It had started to rain, which was odd as it was the middle of summer and when he had entered the Maze, Liam had not seen a cloud in the sky; He had been wondering aimlessly for about 2 hours now and keeping to the left had had no effect, he just wanted to leave. A sound behind him caused him to start and swing round, feet skidding in the mud, he turned to find a wall of crop where only a short while ago there had been the path. Backing away Liam wheeled round to run but fell short when he noticed her. She was but a spirit, a faint ghost glowing in front of him. She opened her mouth and a song more beautiful than anything he had heard before touched his ears, sounds rising and falling in pitch carrying him away from the rain and mud. A Body-less shadow content with the distraction reached out from the hedge and entered the human boy who was too absorbed in the song to notice his life drift away. Hair plastered to its host's head the boy spoke in a language not from earth, promising his angel a new life, a new life for their people.
"So, where d'you wanna go?" Said the Doctor turning to look at his companion.
"No idea…surprise me!" and grinning The Doctor turned to the control system to do just that.
A violent jerk sent both Companion and pilot sprawling across the floor and as was usual, both burst out laughing. Jumping to his feet first the Doctor held out a hand for Rose to take, and grabbing his long brown coat headed for the door.
Stepping out into brilliant sunshine the human and Time Lord looked around at the scenery, each yearning to know where it was they were.
They had landed in the middle of a field where the golden crop grew way above their knees and was all they could see left, right and behind them. Infront of them the field continued for a few meters before ending with an sudden drop. Walking to the edge they could see that they had parked on the brink of a shear and terrifying precipice which ended with sharp jagged rocks and large waves crashing around its base.
"Wouldn't you just love to fall down there?" remarked Rose sarcastically peering over the edge. The Doctor hooked one arm round her waist and pulled her back away from the drop and raised his eyebrows.
"Well don't go near the edge then." And he turned and walked back the way they had come.
Catching up with him Rose grabbed on to his arm and fell into step beside him.
"So… go on where are we?"
"Earth, early 21st century and we are going to a maize maze" he said grinning at her.
"A maze?"
"A maize maze"
"A maize maze?"
"Yup, a maze made of maize, great fun, designed by … Adrian Fisher, great chap, not the best dancer in the world, very tall." Rose just laughed at him and playfully knocked her head against his shoulder.
"What?" she just smiled at him and ran off, through the field of gold.
Puzzled the Doctor gave chase, 'humans' he thought 'they NEVER say what they're thinking.'