The Lost Boys
Carnival Nights
This concept came to me more than a year ago. I began to write it, and them my computer
died and I lost all of my files. For a
writer (especially a lazy one that never bothers to make back up copies) this
is the worst experience in the world. A
few weeks ago I decided I needed to try again.
I started with David's POV, but it
didn't work. Star's didn't either. So I did what any one would do. I combined them.
I breathed in the salty sea air as I walked down the
boardwalk, my best friend and room mate, Teena, beside me. She was wearing a pair of shorts over her
bathing suit, her shoulder-length blond hair pulled into a slightly silly
ponytail that stuck straight out from the back of her head. Her look was 'beach casual'.
I, on the other hand, find Santa Carla to be a
weird, magical, The Ramones playing Beach Boys music kind of place. I don't own anything 'beach casual'. It's an insult to the ocean. I was wearing a long skirt with tinsel
thread woven into it and a white tank top.
Around my shoulders was a sparkling silver-white shawl. I sparkled different colors with the lights
from the rides. My hair streamed down
my back in dark curls.
"…and he said that as soon as he broke up with
her he would go out with me. Well that
was two weeks ago and…." Teena was
talking, but I wasn't listening, lost instead in my surroundings.
I love Santa Carla with all of my being. The boardwalk, the ocean, but especially the
people. All kinds could be found on the
boardwalk at night. Tourists from the
other side of the country with sunburns and cameras, teenage punk runaways that
live on music and sex because they can't afford to eat, and the locals who sit
around and scoff at the aforementioned tourists.
Teena and I fell into that last group. We had grown up in the tiny town. We had just graduated from high school and
had settled into a house on the beach with two other girls. I worked in the drug store in town, while
Teena shifted from job to job, depending on her mood. Right now she operated the roller coaster in the amusement
"…so this kid starts giving me attitude for not
letting him stay and ride again, so I said…"
The sound of dirt bikes
approaching. It was a gang of boys, all
in black and delicious punk clothing--one of them was wearing blue velvet
tights. I loved this type of boy. The ringleader seemed to be a boy with spiky
bleached blond hair. He was at the head
of the pack. He glanced at me as they
road by and winked.
I grabbed Teena's arm tightly. "Did you see those boys just now, on
the bikes?" I interrupted her conversation with herself.
She looked at me, annoyed. "You haven't heard a word I've said,
have you?"
I ignored her. I had suddenly become a frantic quivering
mass with only one thought on my mind.
"The blond one in the long coat.
Did you see him? He winked at
"Wha? Oh ew, Star! What have I
told you about those looser types? Do
you know how many bad relationships with leather wearing assholes I've pulled
you out of? A motorcycle and bleached
hair is all you need to be set off."
I protested. "One of them had green hair." She shook her head in disgust. "He went off in that direction," I
pointed. "I'm going to
"Go right ahead. I'm going home. Night." She stalked
off, leaving me stranded and alone on the boardwalk.
We were out early in the
evening. I was hungry and wanted to
take advantage of the summer tourists.
Marco, my second in command, agreed with me. We roared off on our bikes, the boys obediently following me
every turn. God, I hate that. If I drove off a cliff they would
follow. (Actually, that sounds like
fun…) Those three guys have no minds
whatsoever. They're really okay to hang
around with most of the time, but other times I want to be left alone.
The boss chose them, but I made them
all. They answer to me, not him. Marco first, the smallest and weakest of us,
but without doubt the smartest. Then
Paul, who had challenged my command before being beaten into submission, and
finally Dwayne, who had an affinity for small children that even I don't quite
We were all runaways, looking for
someplace better. I was here because of
my stepfather. Marco was here because
he was bored of middle-class suburban life.
I know Paul is here now because his car broke down on vacation and he
couldn't afford to fix it.
On the boardwalk people ran from our
bikes as we plowed through the crowds.
I laughed out loud at their panicked yells. That's when I glanced to my left and saw her. She was a glittering glam-punk-hippie. Gorgeous lips, wonderful curves. Our eyes met and I winked at her.
We parked our bikes against a
wall. I started towards the spot where
I had seen the girl. The guys tried to
follow. "Back off boys," I
bellowed at them. "You have
brains. Go get your own meals for once
and leave me in peace."
Paul and Dwayne stared at me, but
Marco nodded with understanding.
"C'mon guys, let's go leave Romeo to himself."
Paul laughed. "Is that it then? Okay, we're gone."
Finally. Peace.
I wove through the crowd with a
cat-like grace. Oh, the joys of being a
vampire. I could separate the smells
washing in from the ocean and mixing with the carnival, the dolphins from the
whales from the hot dogs cooking a few feet away from me. The lights were brighter and the music was
louder. When you first change you go
into a sensory overload. The
overwhelming change takes a bit to get used to.
Then I caught a whiff of her sent,
which had past me ever so briefly. She
smelled of lilac and sea foam. This
enticed me more than the fresh bodies of blood that surrounded me. I moved in the crowd, following the scent,
loosing it with a passing cotton candy eater, then picking it up again as I
approached the carousel.
I saw her then. She was lifting a little boy of maybe seven
onto a large brown horse with chipping paint.
He had not been with her before, and from the looks of him, the boy had
been on the streets for a few days.
She mounted her own horse, a purple one right beside
the boy's. Her skirt rode up on her
legs, revealing smooth tanned skin that I could imagine running my hands
over. I stepped closer to the carousel,
staying out of her sight range.
I thought it would be hopeless to track Blond in
Black with the heavy crowds. The most
wonderful thing in the park distracted me:
the Carousel. It's a big
beautiful old thing, with chipping paint and a missing horse that was later
replaced with, of all things, a duck.
Who wants to ride a duck?
I jumped into line, which was
remarkably long. I knew I would have to
wait two rides before I could get on.
In front of me was a remarkably
grubby child with dirt on his face and long, messy hair. He didn't seem to belong to anybody, as he
was looking around rather lost. I bent
down to his level. "Hi. My name is Star. What's yours?"
He looked at me with wide eyes then
wiped his nose with the back of his hand.
"Pleased to meet
you." I smiled. "Laddie, where are your parents?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. Mommy told me to go play and she would be back later." Oh no.
"And how long ago was
"A long while ago. Will you buy me a hot dog?"
"Are you hungry?"
"C'mon then," I said,
offering my hand. "I'll buy you a
hot dog and french-fries!"
He agreed. "But merry-go-round first," he insisted. The line had moved forward, and we were
"Okay," I said. I would take him on the ride, get some food
into his stomach, then find a police officer.
The poor thing. Probably has
never been loved. I knew how he
felt. My parents had spent a lot of
time ignoring me while I was growing up.
I hadn't seen them since I moved out, and preferred it that way. But for someone to dump their little kid….A
hard concept to understand.
Laddie and I circled around the
carousel until he chose a horse he deemed a worthy steed. I helped boost him up onto the painted
saddle, and then mounted the purple one beside it.
As the carousel turned, I thought I
saw him. Blond in Black. But next time around he was gone. "Dammit, dammit, dammit," I
whispered under my breath. Just had to
get on the carousel. Just had to help
the little kid….
I felt a hand on my bare leg. I turned angrily towards whoever it
was. It was Him. "Oh!
"Hi." He smiled at me. "I saw you on the boardwalk. You wanna' hang out?"
I looked at him, then for some
reason glanced back at Laddie who was staring.
My conscience was ripped in two.
"Yes." The bell rang
as the carousel slowed to a stop.
He lifted me down. "My name is David."
"Star," I said of
myself. Laddie jumped down from the
horse without any help. "Um, I
need to take care of Laddie first though." I put a hand on his shoulder.
"He's lost."
"S'okay," David said. "The security office is just around the
I felt incredibly guilty for going
back on my promise of food, but Laddie didn't protest, only looked up at me
with wide eyes.
Star and I dropped the kid quickly, and I pulled her
back towards our bikes. She looked back
at the security office once, but I put an arm around her waist and pulled her
close to me, making her forget the little boy.
The boys were waiting for me. What would they do if I weren't around? Probably starve to death.
Boys, this is Star."
Dwayne smiled, and Paul leered from his bike. Marco fiddled with his bent back fender, as if to say,
'Whatever.' Star stared at them as if
they were things to be afraid of.
"So who's the kid?" Dwayne asked. I whirled around. The child we had dumped at the security office was right behind
us. He walked up and squeezed between
Star and I. I glared down at him in
"Oh, Laddie," Star moaned. She sunk down on her knees in front of him. "Why didn't you stay where we took
you?" He didn't speak. "Do you want to stay with me?" No words.
Slowly, a nod. "Okay."
She stood up and looked at me.
She was trembling, as though she knew she was about to do something very
dangerous. "Laddie comes with
me." Her voice was soft, and you
could hear the fear behind it.
I laughed. "It's cool
Star. Dwayne likes little
kids." Dwayne grinned.
Star considered for a long time.
I offered her the back of my bike. "My faithful steed, my lady." Paul laughed. "Shut
up, if you want to live to see the day," I spoke softly so only the boys
would hear me.
I helped Star onto the bike, and Dwayne lifted the kid onto the
back of his own. Then we were off.
We rode at full throttle, flying across the boardwalk and onto the
beach. Star screamed as we rode down
the set of concrete stairs that lead down to the sand. She clutched me tight around the middle,
burying her face in my shoulder. I
could hear her muttering to herself, "Just don't look. Just don't look." I went faster.
Sand sprayed behind our tires as we flew across the beach. Paul jumped some kid's sand castle.
We approached our hiding place quickly, skidding to a halt in
front of the cave entrance.
I nearly collapsed when I got off the bike. I hadn't had much experience with the things
and he had been going so fast...I thought for sure we were going to die. Laddie however, jumped off the dark-haired
guy's bike grinning. He had been
thrilled. And he hadn't been wearing a
helmet. God, if he had gotten hurt I
would have never forgiven myself.
The smallest of the four--Marco-- went through the hole in the
side of the cliff first. Laddie almost
jumped for joy before following.
"Come on, Star," David said.
"I am not going in there." He took my hand anyway and led me in, despite my weak
protests. The short tunnel lead to a
huge room. A hotel lobby, deep under
the ground. It was lit with hundreds of
candles and fires in barrels.
I stood in awe at my surroundings. I had never seen anything like it. "It's beautiful," I whispered, afraid that it would all
shatter with my words. The stuff magic
was made of.
He nodded. "I
know." He led me by the hand to a
worn sofa with only one armrest.
"Marco. Food."
"Right here." He
tossed a couple paper wrapped tacos to him, which he caught with one hand. The three older boys and Laddie were
attacking the other Taco Bell bags.
David handed one to me, and I accepted the greasy lump.
He sat down next to me and pulled a bottle from under the
seat. It was covered in guild and what
looked like actual sapphires and rubies.
He took a long drink before passing it to me. I laughed. "Tacos
and wine?"
He shrugged. "Blame
Marco." I smiled and took a long
drink. It had been a long time since I
had tasted wine. There was something
different about it, or maybe it had been longer than I thought.
I had taken a few sips when it was yanked from my hand. "Laddie!" I cried. He had started chugging the bottle. I took it away quickly. "This is for grown ups."
I noticed David was looking at they others strangely, as if they
were reading eachothers thoughts through their eyes.
"I'm sorry," I said to David quickly. "He's just a little boy, doesn't know
any better."
"What? Oh, no it's
okay." He glanced over at the
guys. They started to get up and
casually wander away, towards a hole in the floor.
Dwayne took Laddie's hand.
"C'mon kid. We'll show you
the downstairs."
"Dwayne," David said in a warning tone.
The other boy waved him off.
"It's cool, man."
Soon the others were gone, leaving David and I alone in the
majestic room.
They were gone. Good. But the kid.... I didn't worry about
it. I didn't even think he'd make it
through the change. Too young. I turned my attentions to more important
"I want to make love to you under the stars," I
whispered in the girl's ear. She stared
at me wide-eyed, but didn't speak. I
lead her over to an old canopy bed. All
four legs had collapsed and one of the posts had broken off. The canopy itself was a bit ragged and
torn. The entire top was ripped
out. Looking up there was a hole in the
ceiling. As we slipped under the sheets
we looked up into the stars.
She was sleeping in my arms.
Her hair held the sweet smell of the ocean. Soft flickering candlelight, which had all but burnt out,
reflected on her skin. The sky over our
heads was turning pink with the morning sun.
She could stay there, but I had
to leave. I kissed her shoulder gently
and glanced at the bite marks on her neck, already healing. "Tonight," I whispered to her,
"You're going to get the surprise of your life."