Title: Lily

Author: Tempus Meum

Rating: M

Disclaimer: The characters and premise used in this story are unfortunately not owned by me. If JAG was mine…the possibilities.

Summary: Mac has a beautiful little girl, friends and a great job but for six years she has been anything but happy.

Lily 11: A Baby

1745 hours

Bethesda Military Hospital

Bethesda, Maryland

Walking into the waiting room they weren't at all surprised to find AJ, Harriet, Bud and Sturgis already there.

"Hey Harm, maybe you should have been around when Bobbi had Alexis, maybe then she wouldn't have been three weeks overdue." Sturgis commented as he saw them.

"Some reaction huh…this is why I didn't show up on her door step."

"Have you heard how it's going?" Mac asked AJ.

"It should be over any minute, they wheeled her into the delivery room about ten minutes ago."

"That's great, is she okay."

"Doing fine apparently."


Mac sat down next to Harm and they waited for news. They didn't have to wait very long as five minutes later Tiner came through the doors with a huge smile on his face. On seeing him everyone stood up and moved toward him.

"It's a boy, mother and baby are doing fine."

"Congratulations son." AJ said shaking his hand.

Congratulations Tiner." Mac kissed him on the cheek, as did Harriet. Sturgis, Harm and then Bud all gave their congratulations and shook his hand. Tiner then turned back to Mac.

"Mac…ah Jen wants to see you if that's alright."

"Yeah sure." Mac then followed Tiner through the doors to Jen's room.

"Hi Jen, how are you feeling!" Mac asked as she gave her a hug, carefully avoiding the new born child in her arms.

"Pretty good. I…ah wanted to ask you something." Tiner sat down on the bed next to her and kissed her forehead.

"Sound's important."

"I…we wanted to know if it would be alright if we name the baby after you?"

"I thought you had a boy!" Mac said brushing her fingers over the babies forehead.

"I did…we did…we want to call him Mackenzie, Mac you have done so much for both of us over the last six years, you were there for me throughout my pregnancy. We want you to know just how much we really love you."

Mac had tears in her eyes, "Wow…I…ah…don't know what to say."

"Say you don't mind." Tiner pleaded.

"Of course…of course I don't mind, I'd be honoured to have you name your little boy after me." Mac hugged them both, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Mackenzie Tiner" Jen looked down at her son.

"Have you thought of a middle name?" Mac asked.

"We do have something in mind, but we wanted to ask you what you thought." Tiner looked up at her from gazing at his son.

"Me, why me?" Mac looked confused.

"Well not only do we want to give our son your name, we were wondering if you would be his godmother?" Jen took Mac's hand.

"Jen…I…I…would love to be his godmother." Her tears again began to fall. "What are you two doing to me, making me cry twice in five minutes?" Mac gave them both a smile as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Sorry Mac…would you…would you like to hold your god son?"

"I'd love to Jen." Mac accepted the little boy from his mother, "So what middle name do you have in mind?"

"Well we have thought long and hard about it…" Tiner started "…and…well what we have come up with are two names."


"Yes…Matthew, after Mattie, and…and David are Harm. But we didn't know which one to choose." Jen looked at Mac for help.

Mac thought for a while as she looked down at the baby who had her finger firmly in his grip. "How about…Mackenzie David Matthew Tiner?" Tiner looked down at his wife and nodded his head, Jen agreed.

"I like it, this way our son is named after the three most important people in our life. Thanks Mac." Jen replied.

"No problem. Um…everybody is waiting very patiently outside to see this little guy, should I tell them to come in?"

"You probably should…" Mac stood up to hand Mackenzie back to his mother, "…but…could you do something for me first?"

"Anything Jen" Mac replied

"Could you…ask Harm to come in first?"

"Of course…Jason why don't we take this little guy out to meet everyone and send Harm in?"

"Yeah…will you be okay honey?" He looked down at his wife and Jen just nodded.

Mac walked out of Jen's room with Tiner by her side and MacKenzie in his arms. "He's beautiful Tiner!" She offered as they made there way to the waiting room where everyone was waiting. Walking through the doors they were greeted by almost half of the JAG staff. AJ was in the front of everyone else, and was the first to step up to Tiner and ask about the baby.

Tiner stepped back and announced to everyone. "I would like you to meet my son, Mackenzie David Matthew Tiner!" Harm looked at Mac then and she nodded. One at a time everyone went up to Tiner to meet the new baby, and ask about Jen, but Harm hung back next to Mac.

"They named the baby after you?" He asked her.

"Not only me, you and Mattie too." Harm looked confused.

Jen and Jason called him Mackenzie after me, David after you, and Matthew after Mattie. Mackenzie David Matthew Tiner." Mac explained.

"Oh…what…why after me."

"They both haven't forgotten what you did for Jen, Harm. If it wasn't for you Jen could be in jail, or worse."

"I guess I should go and see her."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"Would you? I'd go alone but…"

"Yeah I know…I'll come in."

"Thanks Mac." Harm squeezed her hand before they walked up to Tiner.

"Congratulations Tiner!" Harm said.

"Thanks Harm, I hope you don't mind about the name?" Tiner replied.

"No not at all, I am actually honoured."

"You did a lot for Jen, so…"

"We were just going in to see her." Mac announced.

"That's a good idea, actually could you take Mackenzie back in for me?"

"Absolutely!" Tiner handed the baby to Mac. "Looks like there's two Mac's in the world now. Aren't there kiddo." Mac said as she played with his little fingers.

Harm leaned over her shoulder. "He's perfect."

"Isn't he!" Walking into Jens room the found her, sitting in an arm chair near the window.

"We brought little Mac back for you!" Mac announced.

"We?" Jen asked not turning around.

"We!" Harm replied "Hello, Jen!"

She stood up then as fast as she could, as she was still a little sore. "H…Harm!" Harm walked up to her then. She looked him over.

"You don't look so good."

"You look great, for someone who just had a baby." Harm smiled.

"Thanks." She looked at him for a bit longer and then reached up and touched his face. "Sorry I just had to check.

"Quite alright, Jen I understand! Now how about a hug."

She smiled up at him and then took a step forward into his open arms. He then helped her over to the bed, when she was in Mac passed her the baby.

"Jason told me what happened to you, you went through a lot didn't you?"

Yeah I guess I did. Sorry about the effect it had on you. Tiner told us that you went into labour after he told you."

"Yeah it was a bit of a shock, hearing you were alive after six years."

"I think it was for everyone." Mac nodded her head in agreement.

Sitting on either side of the bed Harm and Mac answered Jen's questions filling in the gaps of Tiner's retold story.

By the time visiting hours were over at 1930 hours, Harm had finished the story and Jen was obviously getting tired. Jason had joined them at about 1900 and told Mac that Lily had gone home with Harriet & Bud and they could pick her up on there way home.

They said their goodbyes and left, picking Lily up on the way. They pulled into the driveway, Lily had been asleep most of the way home but she woke when Mac turned the engine off.

"Come on squirt time for bed I think." Mac opened the car door and helped Lily undo her seat belt.

"But it's only 8 O'clock." Lily complained

"It's after 8, I think you're a bit tired. Come on bed time."

"Okay." Lily replied with a big yawn. "Can Harm sing me another song?"

Mac looked up at Harm and he nodded.

"Ok just a quick one and then its time to sleep, you do have school tomorrow."


"Yep come on." Mac led her up the stairs and Harm waited in Lily's bedroom trying to think of a song to sing, while Mac helped her daughter change in the bathroom. Lily came running back into her bedroom about five minutes later with Mac trailing behind her. Launching herself on to the bed she climbed under the covers and pulled Mac down next to her. They both looked at Harm in anticipation.

"You like putting me on the spot don't you?" Harm reached out and tapped Lily on the nose. She nodded her head vigorously and snuggled in closer to her mother. "Ok here goes."

Raindrops are fallin' on my head (Harm made the motion of raindrops falling with his hands.)

And just like a guy who's feet

Are too big for his bed

Nothing seems to fit

Those raindrops are fallin' on my head

They keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun

And I said I didn't like the way

He got things done, sleepin' on the job

Those raindrops are fallin' on my head

They keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know…those blues they

Sent to meet me, won't defeat me,

It won't be long 'til happiness

Steps up to greet me.

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head

But that doesn't mean my eyes

Will soon be turning red,

Crying's not for me

Coz' I'm never goin' to stop the

Rain by complaining

Because I'm free…nothings worrying me…

It won't be long 'til happiness

Steps up to greet me.

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head

But that doesn't mean my eyes

Will soon be turning red,

Crying's not for me

Coz' I'm never goin' to stop the

Rain by complaining

Because I'm free…nothings worrying me…

Lily was fast asleep wrapped up in Mac's lap, who was holding onto Harm's hand, not that he could remember at what stage of the song that it happened. Releasing her hand he stood up so that Mac could adjust the blankets around her sleeping daughter. She then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "Sweet dreams Lil." She whispered. Mac stood over the bed for a few seconds before joining Harm in the doorway. Turning out the light she pulled the door closed, "You know I never knew you could sing like that." Mac led him down stairs and to the couch.

"Well it's not something I do very often." Harm stated.

"I'm glad you did, it's not often that I can get Lily to sleep so quickly. You do realise she is going to expect it every night now."

"Glad to be of service, but I can read a pretty good fairy tale too, maybe we should try that tomorrow, you can be beauty and I'll be the beast."

"Hmm…she'd love that, come to think of it so would I."

So…what should we do for the next couple of hours?"

"Up to you." Mac smiled as she lent into Harms chest.

"Well…I guess…I've been gone for six years…what have I missed."

"What do you want to know?"

"You've told me about JAG…so how bout…you and Lily?"

"Well ok, but I am probably going to have to start at the beginning."

"Fine with me."

Mac snuggled in closer to Harm and began. "Well…"