Welcome to Broken. A story of love and pain and anguish. I dreamt of this and I had to write it. I beg you to review as I am not a great writer and have very little conficence in my writing and lack of reviews plummets my spirit. This chapter is but introduction to the story. I'm writing the first real chapter now and its actually making me cry and so I ask that you review and tell me what you think
We all live in a world all our own. Though we believe that we are unable to experience the love of another that is not always the case. Many of us have faced hurt from loved ones and strangers alike. This hurt can make us stronger, but that strength comes with a price.
In the land of Sand is born a boy, he is Heir to the Kazegukure Corporation, yet he was born in pain and hatred. In a time when looks matter to confirm legitimacy, the urban head, emerald eyed boy born to a Japanese family is shunned. It is said to be born different is a sign of a vessel. A vessel of a beast god. From the day of his birth he has been subject to hate filled snares and words meant to hurt worst than any blow.
Growing up in this environment, he has suffered a pain buried deep in his heart. Not many can understand the sorrow that resides within him. He is truly strong, but that strength came at a great price to him. Branded with the symbol of ai, he is cursed to forever long for love but that curse will break when one is born who can accept him for who he is.
Equally, on the other side of their world is born a golden haired, cerulean-eyed boy. He was also born the heir to the Konohagakure Corporation. He was a child born in love and joy, for his father was truly a magnificent man, loved and respected by all. However on the first day of this infant's birth, the great beast god Kyuubi no Kitsune, laid waste to the land of Leaves. So great was his hatred for the Owner of the Great Corporation that his rage overcame him. Land of Leaves suffered greatly on that fateful day when their beloved leader sacrificed his life and that of his most cherished son to save the home of his people.
Sealing the defeated Kitsune within his son, his last words were that his son should be taken care of. Yet as the once black haired youth's features began to change to that of golden chibi, hatred and dissention grew. Dead was their great leader. The Kyuubi, though imprisoned had succeeded and they no longer had a leader or an heir. And so hatred born from the energy of the Kitsune overcame them. And a young boy who had been born in love was to grow up in a world of hatred and pain. He waits for the day when he can feel the embrace of a loved one. One who will see him as human and never care about what he harbours within him...