Disclaimer : I don't own the characters.

Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up. I promise the next one will be up much quicker. As for everyone who reviewed this story so far, thanks a lot! I am surprised so many of you enjoy this pairning. Well enough of my ramblings and on with chapter four! Enjoy.


Chapter four

- Decisions -

After half an hour of sitting in the livingroom alone Michiru had decided to help Makoto out in the kitchen after all. She couldn't just sit there while knowing that someone was working hard to get dinner ready. Besides it would be fun to cook something special again. Ever since Haruka and Michiru had broken up Michiru hadn't cooked anything special for herself. On christmas she would simply eat noodles or something like that.

She softly knocked on the kitchen door before entering, seeing how the brunette was too busy to even notice her. She smiled upon seeing that. She could already see by the looks of it that Makoto enjoyed cooking. ''Uhm, excuse me...'' Michiru finally stated causing the brunette to turn around. A smile appeared on her face upon seeing the smaller girl.

''Ah hey Hime.'' Makoto said, putting down the spoon she was holding. Michiru giggled. After all she still hadn't told the brunette her name. She wasn't going to tell the other soon either. Michiru had to admit that she kind of liked her nickname. ''What can I do for you?''

The aqua haired girl didn't reply to that. Instead of that she just walked up to the other girl and started to help her out with the brunette's soup. ''What are we missing partner?'' She asked when she tasted it.

Makoto smiled again. ''Ah I haven't put any salt in it yet. And it still needs some spices.''

''Leave it up to me.'' Michiru said as she started to look through the drawers in hope to find anything useful. Next to her she could hear Makoto laugh slightly. Then Makoto leaned closer to her. For a moment it seemed like Makoto was going to kiss the smaller girl but then she winked and opened one of the drawers Michiru had missed, pulling a few little packs of spices out of them. With that she pulled back and handed the now blushing girl the pockets.

''Here you go Hime.'' She finally said when she noticing Michiru was hardly responding. 'She's one cute little thing.' She thought to herself when Michiru's blush grew deeper and she quickly took the pockets in her hands.

''Thanks!'' With that said she quickly turned back to focuss on the soup. 'Why is my heart racing like this?'


About an hour later both girl had sat down behind the dinning table. The whole table was covered with food. Soup, chicken, rice, fish and even Michiru's favourite dish sashimi was included to the meal. ''Bon Appétit.'' Makoto stated before she started to put food on her plate. Michiru nodded and did the same, enjoying the atmosphere. The only light in the room came from a candle. The curtains were closed but that was because it had already gotten dark outside. In the winter it always got dark around 4 in the afternoon.

Michiru found it hard to believe she had been here that long already. It was right what they said, time flies when you're having a good time. ''This tastes wonderful.'' The aqua haired girl said after taking a few bites.

The brunette smiled happily.''I am glad it tastes good.'' She said. ''I like cooking but I hardly have time for it. Except with the holidays and then there's hardly anyone to cook for.''

''How about your parents?'' Michiru questioned before taking a sip of her tea.

Makoto's smile suddenly disappeared causing the other to wonder if she had asked the wrong question. Maybe Makoto had been fighting with her parents ever since, who knew? ''My parents,'' Makoto paused for a moment, swallowing away the lump that had formed in her throat. ''They're not on this world anymore. They did in a plane crash.''

In shock the smaller girl covered her mouth. ''I am so sorry. I shouldn't have asked.''

''It's alright.'' Came the reply although you could clearly hear in the other's voice that it wasn't alright. Makoto seemed sad all of a sudden and it was all Michiru's fault.

''I am really sorry.'' Michiru repeated, standing up from the place she had been sitting on and walked over to the brunette. ''This is the second time today I've asked the wong question. From now on I promise, no more questions.''

''Don't worry Hime.'' Makoto said when she looked up. Their eyes met and for a moment they just stood there. Until Michiru blinked, blushed and looked away.

''I-if there's anything I can do.'' She whispered, feeling terrible for ruining the whole mood.

Makoto smiled a bit. ''You could tell me your real name.''

''Michiru, Michiru Kaioh.'' The aqua haired girl replied.

The brunette seemed to be thinking about it for a moment. As if she was deciding whether she liked the name or not. ''It fits you.'' She finally said. ''A beautiful girl and a beautiful name.''

The other blushed before smacking the taller woman playfully. ''You flirt.'' She giggled.

''You shy girl.'' Makoto stated, repeating Michiru's answer. ''So tell me Michiru...'' Before the brunette even got the chance to ask anything else the door to the livingroom opened. Again the moment was ruined. Both girls looked up at the person in the doorway. Because there was hardly any light in the room it took Michiru some time to realize who the intruder was. Makoto seemed to have noticed it just a bit earlier.

''Ami...'' She whispered before suddenly the lights got switched on.

The blue haired girl stood in the door way with a pained expression on her face. ''So I break up with you and you already decide to date someone else... you?'' Ami yelped when she finally recognized the aqua haired girl from yesterday.

''Why are you here in the first place?'' Makoto hissed. She seemed to be angry with the girl in the doorway. ''I thought you never wanted to see me again.''

A tear rolled down the blue haired girl's face. ''I changed my mind. I was angry when I broke up with you. After listening to all your explanations you left on my answering machine I decided that I had been too quickk with judging you. But now, you've proven me wrong once again.''

''This isn't anything like that...'' Michiru wanted to say more but shut her mouth again when Makoto took her hand in her own.

''Don't bother Hime.'' She finally said after giving the girl in the doorway an intense glare. ''She's doing it again. She always says she wants to change but here's the living proof that she doesn't even take the time to listen to what I have to say. Ami like you said last night, we're through. Over. Done. There's nothing between us anymore. I can date whoever I want now.''

''Mako!'' Ami yelled in frustration. ''You're being dramatic again! What else do you expect from me? I had expected to find you here, sitting on the couch or something. I hadn't been expecting this!'' With 'this' she meant Michiru. ''And then this stupid romantic atmosphere...candles, that meal... the lights turned down low...'' The girl seemed to have trouble finding the right words to go on. More tears had made their way down her cheeks.

''Ami stop it...'' Makoto pleaded when she noticed the uncomfortable look on Michiru's face.

''You used to do that for me. And only for me! You hardly know her!'' Ami was now crying openly.

Michiru closed her eyes for a moment. Maybe it was better to leave now. ''I think I'd better leave.'' She said, speaking her thoughts out loud. With that she let go of the brunette's hand and started to walk towards the doorway in which Ami still stood, sending the aqua haired girl a killer look.

''I think it's better if you do.'' Ami hissed, suddenly angry with Michiru.

Makoto didn't seem to agree with both of them. Quickly she jumped up from her seat when she noticed that Ami was about to slap the other girl. ''Ami, don't you dare to touch her!'' She warned her ex-girlfriend who pulled her hand back in shock. ''And Michiru, please don't leave. I know this must feel really awkward to you but I'd really like it if you stayed.''

With that she turned her attention to the bluenette. ''As for you,'' She stated. ''I want you to leave my house. And don't you dare to walk into my livingroom nor home again without ringing the doorbell and before I've given you permission to enter!''

''Mako... please can't we talk about this?'' The blue haired girl begged but Makoto's mind seemed to be set.

''No, you always want to talk after the damage is done. Well guess what Ami, time won't heal this damage anymore. Nothing will. We're through and that's your own fault. Not mine. I hope the next girl you date will have enough patience or else you'll be alone forever. You should atleast consider to change your ways.''

Ami clenched her fists. Makoto was openly insulting her in front of Michiru. ''Fine, I don't need you anyway! You're just a pain in the neck. You're a selfish twat who only cares for herself! You're a cheater and everyone knows it! Good luck with your new girlfriend!''

''Enough!'' Michiru finally yelled. She hadn't wanted to interfere with the fighting girls but this had to stop. ''You can't just walk into Makoto's house and start insulting her like that. You only accused her of being a cheater. That doesn't mean she really is. And I like her the way she is. Yesterday I had a whole different opinion about her after talking to her but she proved me wrong. She isn't as bad as you claim she is. Maybe you should shut your mouth for once and listen to what she wants to say. This world isn't about you!''

''Mi..chiru...'' Makoto stammered in shock, blushing slightly.

''Whatever.'' Ami shot back, turning around and walking out of the building. Closing the front door with a loud smack.

After that it stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. Then Michiru finally turned around with an expression on her face that Makoto couldn't quite explain. '' Third time I ruined the mood today.'' She sighed.

Makoto shook her head, walking up the the aqua haired girl. Slowly with some hesitation she put her hand on the smaller girl's shoulder causing the other to look up at her. ''You didn't ruin anything. If anyone is to blame for her behaviour it's me. I shouldn't have put up with it for that long. Actually I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me like that. Means a lot.''

An honest smile played on Michiru's lips. ''It was nothing. Not a word was a lie. I really meant what I said. I like you a lot Makoto. I think we'd make good friends.'' The taller woman nodded upon hearing that although she had to admit she prefered something else. The idea of being just friends with the smaller girl seemed to bother her in some weird kind of way.

Could it be that she was...

Falling in love with Michiru Kaioh?

To Be Continued...