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This is Parseltounge

"This is normal speech"

Summary: The trio are banished from the wizarding world for something they did not do. They learn to rely on each other, and form a special bond in the process. They find themselves becoming more powerful than they ever thought possible…

Possibilities of Change

By Zeta Pheonix





5 years later, the Greys are all 20.

Summer was coming to an end. The nights were still warm, but a hint of fall laced the air. In the middle of London, a brown haired girl could be seen making her way home to her apartment. In her arms she carried a bag of groceries. She held herself upright, and had a stony look on her face. Despite her lack of emotion, she looked sweet. Not dangerous. The gangs who prowled the streets knew otherwise. The girl who styled herself Kavi Grey was extremely dangerous. She could kill you without a second thought.

Her fiancées were even more dangerous. No one was quite sure how that worked, but it was known that she was to, or perhaps was already, married to Kegan and Keiran Grey. In fact, the whole family was something of a mystery. They had arrived five years ago, and only ever left the apartment to buy groceries. Never anything else. And no one had seen the inside of their apartment. Yet, people were used to this. As long as they stayed out of their way, none could care less.

In reality, the Greys left the apartment every day. They spent their time in Knockturn Alley. Together, they ran a shop where you could buy almost anything for the right price.

Keiran and Kegan felt Kavi walk into the store.

Hello, my loves, she said as she walked up behind them. Have we gotten a new commission yet?

Yes, Kavi. Borgin and Burkes wants another set of rune-inscribed cages. And the Dark Lord wishes for us to try to develop a permanent de-aging potion, Kegan said to Kavi.

I can take the cages. Kavi said.

And I've got an inkling how to do the potion, Keiran noted. They had long since decided money was money, and it didn't matter who the things went to. This was why they didn't mind working for the Lord Voldemort. And of the Dark Lord had no clue as to who the Greys really were. To him, the Greys were merely talented people who ran a small shop.

Finished with dividing up the new commissions, they closed the shop for the evening. As they went home, Kegan snagged a new Daily Prophet.


Back in their apartment, they relaxed a while. Keiran took out his notes on greating new Dark Parsel spells. Kavi took out a tome on wards (she wanted to improve theirs) and Kegan started to read the Daily Prophet.

Guys? You might want to take a look at this, Kegan hissed as one of his eyebrows rose, the only sign of any emotion. He showed them the paper.

Harry Potter and Friends Innocent!

Last night, the new Minister, Rufus Scrimegour declared Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley to be innocent of all charges of murder. Five years ago, the three afore mentioned people were banished from the wizarding world at the tender age of almost fifteen. They were suspected of trying to cover up Cedric Diggory's death by claiming that You-Know-Who had come back. This could not be proved until the raid last week on the Department of Mysteries, in which You-Know-Who himself was seen. There is currently a major operation underway to try and locate the Boy-Who-Lived and his honest friends. The public can only hope that they forgive us for this great tragedy.

-Ellen Weisderhost

That is really most interesting. Too bad they didn't believe us five years ago, Keiran snorted.

We're going to have to pick sides soon, Kavi noted sadly. Especially now that everyone's looking for you to be their savior again.

Damn Ministry. I hate them, Kegan snarled. They have no right to expect us to come back and save their sorry hides.

Damn Dumbledore, too. He cooperated with them, and sent us to what could easily have been our deaths! Keiran growled. I refuse to side with either one of those idiots.

Should we join Lord Voldemort then? Kegan asked quietly. Can we really agree with his ideals?

I can. His hate of muggles came from somewhere. He's probably seen how violent and cruel they can be. At least in the wizarding world, it's only between adults. Children are not abused. The last war had only one casualty over-age, and that was a sixteen-year old who chose to fight the Death Eaters. The Dark Lord probably thinks it's too easy for muggleborns to pick up on the violence of their homes, Kavi explained.

I have to agree with Kavi, Keiran whispered.

I agree for the most part, Kegan nodded. My only objection is that he tried to kill Keiran. That was nearly a second child casualty.

He wasn't. Kerian hissed thoughtfully. I don't think he actually meant to kill me. That killing curse was aimed for my mum, and it somehow hit the both of us. I remember, I used to dream about it all the time, but it never really occurred to me what exactly was happening.

We'll look into it, then, figuring out how to join the Death Eaters, Kegan smiled. He leaned forward and kissed them both. "We'll never be apart, my loves, never apart."


The next day at the shop was spent rather peacefully. No new customers came in. Burkes came to pick up the cages. Keiran had successfully developed a permanent de-aging potion by four o'clock. It took so little time because he merely had to tweak a pre-existing potion. Then, around six, the surprise came.

Severus Snape walked into the tiny shop called Magical Artifacts. He had been trying to find a piece of chimera hide all day. But the store that normally had some stock of the rarer potions ingredients was fresh out. So he was left scrounging around for some in Knockturn Alley.

"How may I help you, sir?" Kegan called out to the dark-looking wizard. Snape assessed the young red-haired man behind the counter.

"You wouldn't happen to have any chimera skin?" Snape inquired.

Kegan nodded. "Probably. Please hold on a minute. Keiran will know where it is. Keiran! Where's the chimera skin?"

"Shelf E, Row 8, the back," Keiran stuck his head out of the back room. "I'll get it." He came back into the room carrying a three foot length of it. Kavi followed him into the room.

"How much of it do you want, sir?" Keiran asked.

"Just three inches by inches, please," Snape said. Just then, Lucius Malfoy glided into the shop.

"Good day, Misters and Madam Grey, "he smiled. "Is milord's potion ready?'

"Just a minute, Mr. Malfoy. It's in the back, " Kavi fetched a vial of the potion.

"I never expected to see you in here, Severus," Malfoy commented to Snape.

"I was merely looking for some chimera skin, " Snape responded.

"Here you go, good sirs," Kegan handed them their packages. "We only wish there was a way we could help the Dark Lord more." Kavi and Keiran caught the wording, and decided to give some input.

"Yes, the dark Lord should be praised for ridding the world of bad blood," Kavi agreed.

"It is a pity Dumbledore got those banishments revoked. The three idiots were probably better off," Keiran smirked. He found it quite funny to insult themselves.

"I shall speak to my Lord, " Malfoy promised. "Perhaps he may have a better use for you."

The next few days passed in relative silence. Then, on Saturday, Diagon Alley was raided. The Greys were visiting Flourish and Blott's at the time, and so saw the whole thing happen. A good number of people in Death Eater garb suddenly appeared outside, and started shooting off hexes and curses. They aimed for Aurors and known supporters of Dumbledore. The call for retreat came all of a sudden, and the Death Eaters started dissapparating. Soon, there was only one left, and he seemed to have trouble getting away from everyone. The Greys covered their heads and slipped through the crowd to his side. Immediately, Kavi noted the anti-disapparation field that the unfortunate had gotten caught in. The boys started blasting dark hexes, efficiently clearing the area, while Kavi portkeyed the Death Eater to their shop. The boys followed behind not a minute later.

"Would you like to use our floo, sir?" Kegan inquired.

The man nodded. "Would you tell me your names? My Lord will be pleased to know of his supporters," he whispered.

"We are the Greys. Good luck, and good hunting, sir!" Keiran bowed to the man.

The Death Eater inclined his head in thanks, and stepped into the fire.

"Sssshalassisen," he carefully hissed and flooed away. Kavi smiled at the address.

"Simplicity, said in parseltounge. I wonder how long it took the Dark Lord to train them to say that correctly?" she commented. The boys just grinned, as they sat back to wait for word of the outcome.

AN/Thanks to my reviewers: maraudersbanana, mitzsel, spacecatdet, and andrettamaiebodi