Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K.Rowling, as you all know, not me.

A/N. This is my first "real" attempt at writing a story, so be nice! That being said, criticism is always welcome. It's a short chapter to start off with, but they will get longer.

Keep the Faith

Chapter 1

The cold weather seeped through the castle and everyone, teachers included, was bundled up in their warm cloaks and scarves. It was definitely the start of an early winter, and very symbolic of the general feeling going around. Ginny Weasley leaned against the stone wall in the entrance hall with Luna Lovegood. She tucked her red hair over one shoulder, stuffed her cold hands in her pockets and sighed. The two girls stood in companionable silence, which they did quite often these days. There was nothing cheerful to talk about. The castle seemed emptier than ever with Dumbledore gone; cold and empty. He had been the heart and soul of the school. And since there were only a miniscule number of students attending this year, Ginny felt lonely. None of her close friends in her year came back. She only had Neville and Luna, but even they reminded her that Harry was gone. She'd had no word from him since the summer, after Bill's wedding. Harry had ended their relationship and made it quite clear that she should get on with her own life, but Ginny couldn't go an hour without being constantly reminded of the horrible changes that had been made around her.

"Ginny?" She turned her head to look at Luna.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Are you okay?" Luna's blonde hair was tucked under a hat and she wore her old butterbeer cork necklace, which she fingered absentmindedly.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Why?"

"You have that look that you get whenever you're thinking about Harry, that's all." Ginny stared at Luna, slightly unnerved at how perceptive she was. "But if you're okay, then never mind." Ginny couldn't help but smile at Luna.

"No, you're right Luna. I was thinking about him." Her smile slipped and she glanced down. Does he ever think about me? Luna put her hand on Ginny's arm in comfort.

"Don't worry Ginny; I'm sure he misses you too."

"Yeah." All of the sudden Ginny felt like she needed air. "I think I'm going to go for a walk."


Ginny said goodbye to Luna and walked out the front doors.

Ginny walked slowly around the castle, over the frost-bitten grass, and made her way to the lone tree by the lake, where so many memories had taken place.

She remembered laying here with Harry, enjoying small moments together, doing homework with friends when the weather was nice. She sat down with her back against the tree and looked out to Dumbledore's white tomb, wondering just how long everyone would have to suffer, how many more happy endings would be destroyed before the war's end. Everyone seemed to have taken a part in this war … everyone but her; Harry, Hermione, and all of her brothers with the exception of Percy…everybody. Her mum and dad had immediately refused to let her help because they were concerned for her safety. She knew their argument back and forth, but it still angered her every time she'd think about it. She hated sitting on the sidelines just waiting for something to happen. Ginny sighed and closed her eyes.

She was sitting, enjoying the silence when a twig snapped behind her. Her eyes snapped open, and she heard it again. Ginny gasped, and turned her head back to see what it was.

A lone dark figure stood frighteningly close, and Ginny had to scramble to her feet before she could get a good look at him. Ginny reached for her wand, but found that it wasn't in its usual spot. She looked around quick to see if she'd dropped it.

The intruder laughed. A low, chilling voice; she knew that voice, but she could not tell who it was. Between his fingers, he twirled her wand with a careless expertise. "Looking for something?" Ginny's mouth dropped open slightly in disbelief. How had he done that? Quickly enough, she came to her wits.

"Give me back my wand." she demanded indignantly. More laughter; Ginny knew she knew the person's voice, but she couldn't place it, and it bothered her.

"No, I don't think I will." He slowly approached her, light shone on his face for a second under his dark cloak and Ginny gasped.

It was Draco Malfoy.

A million thoughts ran through her mind. Here was a boy that had almost killed Dumbledore, a boy that had not been seen since that night; a Death Eater. A strange feeling of hatred rushed through her.

"Malfoy." she muttered under her breath. Now that he was closer, she could see his features a little more clearly. He looked slightly different than she remembered. The malicious smirk was there, as was usual, but it was tainted with something else. She didn't know what.

"That's right Weasley" She felt a sudden chill of fear go up her spine.

"What do you want?"

"You. And you are going to come with me." he said venomously. "Now are you going to come willingly, or do I have to force you?" a hint of his old drawl shown through the menacing words, and Ginny saw a glimpse of the boy she knew at school.

What does he mean me? Ginny's eyes narrowed at the idea of him wanting her for sex or anything. That was completely absurd. Last time she'd seen him, he wouldn't have touched her with a pole. So what could he mean? Maybe he did want to hurt her. The look in his eyes betrayed nothing, and she unconsciously wrapped her arms around herself.

"Well that depends, I suppose." she said sarcastically. "What the bloody hell could you possibly want with me?" She suddenly felt brave. He didn't really seem that dangerous after all. Then again, he did have her wand.

He smirked at her, his clear grey eyes focusing in on hers. "I guess that means I have to force you?" Ginny rolled her eyes, saying nothing, thinking it not wise to let her mouth get ahead of her thoughts. He looked at her with that piercing look for so long that she grew impatient.

"Well?" she said. "You'd better tell me what you want, or I'm leaving, wand or not."

Draco's look turned stony. "Looks to me like you don't have much of a choice, Weasley. You won't like the answer, anyway." Ginny squinted her eyes in bewilderment at the comment. She huffed and gave him a dirty look, and turned around to try and just walk away from him.

"You're choice, Weasley." He said quietly and she turned around to look back at him, glaring.

The last thing she registered was the small movement of his wrist and a trickle of fear down her spine.

Everything turned black.