
Victor sat uncomfortably on the couch. He watched as Prue paced back and forth in front of him. "You know, you're making me dizzy right?"

"Let's just cut to the chase here, what do you want?" Prue asked eying him suspiciously. She hadn't let the others come into the sunroom yet. She didn't trust Victor, hell she barely knew him.

"Look, I don't want anything. I heard about everything that happened with Phoebe and I felt like I needed to be here."

"You felt like you needed to be here? What about when she was 8 and broke her arm. Or how about when mom had to take off work because Piper had her tonsils taken out, where were you then?"

Victor stood up slowly. He'd never admit it, but Prue scared him a little. She reminded him so much of her grandmother. "I know I'm not perfect Prue, far from it. But, you are my daughters. I can't go back in time and change things, but I can be here now. All I want is a chance."

"Yea, well you could come back for that chance a long time ago, why now? You're not taking these girls away from me."

"Why now? One of my daughters nearly die and you want to know why I came back? Listen Prue, I'm not here as a threat to you. I know how hard you've worked, I know how much you sacraficed, I wouldn't dream of taking the girls from you. I came back to help, that's all." Victor walked closer to her, he reached out his arms to try and hug her.

Prue snatched away from him. "I don't need your help!" She turned to walk away from him.

"Can I at least see them?" Victor called out behind her.

Piper watched as Prue stomped by her. "That bad huh?"

Prue only met her with a stare. "He's in the sunroom." She proceeded to head up the stairs.

"Should we check on her?" Leo looked from Piper to Phoebe then finally to Paige.

"No." Andy stood up. "I should check on her."

Phoebe watched as he started up the stairs. Slowly she stood up and followed

Piper into the sunroom, leaving Cole, Leo, Kyle and Paige in the dinning room.

"Paige, aren't you going to go?" Kyle asked.

"No, he's not my dad." Paige turned and walked to the stairs. She knew that Victor wasn't her dad. She had met her real dad, but only once when she was 6. Vaguely she thought back to the day in the park when her grams took her there. She didn't remember much, she just remembered that her grams was in a hurry that day. Almost like she was scared for Paige to meet him. Paige started for her room but stopped as she heard Prue talking to Andy.

"What if he is only trying to help?" Andy asked.

"Who's side are you on?"

Paige jumped a little as she heard Prue slam what she thought was the closed door.

"I don't need his help Andy. I haven't needed it since Grams died. If he thinks he can just walk back into our lives..."

"Prue. What if he realizes that he screwed up and now he wants to be a part of your life? You don't want to give him that chance?"

"I don't trust him. What if he's here to take the girls from me?"

"I don't think he would do that." You could tell he was trying to convince her, but the more Prue thought about the more angry it made her.


She turned to see Piper standing behind her.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Paige backed away from the door a little.

"Victor wants to see you." Piper motioned for her to come with her.

"Why?" Paige asked with her feet firmly planted.

"Paige he cares about you too." Piper reached down and pulled her by the arm. As they entered the sun room they saw Phoebe there talking to Victor. Something was different though, she looked pale.

"Pheebs, you ok?" Piper walked over to her. As she got closer she could hear the rasphiness in her breathing.

"I fell kind of funny." Phoebe was trying to keep herself together. She felt everything go fuzzy as she started to faint.

"Prue!" Piper shouted just as she reached out and caught Phoebe. Victor jumped from his seat helping Piper hold Phoebe's body.

You could hear her feet racing down the steps. The moment she saw Piper there holding her little sister, she turned to Victor. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." He looked from Prue to Phoebe. "She needs to get to the hospital." He stood up, pulling his keys from his pocket.

Prue watched as Andy pushed passed her, picking Phoebe up into his arms. "Let's go."

Victor raced outside, opening a door for Andy and Phoebe.

Everything was happening so quick, Prue didn't even have time to protest. Quickly she ran to the car. Within seconds everyone from the house was filed inside and following quickly behind Victor.

Prue shook her head fighting back tears. "Not again." She whispered as a single tear fell from her eyes. "Please not again."