. Anyway, now that we know what their elements are, we can train them easier. Kakashi, go a head and teach your Chidori to Naruto while I find a way to teach her on her elements. Good enough?"

"Yes, Dante. That sounds like a good idea." Kakashi turned to Naruto and smiled behind his mask. "Naruto follow me, we'll leave this area for Dante and Hinata. Come." The two walked off further into the forest while Dante turned to Hinata.

"Now, what to do. I wish I would have brought Nevan. She could help with Lighting. Cerberus would help with Ice. Agni and Rudra would help with Fire and Wind. Beowulf would help in Light. But what to do about shadow?" Dante thought for a second before Agni spoke up.

"Master Dante, what about your brother Virgil? He knows a lot on Shadow styles." Dante snapped his fingers and smirked.

"For once, I'm glad you said something. Good job, Agni. Hinata, for now, you'll train with Rudra in wind and I'll see about getting my brother to teach you and Naruto in Shadow styles. So, Rudra, you're up. Don't talk her to death." Dante stabbed the green blade into the ground and walked away. 'I'll go and get Nevan. When Naruto learns to use his Lightning skills as well as she can he'll be a force to be reckoned with.' Dante smirked and used his Air Trick to vanish from sight.

Noon, Tazuna's House

Naruto and Hinata returned to the house to find a pale, black haired woman that smelled of demon bats cooking lunch while everyone sat doing nothing. Well, Sasuke sat glaring at Naruto and Hinata when they walked in they saw that Kakashi was drooling over the new demon. The demon turned around to show that the only thing covering her assets was her very long hair. "Ah, welcome dears. Lunch will be ready shortly." The demon said seductively. Naruto blushed which made Hinata growl at the demon.

"Hinata, calm yourself. Nevan is a seductress and a vampire demon. She can't help it. Also, I've brought several other friends that can help with your affinities but you'll have to wait on darkness. My brother can't teach you at the moment. He's currently doing something for my father that'll take a few months. He should be back around the Chunin Exams." Naruto and Hinata nodded and sat down to eat. While everyone was eating, Inari came into the room.

"Why do you guys even bother? Gatou's just going to kill you." Naruto looked at the kid and sighed.

"Kid, I have seen things that would make you wet yourself. Ive been through hell my entire life. No family, attempted assassinations and don't even get me started on the food I had to eat. Trust me brat you don't know what you got compared to me. So shut up. Naruto stood up and walked out of the room. Hinata watched him walk out of the house with concern in her eyes and was about to follow but Nevans voice stopped her.

"Dear, let him go for now. He'll be alright." Kakashi sighed as he saw Inari run off in tears.

"I'll go talk to Inari. After all, he's only a child." Kakashi got up from the table and walked out of the room after Inari.

A Week Later, Zabuza's hideout

Zabuza sat in the living room thinking about what he and Haku were about to do. Her training had come a long way in just the one week that Zabuza believes that she might have mastered it. They still had a few hours till they needed to go to the bridge to meet with the Leaf ninjas and Gatou. A door closing signaled the arrival of Haku. "Ready?" Zabuza turned to Haku and saw her nod. "Then lets go." Zabuza got up strapped his sword to his back and left the hideout with Haku following.

Three Hours Later, Bridge

Teams 7 and 10 walked onto the bridge with Tazuna in tow. Everyone was on edge except Naruto and Hinata who smirked at the mist that rolled in. Anko drew a kunai and Kakashi reached for his headband. Dante just looked bored as Zabuza and Haku came out of the mist and waved. "So, when do we leave?" Everyone calmed and Haku ran up and hugged Naruto with a death like grip.

"Ready to go home, Haku-nee-chan?" Naruto felt her nod and she backed away. "Well, all that's left is to take out Gatou."

"Ha, like a kid and a bunch of nobodies can do anything to me." Everyone looked towards the end of the bridge and saw a large mob of thugs and Gatou standing. "I knew you were nothing but a coward, Zabuza. Nothing but a baby demon. Well, I guess this would save me the trouble of finding you and your bitch. You do have some good looking girls there. The white eyed one looks to have a lot of energy, looks like she'll be a lot of fun and the purple haired one looks like an everyday slut. Oh well, my men will have fun with them anyway. Kill them all but keep the girls alive. We'll have fun with them later." As soon as Gatou finished and his thugs started to move a wave of killing intent washed over them all. It came from four sources, Anko, Zabuza, Dante and the biggest one, Naruto. Anko for the slut comment, Zabuza for the threat on Haku, Dante for him making fun of demons and Naruto for all the above plus the threats on Haku, his sensei and Hinata. Naruto growled as his demon chakra started to leak out.

Yep, there was a bloodbath about to be born from Gatou's foolishness.

"Gatou's mine!" Naruto shot forward with Zabuza in tow and Anko following. Dante placed Artamus on his right arm and charged a ball of energy.

"Spark it up!" Dante shot the ball up into the air and it rained pink beams of energy on a small group that had been passed by or survived the small slaughter that Anko and Zabuza were making, killing the small group of ten that made it to him. Dante drew Rebellion and dashed into battle with a cry of, "Yahoo!"

With Naruto

Naruto had his katana out as he cut through Gatou's ranks. The fat ass business man was near the back of the small army that he had brought and Naruto was nearing him really fast. Gatou saw his men falling to the blond and ran to the edge of the bridge only to turn and see blood red eyes staring at him. "Time to die, Gatou." Naruto raised his blade as Gatou started to beg for his life. Naruto swung down and cut the man's head clean off. "Fool. You better hope I dont see you when I go to visit my kin." Naruto spit on the corpse before heading in to start his own personal bloodbath.


Zabuza was cutting through several thugs when he turned and his eyes widened when he saw a man with a pike move to stab him. 'Shit! And here I was hoping to start a new life too.' The man was suddenly cut in half by a large bandaged sword. Zabuza smirked as he saw a man in a black cloak with red clouds on it, a slashed mist headband and had the face of a shark.

"Come on, Zabuza. Don't tell me after all the time we've spent away from Mist that you've grown that soft." Kisame cut up, well, shaved more people into pieces and Zabuza joined in with a devilish grin.

"Nice to see you again, Kisame. Where's Itachi?" Zabuza and Kisame went through a set of hand seal and mist started to form around their part of the field.

"Helping the purple haired chick."



Anko was having too much fun. That was until she heard a man cry out in pain behind her. She turned and was met with the Sharingan Eyes of the one person every Jonin and the Snake Sennin openly fears.

"Itachi Uchiha!?"

"Nice to see you too, Anko. Shall we finish these pests? I came all the way to Wave to see my friends." Anko grinned and the two went off killing their small batch of enemies.


Dante was to say, having more fun then Anko. He just toyed with them while killing them one by one, eyes closed. He just hacked and slashed through whoever came at him and was grinning while doing it. When he opened his eyes, the thugs were starting to run away from the entire group. They even jumped off the bridge. Dante strapped his sword back on his back and started to walk back over to the main group where Kakashi was holding Sasuke back from going after Itachi while reading his book. Hinata had run out to Naruto while Haku ran out to Itachi who held her closely. This caused Naruto, who had Hinata hanging off his arm, to walk up to him.

"Let me guess, your dating my sister aren't ya?" The two nodded and Haku blushed. "As long as he doesn't hurt you, have fun. Everyone, let's get ready to go home." Itachi nodded while Haku blushed more and smiled. Naruto tuned back to the bloodbath that they had all made and waved his hand, making all the bodies catch fire and be burned to ash. Tazuna walked up and Naruto turned to him. "You dont need our protection anymore. We'll be heading home in the morning. But for now, I guess I can lend a hand one more time." Naruto made a one handed seal and a hundred shadow clones appeared on the bridge. "Get to work. Help complete the bridge." All the clones scattered and started working on Tazunas orders. A yell was heard and everyone turned to see the villagers of Wave ready to fight. Kakashi explained what happened and everyone that had once quit working on the bridge set to work once again.

"So, brat. What do we do for the rest of our stay?" Kisame walked over and smirked as he placed Samahade on his back.

"Well, Itachi can start explaining to Sasuke the real reason he did what he did and the rest of you whatever you want. Oh that reminds me." Naruto ran through several hand seals before slamming his palm on the ground. "Summing Jutsu: Band of Thieves." Four, three tailed foxes came from the smoke and looked up to Naruto.

"You called for us, sire?" Naruto nodded and whispered what to do. The foxes took off and everyone went back into the village.

"So Naruto, what did you send those foxes to do?" Anko asked the smirking demon.

"I had them go to Gatou's hideout and steal anything of value and money that might be there. They'll take it directly to my house in Konoha. Huh?" Naruto sensed something was out of place in the group and looked around. 'Why do I smell honey?'

"Naruto?" Dante had a look of amusement on his face.

"Yeah?" Naruto saw him smirk evilly.

"Have fun." Dante vanished when a growl was heard from Hinata. Naruto looked to her and saw her blushing like crazy. She took Naruto by the arm and started to drag him away towards the forest.

"You. Me. Talk. Now." Everyone watched the exchange with a confused look except Kisame.

"Mind telling us what's going on, Shark?" Itachi looked at the grin that played across his partner's face.

"Someone's getting lucky. Must of been the bloodbath." Itachi smirked as he knew what this meant.

"Well, we can expect them back later tonight." The shark man laughed as he continued on his way after Anko and Kakashi, who had caught on fast and was carrying a struggling Sasuke, while everyone just was too plain confused.

"Itachi, can you tell me what you two were talking about?" Itachi whispered in her ear and she became beat red. "I shouldnt have asked." Kiba became irritated and yelled out.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Itachi just sighed and turned to the Inuzuka.

"Kid, shut up. Naruto and Hinata need some time alone and trust me; you don't want to interrupt them." Everyone just started heading back to town as Kiba started after Naruto and Hinata. Shikamaru went to call him back but stopped at the hand on his shoulder. He looked at the owner of the hand and saw Itachi sigh. "Let him go. He'll be back by noon if I'm right." Shika sighed and followed the group.

Naruto and Hinata, nightfall

The two demons laid down under a tree together, naked and without their henge. Naruto was wide awake while Hinata was asleep smiling. He was smiling at her and what a clone of his did to Kiba when he tried to follow them.


Kiba was walking silently into the woods after Hinata and Naruto's scent. He smelt honey on Hinata's scent and was sure that wasn't natural. He walked further into the woods and heard noises. The closer he came, the louder they were and he could swear it sounded like moaning. Kiba kept going deeper until he was knocked out by one of Naruto's clones. Before he blacked out, Kiba heard one last shout from the woods that sounded a lot like Hinata. "NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!" One of Naruto's clones dispelled while another took Kiba back to Tazuna's.

End Flashback

A moan was heard from Hinata as she woke and smiled up at Naruto. "Ready to go back now, kitten?" Hinata gave a satisfied sigh and nodded with a smile before the two got up and got dressed. They put their henge on and as Hinata was about to take a step, she stumbled and was about to fall flat on her face but was caught by her mate. Naruto picked her up bridle style and chuckled. "I guess you won't be walking for a while." Hinata blushed and playfully pouted.

"Yeah but it's your fault. Oh well. I enjoyed it anyway." Hinata got a kiss on the cheek as Naruto started to walk away from the clearing.

"Kit, I think you might have a problem.' Naruto scowled but shook it off.

'What's up fox?'

'I was just thinking of what might happen when the village get word of you being the last of your clan with Haku. They might put that Clan Restoration Act in effect on you since you carry both, the Ice Mastery Bloodline and the Demon Eye Dou jutsu. I don't know what you might want to do but just so ya know, Kitsunes can have more then one mate. I don't know what Nibi told Hinata but Kitsunes are allowed that pleasure. I know you had your eye on that Sand girl at the Chunin Exams. Just take it up with Hinata when you get the chance. Oh yeah, I think you might have missed a scroll in the Forbidden Scroll that Arashi left you. Not sure but I keep thinking you might have.'

'I'll keep that in mind, Kyuubi. But why are you telling me this now instead of earlier?' Naruto looked down to Hinata and smiled at her sleeping face.

'Umm, to tell the truth. When you are just roaming around one's mind for the rest of your life then you get a lot to think about. I had just thought of it when I looked at the first meeting of the original Team 7. When the duck ass said that his ambition was to revive his clan.'

'I see. Well, talk to ya later.'

Tazuna's house

Itachi sat across from Shika playing a game of Shougi while everyone else was doing whatever else they could do. Kakashi was reading his book while Anko glared at him, Sasuke was not in the room but up in the room he shared with Kakashi and Kiba thinking about what his brother told him. Shino looked as though he was looking out into space but was really asleep on the couch sitting up and Kiba was as silent as a worm, which scared some of the occupants in the room. Kisame helped Tsunami with the dinner, using some of the things that he and Itachi had for rations. The foxes that Naruto had sent to steal from the late business man were resting in the corner of the room with a scroll wrapped in their tails.

"Any idea when they'll be back?" Anko asked out loud as she thought of all the ways to burn Kakashi's book.

"They should be back in 3 . . . . . 2 . . . . . 1" Itachi said as he moved a piece on the board and the door opened to reveal a sleeping Hinata in Naruto's arms. "Damn I'm good."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't let it go to your head." Anko sighed and looked at Naruto. "So, did the two of you have fun?" Naruto smirked and looked at Kiba.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Well, I'm taking Hinata up stairs to bed. After words I'm going to bed too. See ya." Naruto walked away with Hinata and headed upstairs.

Next morning, Bridge

Everyone was ready to go. With the Naruto clones' help the bridge was complete within the day. Hinata was in Naruto's arms sleeping while everyone crossed the bridge. Tazuna and the village watched as they left and the old bridge builder turned to the village. "That boy has saved us along with his friends. I say we call this bridge, "The Great Naruto Bridge!" A roar of agreement filled the air and everyone cheered. Tazuna walked on back to the village with as the large group of ninjas went out of sight.

Naruto and the group

Hinata snuggled into Naruto's chest as the group moved toward Konoha. "You know, now that there is a bridge there, it will take only two day to get back into Fire Country's borders." Kakashi stated and everyone nodded. "If we run at a good pace then we can make it back by night fall."

"Or, we could use a summon to give us a ride." Anko stated as she looked at Naruto with a grin.

"I guess I can get Surio to take us home." Everyone stopped and looked at Naruto with either wide eyes or a raised eyebrow.

"You can summon, dope?" Sasuke glared as Naruto nodded with a cocky smile.

"Yep, I can. Foxes and Cats." Itachi grinned.

"I can summon Weasels and Falcons."

"Sharks and Hawks." Kisame smirked.

"Dogs." Kakashi stated reading his book.

"Snakes even though I hate them." Anko growled.

"I can summon Cats and Foxes like Naruto too." Hinata said with a yawn as Naruto placed her on the ground. Naruto started the seals and grinned.

"Summoning Jutsu! Great Fox Surio!" A large explosion of smoke erupted and everyone was soon standing on a large, black and red furred, five tailed fox with green fox eyes.

"Ah, Naruto-sama. What may I help you with today?" Naruto patted Surio on the head and smiled.

"Surio, can you take us to Konoha? We want to get home and rest as soon as possible." Surio gave a small smile and nodded.

"Yes, young master. I'm guessing everyone is already on my back correct?"


"Very well. Here we go." Surio took of at a light run so no one fell off.

Konoha Gates

The two Chunin that were guarding the gates were board. They had gotten guard duty when they had "accidentally" peeked in on some women at the bathhouse. The thing is, not only were they all kunoichi, but two were medic ninja. One sighed as they looked out to the road to see a large figure coming towards them. "Hey, Biggs?"

"Yeah Wedge?" the Chunin pointed out to the large figure that got closer by the second.

"What's that?" Wedge shrugged as the figure got closer. When it reached the gate, both Chunin feinted from the sight of Surio.

"Thank you Surio. You may go now." the fox nodded as everyone got off and exploded into smoke. As they walked through the gates, everyone caught sight of the two Chunin still knocked out with shock across their face.

"Feinting from the sight of a fox? Man, talk about weak." Everyone nodded at Zabuza's statement and were immediately surrounded by ANBU.

"Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki and Zabuza Momochi. You are all under arrest." The ANBU with a Dragon mask motioned for the ANBU to take them but was stopped when Naruto spoke up.

"They are under my protection, Dragon. They wish to speak with the Hokage." Dragon nodded and the ANBU backed off.

"Very well, Uzumaki-sama. We will take you there." The ANBU surrounded the group and started off towards the Hokage Tower. "Hyuga-sama, Hiashi-sama wishes to see you as soon as you can. Said something about wanting to give you a scroll." Hinata nodded against Naruto's chest.

"Naruto, what exactly did you and Hinata do?" Naruto smirked over to Shika and replied.

"Just read that book Kakashi-sensei has and you'll find out."

"Which volume?" Kakashi asked with his nose in his book.

"Books one, five and seven." Kakashi and Anko went wide eyed and blushed. Kakashi just shook it off and smiled.

"Well, here we are." The group stopped and Naruto turned to the ANBU.

"Dragon, don't mention anything to Hiashi or I'll put you in something that will make Tsukiyoumi look fun." the ANBU nodded as everyone walked inside.

"A Genin threatening an ANBU and getting away with it? Now, I've seen everything." Zabuza shook his head.

"At least they're not being cocky. Let's go." Anko walked on in. They made their way up the tower to the old man's office and the secretary let them in.

"Ah, hello everyone. Lovely to see you." The Hokage stood from his chair and smiled. Another man stood and turned to face them. "Everyone, this is the Kazekage, Nutaku of the Desert." Everyone bowed.

"Please, no formalities. I'm not that old." Nutaku smirked. "Well, I see we have quite the crowd. Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan, Anko Mitarashi The Snake Charmer, Zabuza Momochi Demon of the Hidden Mist, Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki the Lord Killer."

"Haven't heard that one in years." Kisame laughed as he took a seat in the room with everyone else. "Too bad it was all a set up that last one. We wouldn't have left the Mist and killed that Mizukage bastard." Zabuza nodded.

"Yeah, that last one fucked us all over."

"Right. Who is that young lady with you?" Haku smiled.

"Haku Uzumaki." Sarutobi smiled and nodded.

"Ah, welcome home, Haku. Now, what say we get everything cleared up? Itachi, with the help of Ibiki and Iruka we have made a fake mission scroll telling you to kill of everyone in the Uchiha Clan but your mother and brother for dealings with Orochimaru and treason. We can say that you came to me with the information the night before and I told you to come back in the morning. We you came back I handed you a copy of the mission, which was SS rank, and you agreed knowing that you'd be made a missing ninja. The mission was to strike on the day you were to attack me but the mission was compromised when your best friend tried to kill you after he somehow found out about the mission. On that night you killed the entire clan. Except your brother and mother, and left." Sarutobi handed Itachi a scroll and the elder Uchiha read it over.

"Very well. I'll be sure to present this to the council during my trail." Sarutobi turned to Kisame and Zabuza.

"You two, will be allowed to join Konoha as ninja but you will be put on probation for a few months. I'm sorry to say that Probation means," Sarutobi shudders, "D-rank missions." Kisame and Zabuza paled.

"FUCK!" both swordsmen yelled.

"Haku, I'll need to test your skills to see where you are in the Ninja ranks."

"If I may, Hokage-sama. Haku is around Chunin level. She has speed as fast as a Jonin and her medical Jutsus are about average. She has great accuracy and knows every vital spot on the human body. She has the Ice Mastery Bloodline and the Uzumaki's Demons Eye. She has worked in a very interesting attack using both Bloodlines."

"Thank you Zabuza. I'll be sure to keep that in mind during her test tomorrow. Now then, Kakashi, Anko, please stay to give your report and everyone else is dismissed. Zabuza, Kisame, you may stay at the Uzumaki compound." The Hokage threw the three new leaf ninjas headbands.

Yes Hokage-sama.

"Team 7 and 10 have the day off tomorrow so enjoy." Kakashi called out as everyone started to leave when the Kazekage called out to Naruto.

"Uzumaki, I wish for you to help my son. He has a demon sealed in side him and it's causing a lot of problems. I want Gaara to be able to live a life where that raccoon isnt being a menace. I heard from the Hokage and Dante that you are very good with seals." (I am NOT making the Kazekage look like the bad guy. I'm making the council the bad guys. MWAHAHAHAHA!)

"I'd be glad to take a look at it in the morning, Kazekage. Now if you don't mind, I need to get Hinata home." Naruto carried Hinata out of the room followed by Zabuza, Kisame and Haku. The Hokage raised an eyebrow at the two and looked to the Jonin sensei's.

"Why has Naruto been carrying Hinata?" Anko blushed while Kakashi just pulled out his book and giggled perversely.

"Well, if we told you then we would have a small problem keeping Hiashi from killing Naruto."

"You're not joking are you?" The two shook their heads and Sarutobi sighed. "Well, give the report."

Uzumaki Compound

"Just go on and chose a room. Hinata and I are in the master bedroom on the second floor, near the end of the hall." Naruto told his sister and his new roommates. "My suggestion is to look around for yourself to get to know the place. I will say that there is a private bathhouse in the back of the house, Haku. Well, have fun." Naruto vanished with Hinata in his arms while Zabuza, Kisame and Haku just stared at the spot that he was standing at before he left.

"Just what the hell has that Dante guy taught those two?" Kisame rubbed his temples and walked on in through the house to find a room. Everyone else followed but took to their own rooms.

Else Where

Dante sighed as he came across his brother waiting for him at the edge of a cliff in Stone Country. "So, whats up?" Dante asked with grin.

"Mundus is trying his old tricks again. He's sent several demons after all the bijuu. That means Yogito, Itachi, Kisame, Naruto and Hinata are on his list."

"Yeah well, did you have to use that lust spell on Hinata to let me know you were there?" Virgil nodded. "Why?"

"Because," Virgil started to walk away, "I wanted to see if it worked on bijuu." Virgil vanished and Dante followed suit.

Late Night, Konoha Uchiha district

Itachi walked along the once filled path to the training ground of his compound. Once he reached them he pulled out a kunai and threw it behind him. "I know you're there, Zetsu. You too, Deidara, Sasori." The said members of Akatsuki came out from behind buildings and made a triangle around the Uchiha. "Well? What do you want?"

"You're coming back with us, Itachi. Pein is pretty pissed that you left the organization. All three of us know that we are no match for you even together so we are just here to give you your warning. Kisame is to return too and you both need to bring the Kyuubi and Nibi." Itachi laughed harshly.

"I think not. I will keep my promise to mother and Sandaime-sama." Black chakra started to pour out of Itachi's chakra points as the three missing Ninjas started to sweat. "You do not know who you are fucking with. I am Itachi, the seven tailed weasel." The black chakra started to form a chakra shield around him and five tails formed. "Still wish to play?" Zetsu being the coward sunk into the ground while Sasori and Deidara debated on what to do.

"Whats going on here?" Everyone turned to see the Hokage with Sasuke, several ANBU and the Hyuga head. "Itachi?"

"Deidara, let's go. We've lost." The two ninjas ran off until Deidara made one of his clay birds and flew off with Sasori.

"Mind telling us what that was about Itachi?" Hiashi stepped up as Itachis black chakra subsided.

"They were Deidara of Rock and Sasori of the Red Sand. Part of Akatsuki. They wanted Kisame and I to return and to grab too very special people of this village." Sarutobi nodded.

"I see. Well, everyone is dismissed." The ANBU left while the Hokage stayed with Hiashi and Sasuke. "Hiashi, I believe we were discussing something?" The Hyuga elder nodded and followed the old man back to the Hokage tower. Sasuke looked at his brother while Itachi just looked on unfazed.

"Who are they after brother and what was that chakra?" Itachi sighed and motioned for his brother to follow him.

"I'll tell you but you wont like what you here."

Next Morning Training Ground 7

Naruto just finished the large seal need to fix Gaaras containment seal with a smirk. 'They won't know what hit them.'

'And they called me the king of pranks. Go Naruto!' Naruto motioned for Gaara to step in the middle and the red head sat down with his gourd on the ground outside the seal.

'This'll be interesting. A fusion seal and a bloodline awakening seal.' Dante, who had arrived late, last night, smirked.

"So Naruto, how did you get so good at seals? I've never seen such a seal in my years as Hokage." Sarutobi stated as he looked over the seal.

"That would be all Dante, old man. He taught Naruto and I all about seals. In a few years, Naruto will surpass his father in seals." Hinata said from her spot outside the seal. Naruto started a long series of hand seals and was channeling a large amount of chakra.

"Demon Style: Awakening Blood!" Naruto slammed his hands to the seal and Gaara started to scream in pain. The gourd of sand started to deform and head towards Naruto before dropping to the ground. "Demon's Containment Fusion." Naruto whispered the final jutsu as the seal glowed a bright brownish gold. A silver dome formed around Gaara and the seal stopped glowing. Naruto stood up and wiped his forehead of the sweat. "All done. All we do now is wait for him to let his shield down and he'll be alright." The Kazekage looked at the blond boy and nodded.

"I'm guessing you awoke the power of the Iron Sand from the look of the dome. But what about his demon?"

"The demon's gone. Gaara has just become the new One Tailed Tankuni. It's the only way I could fix his seal because of the berserker seal he had over his demon seal." Sarutobi looked at the dome.

"So, a new demon, eh? Well, I hope he takes it well. But what I don't get is why you would have had to do that." Sarutobi looked over to Naruto then Dante.

"It's because the berserker seal was the same point seal as the containment seal. A two pronged seal and if one was released then the other would be as well." Nutaku announced. The silver dome started to crack and fall away revealing Gaaras new form. Gaara now had two dog like ears on his head and a single auburn raccoon tail. His eyes hadnt changed but his hands now sported claws. Gaara looked over to his father and then Naruto.

"I cant hear her anymore. What happened to mother?"

"Shukaku is mostly asleep right now. You took her place as the one tailed Bijuu but you still have her conscience in you." Naruto walked up to Gaara and put out his hand. "Welcome to Demon hood, Gaara the one tailed Tankuni." Gaara stared at Naruto then shook his hand. Dante jumped down from the tree he was in and smirked as he walked up to the Kazekage.

"Looks like I got more work to do. Well, I'll see if I can get someone to train him in the demon arts later. For now, who wants lunch?" Everyone nodded and left the grounds but before they reached the town, Naruto pulled Gaara aside and showed him the henge that Kyuubi had taught him. They all left and went to join the others.


There, everything's fixed and no more having to fix it. Hope you enjoyed it.

Also, please check out my new story, Angel May Cry. It's a DMC3Naruto cross over.