The feeling of a pleasent day was - at first - confirmed when Timmy returned home.
"Hey, Short-stuff", Mr. Turner said as Timmy walked into the living room (Wanda and Cosmo had poofed back upstairs into their fishbowl).
"What's up, Dad?" Timmy asked. He noticed that neither of them were wearing their Wall-2-Wall Mart uniforms.
"Well, since Vicky has been exposed as a 'real fibber' on 'The Bad Baby Sitter Hunter', we're going to dispense with her services for the time being", Mr. Turner explained, "after all, her shooting at you with a paintball gun was a definite 'diggery-don't".
"So from now on, you go over to the Flannigan's house when we have to go out in future. Mr. and Mrs. Flannigan were happy to take over as sitters, not to mention Tootie", Mrs. Turner added.
Timmy nodded. True, Vicky would still be there, but the Justice Field would keep things nice and quiet. Besides, he wasn't regarding Tootie so creepily now.
"You'd better go to your room and start on your homework, Young Man", Mrs. Turner suggested, "but as we're not working tonight, we'll be eating at home together. Dinner will be in a couple of hours".
"Why aren't you working tonight?", Timmy asked.
"We've made enough money to pay the IRS", Mr. Turner replied, "so we're back to a normal work schedule at our current jobs".
Timmy smiled. His parents were going to back home. No more lengthy periods of parent-less evenings.
"Better get started on that homework, Timmy", Mrs. Turner suggested. Timmy nodded.
Timmy ran upstairs and threw his backpack on his bed. However, he was brought up short by his fairy godparents poofing above him with a roll of parchment floating between them.
"We've got problems, Timmy", Wanda said.
"What's up?" Timmy asked.
"We just got this scroll from Jorgen", Wanda said, holding it up, "he's making a snap inspection of all fairies and we have to expect him at any moment".
"Jorgan Von Strangle", Timmy breathed, "You know, that dude can be a real pain in the butt at times!"
"You're so right, but remember that his butt doesn't have a power cord sticking out of it", Cosmo replied.
"He probably has a power cord shoved up it instead!", Timmy opined, "That muscle-bound, bullying, half-witted, power-hungry,testosterone overdosing thug!"
Just then, a large POOF (more like a clap of thunder) rang out. Jorgen appeared, holding his oversized wand and leering down at Timmy.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Turner", Jorgen said to Timmy menacingly. Timmy gulped. Jorgen must have been listening to his tirade.
"Oh Jorgen", Wanda stammered out, "we were just talking about you".
"NO KIDDING!" Jorgen exclaimed while brandishing his wand, "you are supposed to teach Turner some responsiblity as well as grant wishes. WHAT KIND OF EXAMPLE IS THAT?!!"
"Uh, a poor example?" Cosmo answered uncertainly.
"Now its time to do my snap inspection...and I'm not inclined to so be lenient this time!", Jorgen said menacingly, "Now, give me your paperwork!", he commanded Cosmo and Wanda.
Wanda quickly poofed up her monthly report on her wish-granting. Cosmo started scribbling on a piece of paper and held it up.
"This is my paperwork", Cosmo said brightly, showing a picture he just drew, "Look, I just made a monkey!"
Jorgen aimed his wand at Cosmo, snarling, "I'm going to make one too!" Jorgan zapped Cosmo with a magic beam from his wand, but the Justice Field - which Jorgen didn't know was in place - zapped the beam back onto Jorgen.
"Aw look", Cosmo said, laughing at the transformed Jorgen, "a crew-cut and muscle-bound gibbon! He's so cute!".
Timmy and Wanda tried to keep their faces straight, but they couldn't hold it in. They all fell on the floor rolling in laughter. The monkey-Jorgen got very angry. With a POOF, he zapped himself back into his gung-ho muscle-bound form. Thinking that either Cosmo or Wanda had deflected his magic, he was not in the mood to live down this humiliation in front of them.
"So, you think that's funny, do you?!" he roared, "lets see how funny it is when I tell you that for making fun of me, I will take Cosmo and Wanda away and send them back to the Fairy Academy for the next millenium, then I will make you forget that you ever had Fairy Godparents, Turner!".
With that, Jorgen raised his wand at Timmy. Timmy just looked at him with a huge grin.
"Now its time for you to lose your memory, Turner!", Jorgen snarled as he zapped Timmy with his wand.
The magic memory-wiping beam - like the magic tranformation beam simply bounced back from Timmy and enveloped Jorgen.
"Uh, why am I here?" Jorgen asked as the effects of the beam faded away.
"Well..." Wanda said uncertainly, "you were here inspecting us and you gave us a passing grade, but for some reason you passed out...?"
"Yeah, what she said", Cosmo added, pointing to Wanda.
Jorgen thought about that for a few seconds. Since he didn't remember anything to contradict what Wanda said, he nodded.
"Yes, Yes", Jorgen finally stated, "inspection all in order. Keep up the good work!". With that, he poofed out with his thunder-clap explosion trademark.
"Hmm, why do I look like I'm blackened and singed?" Jorgen said to himself back in his office. The Justice Field had also taken care of that little piece of fallout from his dissapearance...
"Neat thinking, Wanda", Timmy said. He was glad that (a) Jorgen was stopped from carrying out his threat by the Justice Field and (b) that he and his fariy godparents weren't blackened and burned from Jorgen's disappearence.
"And a neat photograph as well!", Cosmo added, holding up a picture of Jorgen as a gibbon.
"Better keep that picture hidden for a while", Timmy suggested.
"Well, how about on the internet?" Cosmo suggested.
Wanda was sorely tempted, but there could be some really nasty repercussions from it, so she reluctantly poofed the picture out of Cosmo's hand.
"Well, its still nice to see that even fairy bullies aren't immune", Timmy commented.
"Yes, and he really made such a sweet looking monkey too", Wanda added.
With that, all three of them burst into laughter. The Justice Field really proved to be a great wish. Timmy could feel safe at home - and Tootie as well at hers. Francis and his group of thugs were given a dose of their own medicine, Vicky's vindictiveness was exposed on national television, and even Jorgen had gotten his come-uppance. All in all, it really was a great day.